How I Met Kenny G:

a story from this guy:

On December 28, 1992 I got lost in Hollywood, CA and called a friend of mine and asked him how to get back home. He told me the proper busses to take to get to his house.

When I arrived, I told him that I heard on the radio that morning that their were tickets available fot the evenings show ! This was at 4:00 in the afternoon ! We walked down to the Ticketmaster location and inquired about tickets. The cashier got this funny look on his face when he was checking the computer.

We asked what was going on, and he said, " I don't beleive this ! Their are FRONT ROW CENTER TICKETS available for $ 28.00 EACH ! " Of coarse our reply was, " YOUR KIDDING ! "

The cashier then called Ticketmaster Headquarters to verify what he was seeing just to make sure their wasn't a mistake ! It turned out to be true , and my friend and I checked wallets to see if we had enough cash ! -- WE WERE ABOUT $ 25.00 SHORT !!!

SO, we asked if they could take a deposit, they agreed, and we RAN, yes, RAN back up to the house to borrow some money from my friends room mate !

About an hour later we headed down to the theater and the man who took our tickets noticed the location and said, " I see you two have the best seats in the house ! "

A comedian did an opening act, and I was so EXCITED at where I was sitting that I was practicly interupting this man's performance ! So he took out a HUGE spotlight, shined it on me, and said, " SHUT UP BOY YOU'RE TOO LOUD ! " This made me get even more wild ! This caused my friend to get embaressed !

When Kenny came out, we led the crowd in the cheering and when he began his LONG five minute note on Silhoette, we led the crown in another cheer and started a 6,500 person standing ovation. Usually Kenny just moves on to the next song, HOWEVER we got him to STOP the show untill the audience calmed down ! Kenny looked at us like, " I don't beleive you two just did that ! " He then leaned over the security rail to shake our hands !

A few songs later, Kenny began to play, " Going Home. " I raised my hands to play along and Kenny couldn't beleive it ! Half way through the song, Kenny looked at me and said, " That was PERFECT ! " I gave him the thumbs up, and at the end of the song, he shook my hand again !

My friend then took my saxophone mouthpiece and moved it to the rythem of the music. I said, " This is'nt going to work ! " To my surprise it did ! The spotlight was reflecting off of the metal ligature, and got Kenny's attention !

After MANY other cheers and standing ovations, Kenny told us, " I want to see you two at the end of the show ! " A lady sitting next to us gave us backstage passes !

We arrived backstage, and I went over to the bar. A man turned around and said, " I saw what you two were doing out their ! That was great ! " It was Wayne Gretsky ! I asked him for an autograph and neither one of us had a pen on us. So he said, I'll sign one for you and ask Kenny to give it to you !

Twenty minutes later, a man came out asking for me. I turned around and said, " Here I am ! " He replied, " Come with me, Kenny wants to see you ! " I went back into Kenny's room, and Kenny asked if my friend wanted to join us ! I said yes and went back out to get him !

Kenny then introduced us to his wife, Lyndie and we sat down to talk ! Kenny again said I don't beleive what you two were doing out their ! My friend then mentioned about my mouthpiece, and said, " Jonathan said, NO this will never work ! " Kenny replied, " Well, you want to know something ? IT WORKED ! " We replied, " YEAH, WE NOTICED ! "

Kenny asked how long I played the saxophone. I told him about Eight months !

To make a longer story short, Kenny asked us to write to him through his managment, and he would PERSONALLY keep in touch ! He also told us that he would GIVE us tickets to any show we wanted to go to ! So far, he's only given us one pair !

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