Deep Answers

When you admit that life is pain, you are losing hope. Hope is life. If you are acting out living, without hope, you are without a soul; a perversion of life itself. You are then like a machine, or an outside entity playing a game in this realm, instead of living.
You have to always believe that love is coming, and you must grab a chance if you see it. When you have no hopes in this life, you turn to "other planes of existance", like the spirit world, gods, aliens, for some even science. People seek escape from this life in others. Hence comes the idea of reincarnation, eternal soul etc. But the truth is, we live only once; life is one brief momnent, one chance for happiness. Do you not seek love?
Maturity is the admittance of defeat, in today's world. As people mature, they slowly lose creativity, soul, hope... After maturity inevitably and eventually comes death!
Hinduism is the oldest known religion, and it states that life is suffering. That idea is imbedded in human culture. You live to achieve eternal peace, as a sacrifice for gods, etc. Religion does teach ethics,usually, but even religion is a substitute for true love for the whole world. In all people, there is part of us that always needs to love. When you think that life is suffering, you cannot love this world; so you love something without even knowing what it is (nobody ever defined God for all times). That something is outside this universe, it is unexplainable; it is just god. People truly need to love something.
Pain is nothing at all. It is just the absense of happiness. Darkness dissipates as light comes, but darkness can't drown out light, not ever. In darkness, in pain, wounds to the soul can hide, but pain itself always dissapears when love comes.
Do you not seek love?

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