Welcome to Rudy's Toastmaster Web Site!


  • So What Is "Toastmasters"?
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  • The Toastmasters Ring First, as a former division governor, I thank you for stopping by to visit. I hope this site will start your interest in Toastmasters International.


    Glad you asked! Toastmasters International is a self-paced club providing tools that enable people to develop their communication skills. In Toastmasters, you learn by doing. You speak before a small group of people—who at first—you do not know. However, in a short time, you will become more and more comfortable talking in front of the group. Once you can speak before your club, making the transfer to talking before groups that are new will become easier and easier. You learn in comfortable surroundings, not in a sterile classroom environment.

    However, Toastmasters is not "Roastmasters." We do not train solely after dinner speakers. Other communication skills members improve are their presentation skillls, time management, evaluation skills, leadership skills, and self-confidence. For more information, check out Toastmasters International. For more information on District 66, check on their website.

    For any company, we help with the professional development your personnel. If you are interested, drop an e-mail giving a little detail of your company (or what you do) and what you would like to improve.

    The folowing links will open to web sites for more information on Toastmasters. You can find out about the Poquoson Toastmasters, my home club. The Windsor Toastmasters' Club Web Site is for my former club, located in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Other links will be provided below. Please let me know of ways of improving them. The other sites can also provide more information on an organization that has worked with over 3 million people around the world since 22 October 1924!

    Links to other sites on the Web

    Toastmasters International
    District 66 Web Site
    Poquoson Toastmasters Club (9038-66).
    Peninsula Area Speakers' (PAS 6460-66)
    Windsor Toastmasters (6416-28), Windsor, ON, Canada.

    Toastmasters International Disclaimer

    All rights are reserved. The names "Toastmasters International," "Toastmasters," and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada, and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

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    This site is under construction and subject to change. For more information, contact Rodolfo "Rudy" Moralez, Jr., ATM-S/CL.

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