Natural Resources, Environmental Problems, Plants and Animals

Environmental Problems

In 1970 in Greece industry grew very fast which results to heavy air pollution.Which is a big problem in Athens the goverenment called 19 air pollution emergencies in between the year 1982 and 1989. The air pollution has caused alot of respiratory problems. Not only does this Problem cause respiratory problems but it also the smog erodes marble and other stones and has pocked and discolored many of greece's statues and monuments.Recent Efforts have reduced air pollution. Water pollution is also a problem.
Plants And Animals

Greece has a great diversity of vegation. From sea level to an elevation of about 460m (about 1500 ft),Oranges, Olives,Dates,Cotton,Pomegranates,Figs, & Tobacco are grown. From about 400 to 1500 m ft deciduous and evergreen forests are found, where oak,black pine,chestnut,beech and sumac grow..Tulips,Hyacinths and laurel are also founded there.Firs and such wild flowers as anemone and cyclamen are found above 4000 ft. and mosses and lichens predominate above about 5000 ft.

the animals include boar,European black bear, lynx, jackal, chamois, deer, fox, badger, & weasel.
Birds are the hawk, pelican, egret, phaesant, patridge, nightingale, turtledove, & stork

Natural Resources
Greece is poorly endowed with natural resources of economic value. Only 23 percent of the land is arable; the rest consists mostly of barren mountains. The forests, probably abundant in ancient times, have to great extent been depleted. Subsequent soil erosion* has made reforestation efforts difficult. Greece has little black coal, and its lignite is of poor quality. The country does have significant petroleum and natural gas deposits, however. They are located under the Aegean sea,near the island of Thasos. The deposits of bauxite and iron ore arre rich in metal content, but the reseves of other commercially important minerals, such as chromium, nickel, copper, uranium, and magnesium, are relatively small. Although the waters surrounding the country are inhabited by a large number and variety of fish, only a relatively few species are plentiful.


The soil in Greece is mostly very rocky and very dry, but the country is interspersed with small valleys where the soils are rich in the Meditteranean terra rosa, or red earth, variety.

*If you want to know a little more about soil erosion check my link list below. For the soil erosion Link. thank you.

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