I cook my favorite dishes!
As every one knows, mythological characters Nala and Bhima who were very famous
for their cooing abilities are men!. It is always men who excel in cooking though they
do not prefer cooking regularly (men are a bit lazy you know)
From my childhood, I liked sweets, and was curious to know the way to prepare
them. My mother encouraged me and now I can prepare a varities of sweets
(Laddu, Mysorepak, Sajjappam, Kesari, Appam, Boondi etc. in sweets; Dibarotte,
Vada, Pakoda etc. in hots).
However, I do not prefer cooking regular items (like curries and rice).
I believe every man should learn a bit of cooking, if not to cook, to find out
flaws in other's (specially wife's) cooking.
Want to know about any of the dishes mentioned above?
You can reach me at

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