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The Era of Teddy Roosevelt


I. Alfred Thayer Mahan

II. Pacific Expansion = New Manifest Destiny

A. Midway (1867) - where US defense begins

B. Crisis of the Flag Pole , 1889

C. Hawaii - (run by Henry + Sanford Dole)

D. Wake Island - 1899, 1 mi by 1.5 mi

III. Spanish-American War Causes

A. 1896 Election

-McKinley the Republican expansionist defeated WJ Bryan the Democrat who said "We stop at water's edge"

B. Cuban Revolt 1896 - Cuba is ruled by Spain at the time

C. How do we get involved

1. Yellow Journalism

  • Hearst vs Pulitzer
  • they exagerate Spain's atrocities to sell more papers
  • they each sell over 1 million papers per day
  • 2. Remember the Maine - Feb 15, 1898

    3. de Lome Telegram -he was a Spanish ambassador to the US

    4. War will be good for Republicans

    -1898 elections + for McKinley will be up for re-election in 1900

    D. War is Declared - April 25, 1898 with an amendment added

    -Teller amendment = the US isn't allowed to take Cuba after the war


    IV. The War - most Americans died of disease

    A. The Philippines

    B. Puerto Rico - called the Picnic

    C. Cuba


    V. Treaty of Paris, Dec 10 1898

    ** Platt Amendment 1901 put in Cuban Constitution allows the US to interefere in Cuba + gives US 99 year lease to Guantanamo Bay

    VI. TR

    A. Background - childhood asthma, Harvard graduate, police commissioner, governor of New York, historian, conservationalist, boxer, wrestler, rancher

    B. Election of 1900 - rematch of McKinley and Bryan

  • TR is added to McKinley's ticket as VP by Mark Hanna (McKinley campaign chairman)
  • Hanna hopes to never hear from TR again this way
  • C. McKinley's Assassination - Sept 7, 1901 in Buffalo

    • Hanna: "My God! That @## Cowboy is now President"
    • TR became the youngest president in history
    • he was very popular and easily won the election of 1904

    D. Various facts about TR as President

  • created 5 National parks + 50 bird sanctuaries
  • set aside 148 million acres
  • he started the FDA
  • the NCAA credits TR as its founding father (TR called for a conference on college football)
  • the Teddy Bear is named after TR
  • he is one of 4 presidents carved in Mt. Rushmore
  • VII. The Big Stick - TR's foreign policy, he believed in Monroe Doctrine

    -however, he was only US president with 0 military deaths

    1. Venezuela Crisis -Germany sends ships to collect debts, TR puts Dewey on alert, Germans went home
    2. Cuba - sent in Marines to put down a revolt, made Taft the temporary Governor
    3. Dom-Republic -sent in Marines + took over the customs office + forced them to pay debts to Europe
    4. Panama Canal

    F. Roosevelt Corollary - sort of an addition to the Monroe Doctrine

    -US will act as International Police (see Big Stick examples 1-3)


    VIII. Japan

    A. First Sino-Japanese War - 1894-95

    B. Russo-Japanese War (TR is delighted)

    C. Treaty of Portsmouth

    D. Taft/Katsura Agreement 1905

    E. Gentlemen's Agree 1906 (not a treaty)

    *TR sends telegram to governor of California, Mayor of San Francisco, + president of San Francisco school board, threatens to declare martial law + hang board pres

    F. Root/Takahira Agreement 1908 (not a treaty)

    G. Great White Fleet - sending the Big Stick out on a world tour


    IX. Taft

    A. Election of 1908

    B. Taft angers TR

    1. environment - offers to sell forest land
    2. Japan - some of Taft's friends want to build a RR in Manchuria

    C. The boss is back


    X. Election of 1912

    A. TR runs

  • TR won nearly every state primary, including Taft's home state of Ohio
  • Taft controlled credentials at the Republican convention + kept some of TR's delegates out, Taft won the nomination by cheating
  • B. Bull Moose Party

  • TR refused to give up and ran with the Progressive Party
  • TR gave the party the nickname of Bull Moose
  • Bull Moose Party issues were 1. Women's vote 2. Minimum wage 3. End of child labor
  • C. Wilson - was the Democrat's candidate

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