Current Quapaw Government Information
 Tribal Government
The Quapaw Business Committee of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahome consists of the following:
			Chairman: Ed Rodgers
			Vice Chairman: Lloyd Buffalo
			Secretary-Treasurer: Harry Gilmore
			Committee members:
						Jess McKibben
						Kim Carrigan
						Shirley Payton
						Flossie Matthews
			Administrative Assistant: Debbie Wray
			Mailing Address:
						P.O. Box 765
						Quapaw, OK 74354
			Street Address:
						5681 S 630 Rd.
						Quapaw,OK 74354
			Phone: (918) 542-1853
			Fax: (918) 542-4694
Tribal Council Meetings
			General Council: Annual Meeting on July 4th
			Business Committee Meetings: Monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday of every month
Tribal Election of Chair

			Tribal Elections are held during the Quapaw General Council Meeting on July 4th
Elected term of office is 2 years
Next tribal election will be held on July 4th, 2000
			Chairman: Term expires July 2000
			Vice Chairman: Term expires July 2001
			Secretary Treasurer: Term expires July 2000
			Committee members:
						#1 - term expires July, 2001
						#2 - term expires July, 2001
						#3 - term expires July, 2000
						#4 - term expires July, 2001