SEE Canada

High School and TOEFL Preparation

    We, the founding directors of S.E.E. Canada are both experienced 
parents and teachers.   Our founding philosophy is based on the simple 
question,  " If we were sending our Children to your country,  what would 
we be concerned about of expect?  Our answer was as follows:
  1. Safety of our child.
  2. Does the quality of education meet ur standards?
  3. Will our child be accepted and supported by the host families?
       It is with these three founding points, that we proceeded and we 
    are confident that we have met and surpassed these three criteria.  
    Tirst, our communities are rural,  under 50,000, have federal R.C.M.P.
    detachhments and we have lived in them all our lives.  We are 
    confident that organized crime, drugs, etc. are not problems.
       Our combined educational and administrative expeienceof over 60 
    years shows us that our students fair well in the world marketplace.  
    We know that the educational system of Saskatchewan is as good as 
    any in the world.   Canada's reputation around the world as and open, 
    accepting and caring country speaks to or acceptance of children from 
    any part of the world as our own.  
                     We welcome you to Canada.




    For more information or Registration please contact:

    © 1997 Norman Overland

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