I've seen lots of sites while surfing the net, as they say, and I've found many of them have won or have awards available to give out. I thought that I'd just add to the clutter and make my own awards.
First off is "CuzinPercy's Stamp of Approval." Basically, if you wish to have a link to your site through mine, you can send me e-mail HERE. I will have a list of sites with my stamp of approval on another sub-page. There is a link to this page below. Click on the picture that says "CuzinPercy's Stamp of Approval."
For the really bitchin' sites, I will award my "Bitchin'" award. I never want people to apply to have "Bitchin'" sites. When I check out the page I will determine if it is a bitchin' page, or is just worth my stamp of approval. Be warned, though, I'm not just giving an award away to anyone who asks; if your site really sucks ass, I'll just thank the person for their time and try to wash my memeory of their horrid site.
Coming soon! My "Flying Frijole" award.
Apply for a stamp of approval HERE