Welcome to Carpe Diem!

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Somehow you have prodded in to So Be It's humble hideout.
This site is dedicated mainly to my friends and significant others.
I have gathered bits of info. as well as my personal insights for you, my visitors.
I hope you enjoy your stay.

-So Be It-
Last updated Sept. 16, 1999

Arena of Debates

We watch many people,too many people in fact, arguing over ethics.
Some plaintiffs at the courthouse pretend as if all they want is justice
while they are simply arguing over matters of their personal interests.
So, what is ethics? And can we define "justice"?

Further Debates on the Topic

Fantasy World

My Sweetest Memories

Story Library

Story Heaven

So Be It's Domain

Harnessing Science
Yes! Some people will find this being soporific, indeed. Perhaps, I need to enhance my writing.

Unveiling So Be It

Sites I found useful on the Web

Questions on Video Games?
How do I get there?
How much should I be making?
How much should I weigh?

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