Compiled on stardate 57023 through the office of Rear Admiral Coruca.
Since first contact in 2365, the Borg have become one of the most unique and deadly entities ever encountered by the Federation. They remain the only example of a multispecies hivemind in the known galaxy. Of the origin of the Borg, we can only speculate.
Far better understood is their current motive. In their own words, the Borg seek to assimilate a species’ “biological and technological distinctiveness” into their hive mind. By doing so, they gain all the knowledge and technology belonging to a civilization. The Borg have assimilated thousands of species, at a conservative estimate. To confront the Borg is to confront the combined power of all of their vicitims.
The Borg have invaded Federation space twice, along with a handful of other minor encounters between Borg scout vessels and Starfleet ships. The First Borg Incursion, beginning on stardate 43989, was marked by the Battle of Wolf 359. To this date, it remains the most onesided battle Starfleet has ever fought. Even during the Dominion War, the worst losses were tempered by at least some damage to the enemy. The Borg cube at Wolf 359 suffered no damage, and annhilated 39 ships in a matter of minutes. It was only through the efforts of the USS Enterprise, specifically data related by Picard/Locutus, that the Borg were prevented from assimilating Earth.
For the Second Borg Incursion on stardate 50893, Starfleet was much better prepared. Even so, our best efforts failed to stop the cube before it could reach the Sol System. Again, only through special information held by Captain Picard were the Borg defeated.
In both instances, the Borg sent only one ship. Should a third incursion involve more than one vessel, or worse an entire fleet, we cannot trust Picard’s knowledge of the Borg to save us. In recognition of that fact, this report seeks to detail everything currently known about the Borg, in the hopes of developing new defenses against them.
Information is divided into four general catagories: