Please Be Patient While This Page it takes a while to load. All of my awards are very special to me. I have three awards pages.
My Awards Page(1)
I'm thankful to the people that have bestowed these awards upon me. I must be doing something right!
my award from:
Angela is very spiritual and inspirational. She has one of the most beautiful sites you'll ever see, if you like angels!
These awards are from:

AngelHeart's fantasy site is filled with heart-touching warmth and love!
My award from:
James and Ness has a great web page. You would love them as much as I do.
My award from:
Linda has a wonderful web site and if you need help, just call on her. She's a great friend.
My award from:
Pandora's got a great fantasia site and a lot of graphic links.
My award from:
You will love this site, so check it out!
My award from:
Marie has some beautiful backgrounds sets, so please go see what she has. You will love them for sure!
My award from:
Sweetlover's site is very beautiful and lovely and if you have a sweetheart you need to see is site.
My award from:
Suemuffin has a very cute site.
My award from:
This one is a day care, so please go and see what the kids do there and sign the guestbook. The children love for people to come visit.