Welcome to So Be It's Profile

Go farther if you want pictures.

There's absolutely no smoking in my room.

Last updated around April 1998
-with recent minor modifications-

     I, So Be It, the author and tenant of this site, suit#2038,
am a recent addition to the alumi of CSULA class of 97. I moved
into geocities on 3/31/98, and the site's been under
construction ever since with heavily fluctuating speed.

     I was born in the year of hare.  I like the nature and
knowledge in general, and enjoy many other fun features of the
world.  I believe in self-endorsement, yet don't believe in 
smoking, gambling, or cheating (just the personal preference).
I love gaining exposures to new fields of knowledge and hopefully
learning something new in the process.  My hobbies are

     And one of the most recently developed one would obviously
be the web browsing and webpage making.

     I love the outdoors, but it's time to do some work and
achieve my ambitions.

Unveil some more!

Favorite Professors

Dr. Stephen F. Felszeghy

Dr. P. Gold


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