You're confused.

It isn't your fault. You came to the Retreat looking for a nice relaxing website designed to cater to your wants and needs and desires. You've come to the right place, believe me.

And yet, something is wrong. There's a tiny voice buzzing in your ear. "How am I supposed to get around in here? I don't think I follow. What's what? Who's who?" It is time to silence that voice.

The Solipsistic Retreat is my site. Who am I? My name is Simon. Simon Sizer. I am very pleased to meet you, unless I have already met you, in which case welcome back. What follows is a rough description of the content and purpose of each section of the Retreat.

Explanations: The part of the site where things are explaned. You happen to already be there. Good job!

Philosophy: This section is empty. Eventually, it will include such nice things as philosophical links, a calm room for you to contemplate your own existance, and whatever other philosophical things I happen to put there.

Interest: On some sites, this might be labeled "Miscellaneous". But what is the study of miscelleny if not the exploration of that which intrigues us? Interest contains those things I create which are specifically about things, usually things I happen to like. I will tell you about the wonderful albums you must purchase in this section, for instance.

Function: I write, occasionally. Sometimes I write fiction and poetry. Most of it is very bad. But it is here for you to read anyway. Also, you can track the progress of my writing projects here, if you care to do so.

Imagination: I do not know what goes here. You would think that my stories and poems would, but no. It is a mystery. Right now the first page of something related to Star Trek is there. Star Trek is a television program that appeals to those who are different. But that stuff will be moved, soon. What will remain? Who can say.

Shadow: Fun things to download can be found here. Maybe even links to other sites. We'll see.

What's New?: Remarkably self explanatory.

Poodles and Other Reminders of our Mortality: This is a sort of semi-regular column which is about whatever I choose it to be. Sometimes there will be new things to read here, and they will be funny or touching and you should read them. Click on the oddly shaped head beneath the map to get there.

Space: This is not part of my site. It is part of CNN's site. I do not understand why this confuses you. The Law and Travel sections are not part of my site either.

Let us now return to the world brimming with knowledge!