Make evil - know malicious.

Many, speaking about humanity, think on itself.

Life gravity - death is lovely.

Bad near to good, good - with bad.

Yesterday I have died, today I dying, I shall die and tomorrow.

Life has bored - death has overcome.

Death - refuge of life.

It is heavy to die all life, not knowing death.

Kill in itself all.

Life - my prison, death - my refuge.

Stop in vanity, look in soul: who you, what for live, when you die?

Burn soul on fire of sufferings.

Feel - means suffer.

If you think, its a head?

Know less - better sleep.

Consider itself alive - is dead for the world this.

Grief - way of calm.

Be pleased by grief - the pleasure is close.

Suffer - clear soul of desires.

Look on the people - people do not see.

The slave of the world is adhered to the world.

If you had desire, - means, deserve punishment.

The desire suffers, and you are tormented.

Divided joy - a double pleasure, divided grief - a half of consolation.

Are tormented - study.

New tries, old is updated.

Live for a body - is dead for itself.

Alive dies, dead comes alive.

Having lived for the people - is dead for itself, is dead for the people - having lived for itself.

Material wealth burdens soul and deprives its rest.

Fate your always with you.

Pleased - deprive rest.

