Hellas Greece's Forestry and fishing, mining Manufacturing,Energy page

Foestry and Fishing

The Greek goverment owns about two thirds of the forestland and has taken stepos to replace the trees that were destroyed during WW2. About 2.4 million cu m(about 85 cu ft) of roundwood were cut annually in the early 1900s. Fishing is limited. In the early 1990s the annual catch amounted to about 149,000 metric tons, Most of which was consumed within Greece. Sponges are the leading marine commodity produced for export.


Although mining is of relatively little importance to the Greek economy, a considerable variety of mineral deposits is exploited. The approximate annual output of minerals (in metric tons) in the early 1990s included lignite, 51.9 million; bauxite, 2.5 million; iron ore, 1 million; and magnesite, 900,000.Petroleum, salt, chromium, silver, zinc, and lead were also produced.


About 19% of the labor force is engaged in manufacturing, which contributes 15% of annual GDP. The leading fabricated items include food, basic metals and metal products, refined petroleum, and machinery and transportation equipment. Athens is the leading manu facturing center.


About 90% of Greece's electricity is produced in thermal facilities burning lignite or refined petroleum, and the rest is generated in hydroelectric installions, which are mainly situated on the Akheloos River in the pindus Mountains.In the early 1990s Greece had an istalled electricty-generating capacity of about 10.5 kilowatts, and annual production was some 35 billion kilowatt-hours. < /center>

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