A Little Bit About Me!!
I'm 5'1" tall, blonde (natural), blue eyed, 37 years old, and weigh 140 pounds. I have two great sons, Joshua and Isaiah. Josh is 22, 6'3" and Ike is 21, 5'9". Their pictures are on my "Family Photos" page.
I was born in Chicago, Illinois on March 20, 1963. I have spent all but two years of my life in Tennessee.
I'm single. Been married and divorced (been there-done that)!!!!
As you can tell, I love Angels. They are very beautiful, loving, and caring creatures. They are with us every day and night, even in our sleep. If you need someone to talk to, call on them and they will always be there for you. My Angels are dedicated to my two grandbabies Desiree, Dakota (Cody) and Caylin.
I have worked at the Milan Army Ammunition Plant since 1982 (18 years).
I'm a proud Grandmother or (Nanna) of a baby "Girl" on July 9, 2000 at 7:46am and weighed at 7lbs..7ozs and 18 1/2 ins long..Her name is Caylin Grace Kyle. She makes three. We lost our first one May 16, 1997, her name was Desiree Liege Kyle and our second one was a boy. His birthday is April 5, 1998, and weighed at 4lbs..11ozs. and 21ins. long at 1:42 pm. They are my little Angels!!!!!!!! His name is Dakota Lynn Kyle. There will be pictures up soon of them!!
My interests are: angels, decorating, and computers.
I'm dating a man I love with all my heart and soul, he is my life. He is 6'4'' and weigh 230 pounds. His name is Doug and he is very special to me.
Thanks again to Diva KrystalWings who designed the triple border angel pages. She is so talented too. "Thank You and I Love You "
Comforting Angels