Hellas Greece's Principal cities,Religion,Population,Language & Education

Principal Cities

the most important city is athens it is also the largest and the capital of Hellas Greece.It's population in 1991 was 748,110.
Piraievs is the largest seaport in Hellas Greece. with a population of 169,622. Piraievs is located in Athens.
Thessaloniki is an important textileenter with a population of 377,951.
Patri is a major sea port that is located in the northern part of Peloponnisos. it has 155,180 inhabitants. other large cities are iraklion (117,167), and larisa (113,426).


The Principal Religion are followers of Orthodox Church of Greece which is 98% of the population of Greece.
the rest of the mere 2% of the population includes
Musslims, Romans Catholics, Protestants, and Jews.


The population of Greece is about 98% ethnic Greek. About 1% of the population is classified by the Greek Government as Muslims.Most of the Muslims are of turkish descent.About 100,000 Muslims live in Thrace.The remainder of the population includes people of Slavic, Albanian, & Armenian descent, as well as Vlachs, a people who speak romanian dialect.


The great mojority of the population of Greece speak Modern Greek.
THe vernacular Morden Greek Language and language of popular literature is demotike, as opposed to
Katharevousa, a more formal modern Greek or Purist Greek. Demotike became the offical
language of greece by an act of parliament in 1976.It is used by the government, the
newspapers,and educational institutions.Great differences exist between the language of the
educated classes and that used by the majority of the people.English and French are widely


education is free in greece for children ages 6 to 15.In 1928, some 40 percent of the population aged 15 and older were illierate. by the mid-1990s the illiteracy.

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