Gary V. Johnson

Audio Teaching Tapes

Success #1.....$4.00

Success, motivation & The Bible. Powerful keys to setting goals and achieving success.

Success #2.....$4.00

More of the same thoughtful, practical insights to achieving success.

The Spirit of Faith.....$4.00

The scriptures speak of the Word of Faith, the Law of Faith and the Spirit of Faith. Faith is not just simply a movement it is a spiritual force.

How To Know God's Will.....$4.00

Have you ever wondered how to know if what your doing is truly in the will of God? How do I find out what God's will is for my life? this message explores the answers to those questions.

How To Release Your Faith.....$4.00

Faith come by hearing God's Word. But now that I have it what do I do with it? How do I take the faith that's in my heart and apply it to my circumstances so that the mountain moves? Find out how on this tape.

How To Walk In God's Kingdom.....$4.00

God is a Spirit, He communicates through the spirit. So if I want to walk with God I'm going to have to understand the rules that apply to walking in God's Kingdom.

Prayer & Intercession.....$4.00

At look at this very important subject.

Praise & Worship.....$4.00

Is praise & worship really important in the life of a believer? If so how should it be expressed?

How To Be Healed.....$4.00

Healing is available to every child of God. This message explores how you can receive the healing power of God into your body.

Divine Health Can Be Yours.....$4.00

Healing is good but divine health is better. Learn how to put yourself in a position where you will never get sick again.

Obtaining Deliverance.....$4.00

Demonic influence can be broken over your life. Find out how.


Is tithing a practice for the New Testament Church? Why does God require this of His people and what are the benefits associated with this practice.

Opening The Door of Blessing.....$4.00

The blessings of God flow from the realmn of the spiritual to the realmn of the physical. Find out how to openthe door to the blessings of God.

What Is An Offering?.....$4.00

The difference between a tithe and an offering can mean the difference between being blessed or not.

Your Authority.....$4.00

What you bind is bound. What you loose is loosed. You have the authority to change the circumstances of life.


Your integrity will preserve you and bring you to a place of honor.

Husbands & Wives.....$4.00

If the spirit of a marriage is strong your relationship will flourish. If that spirit is damaged no amount of candies and flowers can fix it. Learn how you can affect your marriage in the spirit.

How To Be A Vessel of Honor.....$4.00

There are things we do that please God and there are things we do that displease Him. The Lord's love for us never changes but here we can learn how to be a vessel that He delights in.

The Call of God.....$4.00

How to recognize and respond to the call of God in your life.


Every miracle we receive from God requires a trust in God and a trust in the Man of God. A violation of either of these areas of trust will stop the working of the Spirit in our lives.

All Is Well!.....$4.00

A powerful teaching which uncludes the testimony of how Gary Johnson supernaturally received his first Pajero.

How To Relate To The Man Of God.....$4.00

The Bible gives us specific instructions on how we are to minister to our Man of God. What you do for the Man of God, God will do for you.

Arise & Shine.....$4.00

Isaiah tells us that in the hour that we live there will be two revivals that will sweep the earth at exactly the same time. One of darkness and one of the Glory of God. Learn how to flow in the revival of the Glory of God.

Don't Quit!.....$4.00

Pastor Timothy was at a point where he was ready to quit the ministry. Paul shared some truths with him that kept him going strong. These same truths will help you.

What About Job?.....$4.00

What is the truth behind this man's life? Did God permit the devil to afflict him for some strange reason or is there something here we're missing? The pieces of the puzzle will come together as you hear this message.

Roll The Stone Away.....$4.00

Martha worked too much overtime, Mary slept in church and Lazarus was raised from the dead.

How To Be Single And Still Be Blessed.....$4.00

Overcoming loneliness, making friends, Christian relationships and courting are all discussed here.

Five Smooth Stones.....$4.00

David had five smooth stones to overcome Goliath. You have five smooth stones to make you an overcomer. Find out what they are and how to use them.

Understanding Submission.....$4.00

The power, strength and blessing of being in submission to a leader.

So You Want To Be A Missionary?.....$4.00

Get ready to be blessed as you listen to this message.

A Thorn In The Flesh.....$4.00

Was Paul stricken with sickness? Why did the Lord tell Paul that His grace was sufficient for him? Find out the real reason behind this story in this thought provoking message.

Attending The Devil's Funeral.....$4.00

After you have heard this message on your authority as a believer you'll realize how powerful you are and how powerless the devil is.

The Spirit of Competition.....$4.00

Competition may be good in sports but it will destroy your ministry quickly. Find out how to avoid falling into this trap.

Take A Step!.....$4.00

Four lepers defeated a fully equipped and trained military army. You'll find out how as you listen to this dynamic teaching.

The Seed & The Sword.....$4.00

Is the act of confession as some would say, "the actions of the name it and claim it preachers." Or is there some scriptural proof to this practice. Is it Christian witchcraft or Biblical truth. this message exposes the scriptural trugh to this misunderstood subject.

The Leader & His Finances.....$4.00

Misappropriation and mismanagement of money has led to the downfall of far to many ministries. Learn how to gusrd yourself and your reputation regarding finances.

He That Overcomes.....$4.00

According to the book or Revelation there are very specific promises given to those who overcome. Find out what they are and how you can begin to enjoy them.

Why Are The Wicked Rich?.....$4.00

If you believe the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just then this tape is for you.

Body & Soul.....$4.00

You'll have a hard time living by faith if you don't deal with your body and soul. Discipline & Renew.

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