Welcome to Sapphire's Paradise
-- in the wake of the New Millennium
This is my homepage. It's specially renovated for the coming of the new Millennium, the 2000th year after Christ's birth.
Please put up with my limited computer knowledge and not-so-accurate English grammar. I am neither a computer expert nor a native English speaker.
And here, let me present some of my pages.
The "favourite" page: I put most of my favourties there.
The "friends" page: I like making friends, and I am trying my best to put all my friends there, tho I may leave a few out due to accidents. Don't worry, I'll always try to check if I've left anyone out...
The "photos" page: It's great!
The "stars" page: A brief introduction to the Solar System in an artistic manner. Suitable for beginners.
The "gossips" page: My online diary, tho I don't update it every day.
The "music" page: Some of my midis files.
The "special" page: A script teeling the story of the Gorgon Medusa, my favourite mythological figure, according to various sources, and the most romantic descriptions of the ill-fated snake-haired beauty.
Hope you enjoy your stay here. May love and blessings be with you all through the Millennium, until His Kingdom comes.