Astrology is a probablistic Science

My father is a reknown astrologer in our native place. He made several successful predictions. So, naturally my elder brother and myself were interested in astrology and started learning it. As we are in the process of learning, we are conviced about the scientific nature of astrology though not deterministic.

This particular realisation, made us study different methods and schools of astrology with a critics eye and open mindedly. Astrology is an ocean of theoris. Fundamental qualities required for an astrologer are open mindedness, intutivity, and a logical brain. It is really unfortunate that any damn person can claim himself an astrologer with out knowing the fundamentals of astrologer. It is persons like this who are making astrology look like a superstition. People contacting astrologers must keep this in mind. The one he/she is contacting may be a fake astrologer. I am not suggesting that one should not contact astrologers, but, while doing so, one must remember the possibility of the so called astrologer a fake. So, one should never bank on astrology but on his own course of action and abilities. I STRONGLY BELIEVE (for that any palmist) THAT ONE CAN SIGNIFICANTLY CHANGE ONE'S FUTURE BY ONE'S STRONG WILL AND EFFORT!!

I fololow Sree Krishna Murthy Paddthati, Jaimini principles, Ashtsaka Varga and follow trasits while making predictions. I use Vimsotthari, Yogini and Jaimini Chara Dasa. I also use annual charts for making predictions.


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