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The Era of Teddy Roosevelt
I. Alfred Thayer Mahan
- wrote the Influence of Sea
Power Upon History, 1890, study of English navy
- to be great, you must act
greatly (build a strong navy)
- we must make a merchant
fleet, back it up w/navy
- Pacific should be our lake
- we should have stepping
stones (islands) to China (myth)
- Mahan got seasick every time
he got on a ship
II. Pacific Expansion = New
Manifest Destiny
A. Midway (1867) - where US defense begins
B. Crisis of the Flag Pole , 1889
- we get an agreement for a
naval base on Pago Pago
- Germany wants a base too,
raises German flag, we take it down etc
- Germany sends ships, we send
our 3, Britian sends 35 to see what's happening
- in March a typhoon hits, all
ships sink
- negotiations: we get Pago
Pago + call it American Somoa
C. Hawaii - (run by Henry +
Sanford Dole)
- 1884 we lease Pearl Harbor,
no tariff on sugar at that time
- 1890 McKinley Tariff will
wreck Hawain economy
- revolt backed by Doles +
others overthrows Queen Lil
- President Cleveland refused
to annex, but it was annexed in 1898
D. Wake Island - 1899, 1 mi by
1.5 mi
III. Spanish-American War
A. 1896 Election
-McKinley the Republican expansionist defeated
WJ Bryan the Democrat who said "We stop at water's edge"
B. Cuban Revolt 1896 - Cuba is
ruled by Spain at the time
- low sugar prices start it
- Cuba is ruled by Valeriano
"The Butcher" Weyler
C. How do we get involved
1. Yellow Journalism
Hearst vs Pulitzer
they exagerate Spain's atrocities to sell more papers
they each sell over 1 million papers per day
2. Remember the Maine - Feb 15,
- our top ship was paying a "goodwill
visit" in Havana Harbor
- an explosion sinks the ship, over 200 Americans die
- investigation shows Spain
did it
- but the ship is towed away to deeper waters in 1911
3. de Lome Telegram -he was a
Spanish ambassador to the US
- sent a telegram to a friend
in Cuba saying that McKinley would not declare war because he had no backbone
- TR had said the same thing
- telegram was intercepted +
given to Hearst (what will he do)
4. War will be good for
-1898 elections + for McKinley
will be up for re-election in 1900
D. War is Declared - April 25,
1898 with an amendment added
-Teller amendment = the US isn't
allowed to take Cuba after the war
IV. The War - most
Americans died of disease
A. The Philippines
- Assistant Secretary of the
Navy TR orders Commodore Dewey to take his fleet from
China if the US declares war
- Dewey destroys the Spanish fleet in
a few hours, eats his breakfast on the ship, w/no loss of
US lives
- Wesley D. Merrit takes city
of Manila with 11,000 troops
B. Puerto Rico - called the
- Nelson Miles was stunned to see
kids waving US flags on the docks
- 3 Americans die, 1 fell
overboard, 2 others shot selves with victory cannon
C. Cuba
- hardest thing about winning
here was getting here (took 3 months to get enough ships
- General Shafter had 17,000
men, won the battle of Santiago with little resistance
- TR quit his job as Assistant Secretary of Navy to get into
the action
- TR recruited the Rough Riders (polo
players, cowboys + Indians)
- TR led the Rough Riders on charge up Kettle Hill
- TR called it the "Only
war we had"
- wrote an article which was nicknamed
"Alone in Cuba" in The Outlook
V. Treaty of Paris, Dec 10
- US gets Puerto Rico, Guam, +
the Philippines
- US will assume $20 m in
Spanish debt (to not rub it in, etc)
- Dole boys + many Congressmen
don't like annexation of Philippines (Why?)
- Philippines, etc will be
labelled dependencies, not territories because territories would
have to become states
- they were not called protectorates because protectorates have a lot of independence
** Platt Amendment 1901 put in
Cuban Constitution allows the US to interefere in Cuba + gives US
99 year lease to Guantanamo Bay
A. Background - childhood asthma,
Harvard graduate, police commissioner, governor of New York,
historian, conservationalist, boxer, wrestler, rancher
B. Election of 1900 - rematch of
McKinley and Bryan
TR is added to McKinley's ticket
as VP by Mark Hanna (McKinley campaign chairman)
Hanna hopes to never hear from TR again this way
C. McKinley's Assassination -
Sept 7, 1901 in Buffalo
- Hanna: "My God! That
@## Cowboy is now President"
- TR became the youngest
president in history
- he was very popular and easily won the election of 1904
D. Various facts about TR as President
created 5 National parks + 50 bird sanctuaries
set aside 148 million acres
he started the FDA
the NCAA credits TR as its founding father (TR called for a conference on college football)
the Teddy Bear is named after TR
he is one of 4 presidents carved in Mt. Rushmore
VII. The Big Stick - TR's foreign
policy, he believed in Monroe Doctrine
-however, he was only US
president with 0 military deaths
- Venezuela Crisis -Germany sends ships to collect debts, TR puts Dewey on alert, Germans went home
- Cuba - sent in Marines to
put down a revolt, made Taft the temporary Governor
- Dom-Republic -sent in
Marines + took over the customs office + forced them to
pay debts to Europe
- Panama Canal
- 1848+50: US/Britain/Colombia
signed treaties to build a canal
- Britian will drop out due to
wars in Africa
- France began to build a
canal = 3 miles to death, TR was furious with Colombia
- 1903 we offer to buy French
Canal Company for $40m, Colombia rejects
- Nov 3 1903, Panamanian
Revolution, we recognize Panama on Nov 9
- we supply Panama. w/ food +
- TR sends ships to coast of
Columbia, they give Panama independence
- Panama gives US a 5 mile
strip to run forever, we are allowed to do anything we
want in this strip, in return we have to protect Panama
- years later TR made "I
took Panama" statement in a speech to college
F. Roosevelt Corollary - sort of
an addition to the Monroe Doctrine
-US will act as International
Police (see Big Stick examples 1-3)
VIII. Japan
A. First Sino-Japanese War -
- Japanese attack Manchuria
through Korea, gains an empire
- Triple intervention by
France,Russia,Germany take it all away
- Admiral Togo/General Nogi
see Russia as main enemy, go home to plot
B. Russo-Japanese War (TR is
- Japan invaded Port Arthur
Feb 6, 1904; declared war Feb 10
- TR hoped Japanese would win,
they are doing our job
- he liked Japan and Russia
pointed at each other + away from the Philippines
- war ended at Tsushima
Straits where Japan crossed the T on Admiral Zinovil
Rozhdeftvenskii who had practically sailed around the
world, he lost 32 of 34 ships
C. Treaty of Portsmouth
- TR was asked to mediate the
peace, he invited both sides to the US
- all he really did was send two telegrams but he won the Nobel Peace Prize
- Japan got Korea + Manchuria
as Sphere's of Influence but no money
D. Taft/Katsura Agreement 1905
- not a treaty, treaties have
to be approved by the Senate
- US recognizes Japan's primary
interests in Korea, they recognize our primary interests
in the Philippines
E. Gentlemen's Agree 1906 (not a
- California Crisis: Japanese
students barred from schools, racism toward Japan in
general, TR fears this will lead to war
- so Japan agrees to stop
migration to California, TR agrees to get kids back in
Calif schools (Japanese will migrate to Hawaii instead,
then to California)
*TR sends telegram to governor of
California, Mayor of San Francisco, + president of San Francisco
school board, threatens to declare martial law + hang board pres
F. Root/Takahira Agreement 1908
(not a treaty)
- we recognize Japanese
primary interests in Manchuria
- they recognize US in
G. Great White Fleet - sending
the Big Stick out on a world tour
- Admiral Pratt misunderstood
+ painted our 27 ships white
- ships went to Japan gun
ready but they invited our men to go ashore, 200 Americans go AWOL in Japan
- Japanese returned the men to
Pearl + checked depth
IX. Taft

A. Election of 1908
- offers from TR = president
or Supreme Court justice
- Taft's wife choose president for
- defeated WJ Bryan (now a 3
time loser)
- the Republicans came up with a funny slogan "Vote for Taft this time. You can vote for Bryan any time."
- TR retires as president
so he can hunt in Africa

B. Taft angers TR
- environment - offers to sell
forest land
- Japan - some of Taft's
friends want to build a RR in Manchuria
C. The boss is back
X. Election of 1912
A. TR runs
TR won nearly every state primary, including Taft's home state of Ohio
Taft controlled credentials at
the Republican convention + kept some of TR's delegates out, Taft won the nomination by cheating
B. Bull Moose Party
TR refused to give up and ran with the Progressive Party
TR gave the party the nickname of Bull Moose
Bull Moose Party issues were 1. Women's vote 2. Minimum wage 3. End of child labor
C. Wilson - was the Democrat's candidate
- he won the election because Republican vote was split
- Wilson had less than 50% of the popular vote
- TR refused to run in 1916 and Wilson was re-elected (campaign slogan was "he Kept us out of war")
- Wilson refused to let TR
fight in WWI
- it looked like TR would be
Republican choice to run for president in 1920, but he
died in his sleep at age 60
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