Essay 13, Essayene the unread

From a greater distance, another layer of Truth appeared
Revealing a new, more fullfilling freedom via the power
of pure, transcendental, powerful music. Inspiration.
Within the cold blue light were born Estarius, Medallion and ZenRaven,
Oracles of the holographic celestium,
Masters of apperception and living testamonials to the
power of the holy spirit.

Their message was the same as the Music they had come to direct their enriched sutras toward.
For what they learned was that mankind was not even to its adolesence,
but only in its mistake riddled infancy, that the primary and secondary
existential truths were nothing close to what we had been led to believe.

Welcome to the Future, where anything is possible
Where everything has aleady occured.....

The lights dim, a Concert awaits thee.....
The Privilege is Yours.......awaken

Phantasm, aka Savant

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