All of our LTI Courses can be studies by way of correspondence. Once all courses have been completed a diploma will be issued.
The courses come complete with a full syllabus and a corresponding amount of cassette tapes. You study course in the privacy of your own home/office. Once you have completed studying the course you take the sealed exam. Return the exam and the order form for the next course. Your exam will be marked and returned with your next course. It's that simple.
15 audio tapes & syllabus
Here we examine the covenants of Obedience, Protection, Promise, Law and Blood. The ancient Hebrew ceremony of 'passing through the pieces' as well as a close look at the Feasts of Israel which teach us step by step how to experience the Peace, Power and Rest of God.
7 audio tapes & syllabus
An eye opening journey that answers the question, "Can God's Word be trusted?" As well as a look at the importance of the integrity of your own word.
8 audio tapes and syllabus.
Examining the simplicity and power of faith in God. How it comes. How it can be activated. As well as detailing six keys to building strong faith.
11 audio tapes and syllabus
A look at how you can activate the power of God in your life as we examine the Name of Jesus and the Armor of God.
11 audio tapes and syllabus.
A look at the redemptive work of healing and how to receive it. Five steps to walking in divine health. The protective power of Psalm 91 as well as an examination of Paul's thorn in the flesh, Job and Trophimus.
#6. SPIRIT, SOUL & BODY.....$21.
4 audio tapes and syllabus.
How to recognize the difference between what is spirit, soul and body as well as learning how to flow with the Spirit, renew the mind and discipline the body.
#7. THE POWER OF PRAYER.....$17.
3 audio tapes and syllabus.
Outlining twelve steps to mountain moving prayer. It's the kind of prayer that gets results.
5 audio tapes and syllabus.
A detailed look at the Holy Spirit, His personality, workings and gifts. Understanding the ministry of angels and a look into the structure of the kingdom of darkness.
#9. LIVING TO GIVE.....$57.
13 audio tapes and syllabus.
God's will for you is prosperity. Here you will understand why as we examine the financial statement of Jesus, the law of the tithe and the rules of harvest. You'll learn how to position yourself to receive the wealth of the wicked and see why giving is not producing a return in the lives of some believers.
8 audio tapes and syllabus.
How should a single scripturally conduct themselves? What is the role of the husband, wife and children? What are the principles for building a strong Christian family? All these questions and more will be answered in this eye opening course.
12 audio tapes and syllabus.
The ministry of the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher are looked at in detail.
10 audio tapes and syllabus.
Here we examine the structure of the local church and the roles of Pastor, Elder and Deacon. We'll also understand submission and look at the different types of people in your flock.
10 audio tapes and syllabus.
A look at how to organize your time and resources. Church building programs and funding are examines as well as a look at how to receive an offering.
13 audio tapes and syllabus.
Six ways to check your leadings. Seven ways to perfect your ministry. The element of change and some keys to successful pastoral counselling and visitation are examined.
10 audio tapes and syllabus.
An examination into why some people leave the church. How to handle hard situations. How to deal with stress and learn how to rest. The role of the Pastor's wife as well as husband and wife teams are also examined.
#16. WORSHIP.....$49.
11 audio tapes and syllabus.
Different forms of ceremonial worship are examined in this course. Praise, worship & song leading. The laying on of hands. Weddings & funerals, water baptism & child dedication. And a special session on the anointing.
This course looks at the steps necessary to develop family relationships in the church. Honor, acceptance, admonishment, serving, greeting, bearing, forebearing, submitting and encouraging.
#18. DISCIPLESHIP.....$57.
13 audio tapes and syllabus.
Evangelism strategies as well as how to become and train disciples for the Lord, and a detailed look at cell groups.
#19. MISSIONS.....$49.
11 audio tapes and syllabus.
After dealing with the heart motivation necessary for missions work we will examine key ingredients to winning on your mission field. Cross cultural ministry and how to raise support will also be examined.
10 audio tapes and syllabus.
We'll examine the seven raptures in the bible and then take a verse by verse study of a most incredible book.
To order simply send your US$ cheque to:
Gary V. Johnson, P.O. Box 433, Greenhills, MM, 1502, Philippines
Your additional offering to help with postage and shipping and our continuing outreaches is much appreciated.
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