He needs you to stay, with him for a while.
To watch you play, to see your sweet smile.
I’ll never forget you, in my heart you will be.
And no one can ever take that from me.
So be good my little angel and please don’t cry.
Because grandma will never say goodbye.
Together forever, You and I.
Do you believe in angels
That never take a break,
That keep you safe from harm
Each moment you're awake?
Do you believe in angels
That are waiting to appear,
At just the right time,
That long to hold you near?
Do you believe in angels
That take you by the hand,
And walk along beside you
Until you reach the promise land?
Do you believe in angels
That grow close to your heart,
And nothing in the world
Could tear that love apart?
Do you believe in angels
Who are poeple in disguise,
And every time you look
You see Heaven in their eyes?
Do you believe in angels
Who suffer when you grieve,
And feel all your emotions?
Yes, I believe!!!
You didn't agree with all
the things that she did.
But you know, that she
was just a kid.
You stood beside her through
right or wrong.
Your strength is what kept
her growing strong.
She grew up real nice how
proud you would be.
You would tell people"well,
She's just like me".
I didn't know you but I
sure wish I did.
Because you raised one "Hell"
of a kid.
Mother-always giving away a piece of her heart.
Friend-never looses the love that she holds.
Mother-always forgiving the wrongs that are done.
Friend-never rejects an attempt for what's right.
Mother-always holding out a hand to hold.
Friend-never letting go even when slipping apart.
Mother-always willing to give everything possible.
Friend-never refusing to help even when one is unable to ask.
Mother or Friend? Friend or Mother?
Not one or the other; not choosing one of the two.
My Mother is my Friend; and my Friend is my Mother.
You see, these walls I have around me
have been stacked and carefully lain
by the ones who took advantage
and have caused me so much pain.
I'm afraid of being loved
and then getting hurt again,
but how can I fight a feeling
when I'm sure I can not win.
But now you've come along tearing
the walls down once again.
Now I'm not so afraid to give
up and let love win.
My guards are slowly falling
each time you pull me near
and I wonder if I could find
the love I'm needing here.
Here in your heart
your feeling in disguise.
Can you see my feelings
when you look into my eyes?
It's like you see the emotions
that I keep locked up deep inside.
I think you can see right through me,
I think you can read my mind.
I don't have to say a thing
for the words that are hard to find.
You know exactly how I feel
when you look into my eyes.
I've been holding on to a
fairy-tale wanting nothing more.
Now I have you and you're
all I've been waiting for.
So, if it ever seens like there's
something I'm needing to say
please know that I am trying
to tell you in some way.
It may not be by words
that are meant to mezmorize.
Just take me by my hand
and look into my eyes.
Like a cool spring breeze,
You send chills down my spine.
When your hands meet my skin
It happens every time,
And every time the morning dew
Kisses each flower at dawn,
I think about your kiss
That keeps me going all day long.
When I see the rising sun,
I think of your comforting eyes,
And just every morning you
Bring brightness in my life.
I think of your warm smile
On a hot summer day,
They both take away my breath
And bring refreshment on the way.
When the evening sunset
Fades into the sky.
I think of your loving heart
And it makes me want to cry.
When I'm wrapped up in your arms
And I see the stars above,
I know everything is in place
And all is filled with love.
When the midnight moon
Sends down it's peacefull glow,
I wonder how I found
Love to grow with in my soul.
A cool spring breeze,
Morning dew on the way,
A rising sun,
A warm summer day,
An evening sunset,
With the stars above,
A midnight moon,
And a lot of LOVE.