Rudyard Kipling
-- Click on Picture for Biography --
If any one would like to submit their one writings/works to this page kindly e-mail them to me.You do not have to be an expert writer - anything you have written - maybe for your paper / just as a hobby or for interest will work great. All work will be credited to their respective authors. !!!!! New information will benefit a lot of users like you !!!!! - Send mail to |
Submitted Works
Stories - thanks to Bob Albano |
Full Text of the following Poems is available
The Last Department | |
The Ballad of the East and West | |
If | |
The Female of the Species | |
Recessional | |
The White Man's Burden |
- categorized by three periods of his life showing the development of his writings skills and how they change with changing cirucmstances.
Period - analysis of : Reading the will, Mandalay, The Last Department, & Ballad of the East and West |
Period - analysis of : Recessional, If, & White Man's Burden |
Period - analysis of : The Female of the Species, Hymn to Physical Pain, Hymn of Breaking Strain |
- a conclusion about his life and work
- other available resources on the web
- resources I used to create this website. A good starting place to get more information for your own research.
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This page was updated on 05/15/99 02:48 PM
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