This Week 1/22/01 20 things at 20
Weeks of Future Past Return to the greater Solipsistic Retreat
Some of you might remember when there was a different introduction here. Some of you might not. The rest of you probably accidently found your way here while doing a search for atomic monkey toasters. To you, I say yikes! But most of you have been here before, and therefore know me. Or at least you think you do. And so you're sitting there, listening to your naughty pirated music and saying to yourself "Hey, I wonder why this place hasn't been updated since the fall of Carthage?" To you, I say yikes! After getting over your hyperbole, I rethink things and say Good Question. I want everyone (even the monkey people) to know that the absence of fresh, yummy text here is entirely the fault of GeoCities and Yahoo!. I'm not shouting, that's just the name of the company. For reasons known only to preppy Stanford graduates with perky stock options, GeoCitiesYahoo! Inc. decided that it would make things better somehow to trick long standing pageowners into thinking that their pages had been lost and they needed to start new ones. I avoided filling out their little form as a kind of social protest, or so I like to tell myself. But tonight I took the plunge, discovered the horrible charade YahooCities!? had played upon me, and then scrapped my old introduction in favor of this new and improved one, which I'm glad you're bothering to read. The list of things that used to be here is now gone, because it was flawed and inacurate and, worst of all, out of date. There will not be a new one.