Hi, welcome to my guestbook. Please feel free to sign in, it's not required but i would appreciate it if you would.Thanks again!
christina king - 01/20/99 18:13:20
My Email:ck1220@juno.com
Favorite Colors: blue green
Favorite Movies: ?????
Favorite Online Games: chess
Favorite Quote: see you later alligator after while crocidille
Favorite Home Team: Wildcats
Favorite Memory: My Husband
| Comments:
Na na ananananananannna nana na
my page i do what i please
no one comes here anyway
oh well back to class
bye peoples!!!!!
Steve Williams - 01/11/99 16:33:44
My Email:stevie_d_64@yahoo.com
Favorite Colors: Blue (again)
Favorite Movies: Same as above...
Favorite Online Games: Not anymore (gotta do real work)
Favorite Quote: "Are you Yelling at me?" (author unknown)
Favorite Home Team: Aeros - of course!
Favorite Memory: The girl really kissed me back!
| Comments:
Hi again,
We need pics! Mine pics to you are on the way soon. My Dalmatian is such a Ham!
Me, on the other hand, am jus' to shy! (yeah right!)
Have a great Day!
Michelle - 12/28/98 04:25:04
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Mishi81592/Lobo.html
My Email:mishi81592@aol.com
Favorite Colors: Purlpe and Hunter green
Favorite Movies: Titanic, Bad Boys, Dances with wolves
Favorite Online Games: don't have one
Favorite Memory: My niece :)
| Comments:
Just thought I'd sign your book, since you signed mine! Thanks again for visiting my page
peter - 12/22/98 06:02:30
My Email:doris@ezy.net.au
Favorite Colors: red, sky blue
Favorite Movies: last of the mohicans, when harry met sally,
Favorite Quote: bite me, if you can't make up your mind, come back when you can. (to my customers at the music shop)
Favorite Home Team: sydney swans, st george
Favorite Memory: my father
| Comments:
about xmas presents;
if you don't already know what you are getting
it's not worth getting
how about some pictures
you could e-mail me
get out pure moods II and into some real music
try jeff buckley if you want to chill out.
David Martin - 12/22/98 00:47:50
My Email:DTMartin2@juno.com
Favorite Colors: red
Favorite Movies: The Santa Claus
Favorite Online Games: N-64
Favorite Quote: raise hand
Favorite Home Team: Texas Rangers
Favorite Memory: going water skiing
| Comments:
I know I am your brother but why so you have to start your own web page. Please write back to me and tell me how you so it.
Steve - 12/18/98 04:47:30
My Email:stevie_d_64@yahoo.com
Favorite Colors: Blue
Favorite Movies: Forrest Gump, Long Kiss Goodnight, to name a few..
Favorite Online Games: Chess, "e-mail"
Favorite Quote: Socrates, "I drank what?"
Favorite Home Team: Aeros (IHL Hockey)
Favorite Memory: My first real kiss! (with a real girl!)
| Comments:
Thanks for your candidness, feel free to write me anytime you want, ok?
Peter Anderson - 12/17/98 07:03:14
My Email:solvang_peter@yahoo.com
Favorite Colors: Navy Blue white
Favorite Movies: Titanic
Favorite Online Games: Chess
Favorite Quote: Don't know what you have till it is gone
Favorite Home Team: Santa Ynez Pirate (hs)
| Comments:
grandmom2000 - 12/16/98 20:35:37
My Email:ecurry@delanet.com
Favorite Colors: blue
Favorite Movies: action
Favorite Memory: 25 wedding anniversary
| Comments:
Hi snowdragon,
I just visited your site, I hope your bread turns out. I am impressed!!!!
SHRINKMAN7 - 12/13/98 04:04:39
Favorite Colors: GREEN
Favorite Movies: GONE WITH THE WIND
Favorite Online Games: CHESS
Favorite Quote: THAT'S THE TICKET
Favorite Home Team: HMMMM
Favorite Memory: .....
| Comments:
Snowdragon19 - 12/12/98 16:46:57
My URL:http://you.are.right.here.
My Email:spicyice@hotmail.com
Favorite Colors: blue and white
Favorite Movies: The Lion King
Favorite Online Games: chess
Favorite Quote: i forgot
Favorite Home Team: Wildcats? Nah, Cleveland Indians!
Favorite Memory: My parents, and my husband (even though he is strange sometimes)
| Comments:
Ok so this page will work after all! Special thanks to the Evil Penquin and his special secret hoard of penquins just like himself carrying out evil and good deeds everywhere!
Evil Penguin - 12/12/98 07:16:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/6140/
My Email:the_evilpenguin@yahoo.com
Favorite Colors: hmmm.... me
Favorite Movies: going to see the new star trek movie tomorrow.. maybe.. if i decide not to study for FINALS
Favorite Online Games: Quake2
Favorite Quote: someday when the sky is red... and the moon is purple... and the stars are green... someday...
Favorite Home Team: none
Favorite Memory: hmmmm.. well.. the time i was prime minister of antarcitica
| Comments:
cool.. the Evil Penguin is the first to sign this guestbook... hahahahahaha
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