Hello! Welcome to my Guestbook. These are other people who have seen my page and offered suggestions. If you have any suggestions to me, please, dont hesitate to sign. Enjoy!

Danila - 12/28/00 03:07:25
My Email:danya777@go.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: I don't know, maybe Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: I don't know, maybe Skarlath
Should these books be made into movies?: yeah
Did you like the page?: yeah
Have you read the whole series?: only Martin the Warrior and Brocktree left
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: GUOSIM!!!!!!

Brent - 12/26/00 07:50:33
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bellmaker, I think
Favorite Redwall Character: Finnbarr Galedeep
Should these books be made into movies?: not live action ones, but maybe ones like "The Wind in the Willows"
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: not sure, probably Long Patrol
I liked the site and I hope it will get updated with all of the heroes, villains, etc and maybe include some more photos.

Snowsong Lightningear - 12/21/00 18:53:37
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: marlfoz
Favorite Redwall Character: Song Swifteye
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews
I just stater reading readwall a week ago and i've all ready read 3 books. I hooked! : )

Liam(pronounced lee-um in case you didn't know) - 12/18/00 02:31:28
My Email:asmodeus_86@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Too hard to tell. all are very good
Favorite Redwall Character: probably...Sergeant Sapwood
Should these books be made into movies?: yes i think so
Did you like the page?: i havent totally looked it over yet
Have you read the whole series?: not quite
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: the long patrol

Brandon - 12/15/00 03:01:26
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin The Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Grumm
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol

Chase - 12/13/00 00:44:08
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: MATTHIAS!!!
Should these books be made into movies?: YEAH!!!
Did you like the page?: yeah
Have you read the whole series?: no, only 2...
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol

Mayberry - 12/08/00 01:37:46
My Email:Alr2429@aol.com
Just adding onto my earlier entry. #1. I have 2 chars to add to my fave. Mariel and any of the Skippers #2. Why WOULD the Guosim fight the Long Patrol? They're both good. But then, the Guosim HAS had its traitors *Eyes flash with rage in remembrence of them, especially the murderer Fenno in Marlfox*

Mayberry - 12/08/00 01:20:27
My Email:Alr2429@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Grath Longfletch
Should these books be made into movies?: I dunno, they'd prob'ly mess it all up...
Did you like the page?: Yes!
Have you read the whole series?: Except Lord Brocktree and Redwall:Friend and Foe
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Hmmm... I think the Long Patrol. I'll have to think it over.
I didn't say my real name, 'cause I prefer making up char.s of my own. My current one is named after one of the ottermaid twins in The Legend of Luke, but she is more into battle. Not being a helpful pretty little maid. Once I get my own site up you'll se . I plan on a huge fanfic section. BTW, has anyone else read books by Tamora Pierce?

blah - 12/04/00 06:48:56
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: blah
Favorite Redwall Character: blah
Go to this site

NaeNae - 11/29/00 15:57:33
My Email:naenaenaenae@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: out cast
Favorite Redwall Character: oldotter
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes!!!!!
Have you read the whole series?: no
you need a list of the books.!!!

Stephanie - 11/29/00 08:42:41
My URL:http://www.animalia.homestead.com/redwall.html
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Skipper
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes, definitly it would make Redwall better!
Did you like the page?: Yes, it was cool
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Love yer site, matey. I think you should put some more good pictures on, shipmate. Please would ya visit me site, its still being constructed on though!

Nicole - 11/28/00 03:05:49
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Grath Longfletch
Should these books be made into movies?: of course they should!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
I like your page alot but it needs more pictures! @_@

swart sixclaw - 11/27/00 02:06:44
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Swart six claw
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: 50-100
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim

Scott Underwood - 11/27/00 02:02:43
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Swart sixclaws
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: ok
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Gousim Shrews

Scott Underwood - 11/27/00 02:02:18
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Swart sixclaws
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: ok
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Gousim Shrews

Martin the Warrior - 11/26/00 16:18:28
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Tammo
Should these books be made into movies?: Duh, Yea!
Did you like the page?: Duh, yea, wot wot!
Have you read the whole series?: only 3 million times!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol, even though it wouldn't happen
Any body who says Redwall's stupid is absoballylutely stupid, wot! Go stick yore flippin' nose elsewhere, rotters!Eulaliaaaaaaaaaaa! Redwall rules, man!

hi - 11/26/00 16:12:52
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Basil Stag Hare, wot wot!
Should these books be made into movies?: YESSSSSS!
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: No
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Why would they fight, wot!

Corey - 11/24/00 17:16:31
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Lady Cregga Rose Eyes
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol, probably
You said Sunstripe in your summary of Swartt Sixclaw, but it's Sunflash, actually. Also, you should do something on the Marlfoxes, Damug Warfang, Badrang, Vilu Daskar, Ungatt Trunn,Slagar,Ferahgo and Gabool.

Joshua - 11/20/00 00:44:03
My Email:jstevers@giles.k12.pembroke
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of Lurtra
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin
Should these books be made into movies?: YES
Did you like the page?: YES
Have you read the whole series?: Not yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews
I simply love the book. They should be made in to moives.

Tom - 11/18/00 04:55:19
My Email:Tbruno112@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!
Did you like the page?: YES!
Have you read the whole series?: no.......
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I've only read the Long Patrol but I heard alot about Martin the Warrior and he sounds cool

matthew - 11/13/00 17:27:05
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: none
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: all but one
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: longpatrols

Andrew Brunn - 11/13/00 03:36:56
My URL:www.redwall.org
My Email:andrewbrunn@yahoo.ca
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All
Favorite Redwall Character: All
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes!
Did you like the page?: umm. . .
Have you read the whole series?: Yes! I have them all
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Neither, theyre both good!
REDWALL RULES! And dont say it dousn't

Andrew Brunn - 11/13/00 03:36:17
My URL:www.redwall.org
My Email:andrewbrunn@yahoo.ca
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All
Favorite Redwall Character: All
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes!
Did you like the page?: umm. . .

Andrew Brunn - 11/13/00 03:32:19
My Email:andrewbrunn@yahoo.ca
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All
Favorite Redwall Character: All
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes!
Did you like the page?: umm. . .
Have you read the whole series?: Yes!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Tie. . .
I just want to say that The Redwall Series are the best!!! Redwalllllll!!! Eulialiaaaaaaaa!!! Gousimmmmmmmm!!!

Eric - 11/11/00 20:29:30
My Email:not tellin
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Luke the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: i don

Arrowtail - 11/10/00 21:41:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh4/imeslittlerabbit/kitty.html
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Felldoh the Wrestler
Should these books be made into movies?: Um, that's kinda one of those "duh" moments
Did you like the page?: Another "duh" moment
Have you read the whole series?: Yep
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Gee, I don't know. Good peoples against good peoples? What's up with the world these days?
Okay, I like Felldoh a lot, so I made up a club about him. (Don't think I'm gay or anything.) You can sign up there and earn points, fight in battles, show how much you love Redwall (and Felldoh) and more! P.S. If you are wondering who Little Rabbit is, just email me.

zil - 11/10/00 00:38:55
My Email:n/a
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin or Mariel
Should these books be made into movies?: you bet!!
Did you like the page?: Yea!
Have you read the whole series?: I own all of them!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim, there are more.
I'm working on a prologue for Loamhedge (a new book I want written.

zil - 11/10/00 00:38:54
My Email:n/a
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin or Mariel
Should these books be made into movies?: you bet!!
Did you like the page?: Yea!
Have you read the whole series?: I own all of them!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim, there are more.
I'm working on a prologue for Loamhedge (a new book I want written.

zil - 11/10/00 00:38:50
My Email:n/a
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin or Mariel
Should these books be made into movies?: you bet!!
Did you like the page?: Yea!
Have you read the whole series?: I own all of them!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim, there are more.
I'm working on a prologue for Loamhedge (a new book I want written.

zil - 11/10/00 00:35:55
My Email:n/a
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin or Mariel
Should these books be made into movies?: you bet!!
Have you read the whole series?: I own all of them!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim, there are more.

Joe - 11/05/00 14:09:49
My Email:some_shabo_dub@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: OH YEAH BABY!
Did you like the page?: a little
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I like the site, but I wish you had a character list with pics next to each name. other than that, nice site man!

Dave - 11/01/00 17:15:05
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: OUTCAST OF REDWALL
Favorite Redwall Character: Lord Brocktree
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: it needs work
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long patrol

General Ironbeak - 10/28/00 22:21:50
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Any of the Moles
Should these books be made into movies?: NO!
Did you like the page?: Yes...but it needs alot of work
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: lets see...a few shrews against a few hares...i wonder
duh...bam...bam...*ahhhh!* " a bug is on my neck!" *blood splatters on the screen* *i die*

Jen - 10/26/00 01:37:01
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Love them all
Favorite Redwall Character: Mariel (Storm Gullwhacker)
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!
Did you like the page?: YES
Have you read the whole series?: YES!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol, hands down

Jordi.M - 10/25/00 16:28:41
My Email:Jordi@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Long patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin/Badger Lords
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long patrol
I love Redwall books.All Badger lords V.s.40 otters,40 shrews and 30 trident-rats?

bobby - 10/25/00 03:31:23
My Email:martin
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: your page needs updating
Favorite Redwall Character: a lot of up dating
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: It sucks
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: they both suck

- 10/25/00 03:27:49
you page is bad.I don't care what you say. It is bad.

atom boy - 10/25/00 03:22:52
My Email:ucfy
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Young Dinny
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: no
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: The Guosim Shrews

atom boy - 10/25/00 03:22:34
My Email:ucfy
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Young Dinny
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: no
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: The Guosim Shrews

matthew - 10/22/00 17:19:15
My Email:klownz15@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: martin the warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no not yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: lonbg patrol
i love those books there the best i think he should make more these are good books

matthew - 10/22/00 17:18:44
My Email:klownz15@yahoo.com
Have you read the whole series?: no not yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: lonbg patrol
i love those books there the best i think he should make more these are good books

Christian Andrew Joyce - 10/22/00 15:38:58
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower(So Far)
Favorite Redwall Character: Skarlath(the hawk bird)
Should these books be made into movies?: No,Movies Rot The Mind!
Did you like the page?: It's Great! Good job!
Have you read the whole series?: Not Yet!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Haven't 'Red' Them Yet
Dear Matthew; Good job on the site.Redwall are quite possibly the best books I've ever read.There are more to come also.I live in Canada and even here I know at least five people who have read a few.Brian Jaques is the best modern day author I know of, I also like some older generation authors such as C.S Lewis,Daniel Dofoe,and Roal Dahl.However,to "Mossflower" nothing compares. I am reading "Redwall" in chronological order and I'm not sure if that's the best way but just to read is a gift in it's own right. Sincerely, Christian Joyce

David Hendrix - 10/20/00 20:26:14
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Lord Brocktree (the new one)
Favorite Redwall Character: Clecky
Should these books be made into movies?: YES
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol

Song - again - 10/20/00 16:48:21
My Email:SongbreezeRedwall@anOther.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: They already have (sigh)
Did you like the page?: Yeah
Have you read the whole series?: About four times over
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: They wouldn't fight
Please somebdy e-mail me! I really want to talk to someone! Especially Krissy or Kelly Hamilton but anyone else would be great as well.

michael - 10/14/00 23:52:10
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: mathias
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes , a lot
Have you read the whole series?: almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol

charlotte - 10/11/00 19:13:08
My Email:charlotte.steers4.freeserve.co.uk
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: Definatly not. Everybody has their own pictures of Redwall characters movies would change their picture.
Did you like the page?: It's very good though it should be updated more often
Have you read the whole series?: Almost.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: I don't think they would fight in the first place, but probably the Long patrol.
I love Redwall books and I hope Brian Jaques keeps on righting them. Very good web page good descriptians of the characters.

charlotte - 10/11/00 19:12:39
My Email:charlotte.steers4.freeserve.co.uk
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: Definatly not. Everybody has their own pictures of Redwall characters movies would change their picture.
Did you like the page?: It's very good though it should be updated more often
Have you read the whole series?: Almost.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: I don't think they would fight in the first place, but probably the Long patrol.
I love Redwall books and I hope Brian Jaques keeps on righting them. Very good web page good descriptians of the characters.

charlotte - 10/11/00 19:03:44

Richard - 10/09/00 00:41:01
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: all of them
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin
Should these books be made into movies?: definately
Did you like the page?: yes, it's great
Have you read the whole series?: yes

Alice Again - 10/06/00 19:57:07
My Email:East.west@mciworld.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast of redwall!
Favorite Redwall Character: SUNFLASH FOREVER!!
Should these books be made into movies?: I don't think it would be very nice becouse they would be corny.
Did you like the page?: It was cool
Have you read the whole series?: Yes!!!!!!!!! duh.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: LONG PATROL!!! ( Actually I don't think that would happen.)
I said I would come back so I did. goodbye.

Alice - 10/06/00 19:47:29
My URL:-------------------------------
My Email:East.west@mciworld.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast of redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: sunflash the mace
Should these books be made into movies?: NO!! ( it would spoil them)
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: the long patrol
It was a cool webpage I think I will tell redwallers about it and visit it again.

Amanda - 10/06/00 18:47:43
My URL:http://maxpages.com/dancergrl400
My Email:littleroogirl2001@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: "Mattimeo" & "Mariel"
Favorite Redwall Character: Rollo!
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: awesome!
Have you read the whole series?: yuppers!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: GUOSIM!
Great site! I love Redwall! REDWALL FOREVER!

joshua davis - 09/29/00 14:42:20
My Email:fat
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: martin
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
i was a veary good book series the best seiries of books i have read. (:o

Aubretia and Bryony - 09/22/00 20:48:01
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Outcast of Redwall and Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: the Dibbuns (eapecially Bagg, Runn, rollo, and Guff)
Should these books be made into movies?: No- it would spoil the story
Did you like the page?: Somewhat
Have you read the whole series?: Yes- many times
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim shrews
The badger that Swartt Sixclaw chased was called SUNFLASH THE MACE, not Sunstripe!!!

zoli - 09/19/00 04:37:35
My Email:mr_meow@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: not really sure i like them all
Favorite Redwall Character: goniff the theif and the squeirl son form the book marl fox
Should these books be made into movies?: no it would ruin the whole idea of it
Did you like the page?: not sure i have not read it
Have you read the whole series?: yes except the legend of luke
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: thats a hard decioucions
on the main you need to change text so you can read it.

tanner - 09/17/00 22:48:43
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: penthouse july 98
Favorite Redwall Character: jenna jameson
Should these books be made into movies?: they already have
Did you like the page?: damn straight
Have you read the whole series?: nope
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: jenna jameson
This is the coolest Redwall page I've ever seen - and I really mean that. Keep up the good work man.

Tyrant-Mouse - 09/17/00 01:53:48
My URL:http://none
My Email:sdevore3@juno.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Bellmacker
Favorite Redwall Character: Gonf
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: yesh
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol

Nick - 09/17/00 01:14:02
My Email:anamalboy_2005@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All of them
Favorite Redwall Character: most of the good guys
Should these books be made into movies?: Definitly
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: all but 3
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long patrol
Im into redwall too, I draw the redwall creatures. I am making my own story with my own charicters!

rollo(this is my internet name) - 09/16/00 03:56:28
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: the bell maker
Favorite Redwall Character: baby rollo
Should these books be made into movies?: yes!!!!!
Did you like the page?: it needs some work, but otherwise yes I did.
Have you read the whole series?: no not yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: I like them both but i'd have to go with the long patrol wot

Chance Mills - 09/13/00 02:10:07
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All of them
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: No
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long patrol
I thing the graphics and all are great. Keep it up.

Dave - 09/04/00 09:20:43
My Email:sargehero2000@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall, Mattemeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: not really... think about it. Animals with swords and armour? YUCK!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: they would neva eva fight
You need updates!! Are you forgeting about this URL of yours? Well, These books are great, and send me a mail ( if you read this ) that you updated it will ya? I bookmarked it so I can come here every time you update. BAI!!

Ariel Sunshine - 09/03/00 16:32:45
My Email:cutesheepbaa@breathemail.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: If I had to choose it would be The Pearls Of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Don't know. Perhaps Grath Longfletch
Should these books be made into movies?: Possibly....
Did you like the page?: It's way out, man!
Have you read the whole series?: Yep. I even have the illustrated Redwall and Redwall Map and Riddler and redwall friend and Foe!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Why would they fight?!
I love your page + I eagerly await the arrivel of the upcoming Jaques books. The sad thing is, when I go into bookshops, no-one is even lookig at the Redwall books. Ya boo rotters! REDWALL ROCKS MY WORLD!

Kyle Macadangdang - 08/31/00 19:18:56
My Email:Um_duh23@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: YES THEY SHOULD!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes, yes i did
Have you read the whole series?: Haven't read 3 books
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I like your website a lot. You should have fan pics in your websites. Besides that. COOL SITE MAN

Franz Potgieter - 08/23/00 17:45:40
My Email:franzpotgieter@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower &Marlfox
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior (Mossflower & Martin the Warrior)
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes (acually I think all of them should!!)
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Oh Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol any day
I think you should carry on building this Web page and look out for "Taggerung" thats coming out this September.

Songbreeze - 08/22/00 16:08:50
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Love 'em all!
Favorite Redwall Character: Everybody!!!!
Should these books be made into movies?: NO WAY!!! IT'D RUIN THEM!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: Way cool!!
Have you read the whole series?: 5 times over!(No jokes)
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Both of them against the bad guys!!!(Wot Wot!)
There already is a Redwall movie,it's cartoon but I'm dead set against it.It'd ruin peoples own ideas about Redwall.By the way Krissy(if you come back on here)I'm maybe gonna e-mail you. And to whoever is writing a Redwall of their own I'M WRITING ONE TOO !! Check out the website called THE REDWALL ADVENTURE it's got someone else writing another Redwall!! UPDATE THIS PAGE!!

Rosana Yvonne Rodriguez - 08/20/00 18:35:53
My Email:Lovepad9@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: all of them!
Favorite Redwall Character: all the good guys!
Should these books be made into movies?: you bet your wiskers!
Did you like the page?: ohhhhhhh,yes!
Have you read the whole series?: no,but I'm collecting them and going to read them all
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long patrol

Garraway - 08/11/00 20:06:18
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower/Legend of Luke
Favorite Redwall Character: Garraway Bullow . . Whoopery hoo!!!!.
Should these books be made into movies?: Videos maybe, movies?. NO WAY !.
Did you like the page?: It's Brilliant!
Have you read the whole series?: Yep ! Every Last One o' them
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol wot wot?? !!!.
About what ? . The site is brilliant, loads of information etc.. The Redwall books ?. The best books ever written!!!.

savannah - 08/11/00 00:54:51
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: marlfox
Favorite Redwall Character: mariel
Should these books be made into movies?: yes definatly
Did you like the page?: loved it
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: guosim shrews
I love the effects on your page and that you should really upgrade it like get more of the character info on different people

cassie mofle - 08/11/00 00:50:07
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: outcast of redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: mariel

Christopher - 08/08/00 21:46:03
My Email:Evangel 7@juno.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: definately Martin
Should these books be made into movies?: ya that would be cool
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: I am pritty close
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I think it would be cool if they made a movie because ever since I read the first book I've wanted to see a movie of the books. I think they made a series coming out in September, but I would like it if they made a movie. By the way , nice web site.

matt - 08/02/00 00:08:36
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: don't really know
Have you read the whole series?: twice
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: the long patrol

Nicola crombie - 08/01/00 04:49:11
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mariel of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Mariel
Should these books be made into movies?: Definetly!
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long patrol
A great site,but a little more on:The Guosim and The cosairs please?

Amanda - 07/29/00 18:06:28
My Email:ninnydance@hotmail
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: I've only read Redwall and Mossflower so far
Favorite Redwall Character: So far, it's Silent Sam
Should these books be made into movies?: No because I like to use my own imagination when I read
Did you like the page?: ok
Have you read the whole series?: nope, just started
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Haven't met either one yet
I heard about these books from a friend and so I started with Redwall. Once I started reading it, I couldn't put in down. The books are great!!!

Ami Johnson - 07/24/00 11:47:32
My Email:Wolfking3000
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All
Favorite Redwall Character: all
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes!
Did you like the page?: o.k
Have you read the whole series?: ya
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Why would they fight?
These are the best books I've ever read

josh paulson - 07/21/00 15:03:38
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Joseph
Should these books be made into movies?: YES
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: LONG PATROL

Xplarish - 07/16/00 11:27:30
My Email:mebvte2@HarryPotterNetwork.zzn.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Legend of Luke
Favorite Redwall Character: Cornflower
Should these books be made into movies?: No, it would ruin our imagination!
Did you like the page?: It's okay
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: They wouldn't fight
Good site

Mitchell - 07/08/00 00:56:11
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: No
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I think this site is one of the best websites I have seen on the Redwall series. I have read Redwall and Mossflower and I am currently reading The Long Patrol. Thanks.

K - 07/07/00 03:18:00
My Email:mebvte2@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: Ofcoarse they should!
Did you like the page?: Yes, bit more stuff though.
Have you read the whole series?: -the Legend of Luke (lent it to a friend and he hasn't returned it!!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews!!!!!!!
Great Web site! You could have a bit more info, pictures, etc. Overall i'd give it an 8 1/2 out of 10

scott - 07/01/00 16:59:43
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: martin
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: tie

- 06/23/00 14:30:52
My Email:lanik_meuller@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: outcast of redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: gonff
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: it's OK
Have you read the whole series?: except The Great Redwall Feast
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
They shouldn't be made into movies because then everybody would see and the movies are always different from the books and people would feeling of the books. To whoever owns this page have you read The Legend of Luke?

Matthias - 06/14/00 23:21:45
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: No
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I'm going to sign in under many diffirent alias

Tyler Willits - 06/14/00 23:15:58
My URL:http://www.msn.com
My Email:foxwolfredwall@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: No
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: The Long Patrol
I don't think the series should be made into movies because movies and series always go way beyond what happened in the books. In the last question I'm not really sure who would win because they're both very well trained in the art of war. I just think the Long Patrol would win.

Hazel Meadowgreen - 06/11/00 22:21:09
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Marlfox
Favorite Redwall Character: Blagutt
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes!
Did you like the page?: Uh-Hu
Have you read the whole series?: YEEEEEES!!!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I'm Redwall obsessed! Any Site Is good! No implications, this one's cool, but I'm the world's biggest fan.

Twayblade - 06/09/00 10:00:23
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Sister May, me, Tammo, Mariel, Samkim, Gingivere, Matthias, Martin, Skipper, Mask etc, etc.
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!
Did you like the page?: well, yeah
Have you read the whole series?: Of Course!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Us (Long Patrol)
Neat page, so I came and looked at it again, this is the second time I've signed this book, wot! But stap me whiskers, you need to get a jolly old move on upgrading this page, and put in more about me and the rest of the Long Patrol!

Twayblade - 06/08/00 07:06:39
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Marlfox
Favorite Redwall Character: Sister May
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!
Did you like the page?: YES!
Have you read the whole series?: YES!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol, wot!

Paul - 06/05/00 15:56:19
My Email:sklo2@csufresno.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin
Should these books be made into movies?: hell yes!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol

Alex - 05/29/00 01:01:49
My Email:Almanga@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Marlfox
Favorite Redwall Character: Danflor (Mokkan but hes not a redwaller)
Should these books be made into movies?: YEAH!!! but not animals
Did you like the page?: HELL YEAH!!!
Have you read the whole series?: no not yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
This site is awesome! Im gonna book mark it. I LOVE THOSE BOOKS THEY ARE SOO AWESOME!

Megan Fairbank - 05/28/00 00:50:51
My Email:kitty4@cutey.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: all of them!
Favorite Redwall Character: The rabbits
Should these books be made into movies?: yes, definetly
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: not yet, but will soon
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: neither. they wouldn't need to fight
I've read through The outcast of Redwall. Me and my friend intend on reading the whole series together.

Fenner - 05/26/00 07:34:13
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: they are all really good
Favorite Redwall Character: Arven the dibbun!!!
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!, done by computer animation
Did you like the page?: yeah its ok
Have you read the whole series?: nope (nearly)
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Hmmmmmmm......
im glad that you like redwall, its a great series!

SEBASTIAN - 05/25/00 17:31:19
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: MATTIMEO(SO FAR)
Favorite Redwall Character: GONFF
Should these books be made into movies?: YES
Did you like the page?: YES
Have you read the whole series?: NO
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: LONG PATROL

Sandstar Swiftarrow - 05/24/00 18:52:39
My URL:http://www.haremountain.com/sandstar.html
My Email:sylver@fsmail.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: It's cool!
Have you read the whole series?: Definately
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol, but only just. Anyway, why would they be fighting in the first place?
Nice site, but if you want to join an online club come to my site!

Some Guy - 05/23/00 21:55:34
My Email:Some Address
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Log-a-Log ( All of them)
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes!
Did you like the page?: Yes!
Have you read the whole series?: Almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Hard one. Can't say, like 'em both
That last question wasn't cool man. Great site though

Joecool - 05/23/00 15:56:06
My Email:Joecool
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin and the crazed alder terd
Should these books be made into movies?: No
Did you like the page?: No
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long patol
Blah Blah Blah!

Sparky - 05/22/00 23:53:32
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin The Second
Should these books be made into movies?: Definately
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: All that I know of.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Death match between Logalog and Basil
You should update that one page. Oh, well, you might as well update every page with every detail. You should advertise new Redwall books on the Internet that bookstores don't have at very low and very special prices.

Jandros Sureye (otter) - 05/22/00 23:53:21
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: You can't choose a favorite in this series.
Favorite Redwall Character: All the Skippers
Should these books be made into movies?: How do people know what I'm thinking?
Did you like the page?: Awesome!
Have you read the whole series?: YOU BETCHA I DID!!!!!!!!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Ends with duel between Logalog and the Patrol's leader.

Ferahgo the assassin - 05/19/00 20:43:03
My Email:N/A
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Ferahgo and Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Wicked site

Sandy - 05/16/00 22:24:00
My Email:dino_love@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Mask from Mossflower
Should these books be made into movies?: yes!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: YES
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Both
I absolutly love your page! I have been looking at the other Redwall sites and yours is one of the best!

Ruddle - 05/13/00 06:15:44
My URL:http://Dunno
My Email:Dunno
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Ummm...All of 'em!
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash, Martin, Dumble, Tammo.............etc,etc
Should these books be made into movies?: Nahh, The movies would ruin what i have in my imagination about the books
Did you like the page?: yeah, pretty cool, a bit short though more piccies would be good, and some info on upcoming books
Have you read the whole series?: Yup, all of them up to Marlfox, (Thats all of them so far isn't it?))
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Why would they fight?
It was quite good, a bit small though. I don't suppose I could do better though!

- 05/12/00 02:34:57
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Gnoff,Martin
Should these books be made into movies?: You could,but I like it imple
Did you like the page?: good but needs more pictures
Have you read the whole series?: no,I havn't
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!
This page was O.k. I would like it a lot beter if there were more pictures of the characters or something like that.

chrissy - 05/10/00 01:56:14
My URL:sorry don't have one
My Email:josephthebellmaker@redwall.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: well i'd say its between mariel of redwall and the bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: joseph
Should these books be made into movies?: YES YES YES that would be kewl
Did you like the page?: yeah kicky
Have you read the whole series?: just got marlfox
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: in a short battle long patrol long one shrews
hehe this is really kicky good luck @~~<~~>~~ (and i give you a laterose)

Silverfang - 05/07/00 21:04:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nh/silverfang
My Email:silverfang333@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Grath Longfletch
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: It's pretty good
Have you read the whole series?: Of course! 3 times over (no kidding!)
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Definitely the Long Patrol. Give 'em blood an' vinegar!!
It's a cool site. But you made a mistake on the Grath Longfletch page. It's supposed to be the "Tears of all Oceans", not the "Tears of the Oceans".

Kristina Bauman - 05/05/00 23:37:09
My Email:redwall_dragon@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin The Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin
Should these books be made into movies?: Definitely!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Dear owner of this page and listeners- My name is Kristina, and I am in the 6th grade, and I am 11 years old. I LOVE the redwall books! If you didn't already guess- my e-mail address is redwall_dragon@yahoo.com E-mail me here if you would like to talk about the books. My neighbors and I re-enact the books- and I am playing Mariel right now. Please write! Krissy

Altair the kestrel - 04/30/00 20:19:35
My Email:aeris069@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash the Mace/Ferahgo the Assassin
Should these books be made into movies?: er...some, maybe...but the books would still be a lot better.
Did you like the page?: kinda
Have you read the whole series?: yes indeedy
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: The Long Patrol, but why they would be fighting anyway is beyond me...
You should have more stuff like pictures, fanfics, reviews, and games. Nice page, but it really does need some more stuff on it. You should add a lot more to the characters and a whole lot more to the villians section, like Queen Silth, Verdauga Greeneyes Malkariss, and more.

Red XIII - 04/30/00 20:10:26
My Email:gryphon_13@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Scarlath the kestrel
Should these books be made into movies?: most certainly so
Did you like the page?: yep
Have you read the whole series?: of course! I can't wait 'till "Lord Brocktree" comes out
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol definetly. They'd cream those little shrews!
Cool page. It really needs updating, though.

Blaze the Fox - 04/30/00 05:36:41
My Email:blaze_the_fox@redwall.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Marlfox, even though I'm not finished it yet.
Favorite Redwall Character: Mokkan
Should these books be made into movies?: Maybe. Depends on how much time they spend on details. It's all gotta be there to please a true Abbeydweller (Or like me, a fox).
Did you like the page?: Yeah, but it needs alot of work. The "Villains" list is very incomplete. Don't forget Fehrago, Verdauga Greeneyes, and how dare you leave out a fellow fox, the mighty High Queen Silth?
Have you read the whole series?: Almost. I've read all (including Legend of Luke) except The Long Patrol
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim. They could just lay out a feast and distract the hares. Obviously.
Yeah, your page definitly needs work. You should try to update more often. But otherwise, it's an alright page. We need more information, man! Email me for more tips.

Tim (Ballista) - 04/29/00 13:38:28
My Email:Istartedafire@your-house.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the 1st
Should these books be made into movies?: Absolutely!
Did you like the page?: yes!
Have you read the whole series?: No, but most of them.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: The long patrol
For them to make movies out of the books would be like a dream come true. I speak for all my friends when i say they ROCK! if you have not read them YOU MUST!

- 04/27/00 00:49:08
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: THE OUTCAST OF REDWALL
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!
Did you like the page?: HAVEN'T SEEN IT
Have you read the whole series?: 3 MORE MARLFOX ,MATTIMEO , THE LEGEND OF LUKE
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: LONG PATROL

Shorty B - 04/26/00 19:26:09
My Email:Shortybika@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash the mace
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes, definitely
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Yes, including Marlfox
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I have read all of the Redwall books, including the new book Marlfox. I am awaiting the new book Luke The Warrior. If there is a Redwall movie coming. I would probably see it more than once!!!

ninja mouse - 04/23/00 14:48:02
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: martin the warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: me myself and i
Should these books be made into movies?: some but not all
Did you like the page?: so so
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol

Colby Morrison - 04/22/00 18:24:59
My Email:education1201@netzero.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Foremole
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shews
I really like the page,but it would be a little better if you had summaries of the Redwall books,and ,if you added reveiws for the books you haven't read, or you forgot some important info.Then put what YOU think.

wes - 04/21/00 01:10:19
My Email:wadre@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: the outcast
Favorite Redwall Character: gonff
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yup
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
I think that these are the best books ever written I think they might make a cool video game.

Ben Boerger - 04/19/00 23:48:03
My URL:http://geocites.com
My Email:bjjcjc@mailcity.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Marlfox
Favorite Redwall Character: Janglur
Should these books be made into movies?: NO!
Did you like the page?: It's ok
Have you read the whole series?: not yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews
Book's are better than movies because you can use your imagination. I've only read 2 of them.

jamie - 04/13/00 23:58:39
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: kind of
Have you read the whole series?: DA
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: L.P.
I've read the series 2 times and i going on 3!

N/A - 04/11/00 19:50:56
My Email:shortman@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Maitthas
Should these books be made into movies?: yes, most defintly
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: L.P
For the villians you need to add Bull Sparra King.

marirussa - 04/10/00 19:33:28
My Email:boardbabe4e@juno.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Joseph the Bellmaker
Should these books be made into movies?: no way. the books are for your imagination, not stupid fake graphical movie stuff
Did you like the page?: yeah, but you need more pics and info
Have you read the whole series?: not legend of luke
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: i STILL don't get why they'd be fighting in the first place!
this site is really good, but you need to keep updating to keep ppl interested. and you really need those pics in. ppl love looking at them. have kids send in their OWN work and put it in for pics. and contests,quizes,pics, info, the whole nine yards. may e you can look on other ppls sites and use some info thats on there. keep on adding more things, and have a list of other good sites you would recomend. trust me, i have NO clue how to make a website, but i DO know how to keep ppl interested. don't be off nded by this, its just tips and pointers. if ne1 wants to e-mail me, go ahead. i don't mind. is ne1 else writing a REWALL book, too? if so, email me! tell me about your book; i really want to hear from you.

Ferahgo - 04/10/00 18:02:01
My Email:N/A
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All
Favorite Redwall Character: Ferahgo/Basil/Skarlath/Sunflash
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol Badger lords have the bloodwraith
I hope he makes more books because these books rul

Hank Sidoroff - 04/10/00 17:51:45
My Email:n/a
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Ferahgo
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Redwall is the best book series in the world. Redwall RULES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tiffney - 04/09/00 19:20:43
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Marlfox
Favorite Redwall Character: Songbreeze
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: No
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Martin does actually give halp in time of trouble. I think there should be a book about the Redwall hero Martin and finding out if he ever did in love with anyone. Redwall is the best.

marirussa - 04/09/00 19:15:08
My Email:boardbabe4e@juno.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: all
Favorite Redwall Character: joseph
Should these books be made into movies?: no way. the books are totally for your imagination. if we see what THEY think the animals faces look like, it'll be ruined. WE'RE supposed to imagine the faces, what Redwall looks like, and everything. if yo make a movie, your imagination will be killed
Did you like the page?: yes, but you could use a little more detail
Have you read the whole series?: yes, but not Legend of Luke
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: why would they be fighting n the first place?
this site is very good, but you need to update it a little more. get more pics, and info. maybe some games so ppl will stay interested.

Martin the Warrior - 04/08/00 23:08:43
My URL:http://www.WHY-SHOULD-I-TELL-YOU.com
My Email:WHY-SHOULD-I-TELL-YOU@nowhere.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes, deffinantly.
Did you like the page?: Yes.
Have you read the whole series?: No, all but Perils of Luthria
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol

kerri - 04/02/00 20:50:39
My Email:boardbabe4e@juno.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: all!
Favorite Redwall Character: Joseph the Bellmaker
Should these books be made into movies?: umm......
Did you like the page?: yes!
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: geez....why would they be fighting in the first place????
hi! i'm kerri. your website is GREAT. i like it alot. how can i make my own, and download pics of characters? if you cant help me, do you know someone who can? if you want to write back you can. thanxs!!!

James Murrey - 03/31/00 14:16:46
My Email:stanleyCONJIM
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: the marlfoxes
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: somewhat
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
i thought that there should have been more villains like Slagar, Gabool the Wild, or High Queen Silth of the Marlfoxes.

James Murrey - 03/31/00 14:14:11
My Email:stanleyCONJIM
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: the marlfoxes
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: somewhat
Have you read the whole series?: yes

- 03/31/00 14:10:34

Blaze the Tiger - 03/28/00 22:33:23
My Email:tigergirl80@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Tsarmina
Should these books be made into movies?: Of course! The more Redwall gets out to the public, the more fans there'll be!
Did you like the page?: yes.
Have you read the whole series?: almost. I havn't read the last three yet.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: The shrews. Definitly the shrews, if they could stop squabbling.
The page is wonderful! Hopefully I can make a page as good as this! Although I mst say that only having one villain's info is inconvient, I'm sure it'll be finished soon!

Mark Grainger - 03/27/00 15:24:43
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Any Redwall book
Favorite Redwall Character: These questions are too hard! I like moles though.
Should these books be made into movies?: YES
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: All except Marlfox and Less than half of Outcast of Redwall.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: It depends on the circumstances.
Good site- but you need a lot more information and characters, then it would be brilliant.

Purple-eye - 03/26/00 18:33:36
My Email:98arcbag@cwhs.schoolzone.co.uk
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: I like all of them.
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: Yeah, definately.
Did you like the page?: It's really cool
Have you read the whole series?: Apart from the Great Redwall Feast.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: The Long Patrol.
Like, yore site is just WICKED, Man!! It's just so cool innit!! No, really yer 'onour it's really good, a master piece!

Purple-eye - 03/26/00 18:29:19
My Email:98arcbag@cwhs.schoolzone.co.uk
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: I like all of them.

Thistle Bramble-Moon - 03/22/00 18:41:39
My Email:Kangaroopoo@ihatehomework.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Rollo
Should these books be made into movies?: no, I think it should be left to the imagination, a movie woud just look really fake
Did you like the page?: yeh, it was better than most pages
Have you read the whole series?: yes-nearly
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews if they stopped argueing long enough
I think that this page is good, better than i have seen. I think that the Redwall series are really cool. I am trying to write a book like it, is any-one else?

VIRIS - 03/22/00 05:07:50
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: MATTIMEO
Favorite Redwall Character: EVERYBODY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: YES!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: TIE

Will Poczekaj - 03/20/00 21:38:58
My Email:w.poczekaj@worldnet.att.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All of them
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews
I really like these books. Usually I have trouble getting into a book, but these books I get into at the very beginning.

Kami - 03/14/00 01:16:53
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: I haven't read all of them but I am sure I will like them all just as much as the first one I read.
Favorite Redwall Character: All of them.
Should these books be made into movies?: Of course!
Did you like the page?: Yeah!
Have you read the whole series?: Not yet.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol.They are being taught by Badger Lords.
The Redwall series is my favorite series. It will probably always be my favorite. It is getting to be quite popular with some people I know.

Jeremy Pike - 03/13/00 17:20:55
My Email:JediKnight24@worldnet.att.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: No
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: The Long Patrol
The Long Patrol can beat anyone!

Mimi - 03/13/00 16:01:57
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Basil Stag Hare or Foremole
Should these books be made into movies?: DEFINETILY
Did you like the page?: Pretty cool
Have you read the whole series?: Almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
This is an awesome website!! Redwall lives on forever!

Mariel Mead - 03/11/00 04:34:07
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All of them
Favorite Redwall Character: All the good guys
Should these books be made into movies?: definitly
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: Yep
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: definite tie
Love Redwall! Obsessed!:)

Ethan Whalley - 03/09/00 00:25:57
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: its allright
Have you read the whole series?: not lord Brocktree
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patroll

STING - 03/08/00 06:55:40
My Email:ryan.coffey@capalabashs.qld.edu.au
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Marlfox
Favorite Redwall Character: marlfox
Should these books be made into movies?: OOOOOOOOoHHH Yeah
Did you like the page?: HELL YEAH
Have you read the whole series?: NO
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: DOn't Know
I'm the dark Warrior and And this site rulz Keep adding things

Wolf the warrior - 03/08/00 06:41:15
My URL:http://Yahoo
My Email:jwlc@tpg.com.au
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: MarlFox/Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: FoxWolf/Marlfox
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: not yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
I'm from the drak side and I think that a Fox should be on the good side for once in one of the Redwall Books

Chris Schreiber - 03/06/00 16:15:52
My Email:GFJoshua@Yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash the Mace
Should these books be made into movies?: hell yes
Did you like the page?: of course
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Every book I read was better then the last.

Emmy - 03/04/00 02:18:28
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: They're all awesome!!
Favorite Redwall Character: Dibbuns
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: YEAH!!
Have you read the whole series?: yep
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Don't know
You have an awesome web page

Mike - 03/03/00 19:11:10
My Email:MikeMan864@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo, but Ive only read two of the books
Favorite Redwall Character: Basil Stag Hare and Orlando the Axe
Should these books be made into movies?: No way! The movies would stink!!!
Did you like the page?: Sure
Have you read the whole series?: No, but I'm on my way! 2 down, uh....10 or somethin' to go!!!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: A bunch of shrews againt hares? The Long Patrol! No contest!
I really hope Brian Jacques keeps writing forever and makes me a character! I want to be a badger or a hare! They rule! Wot Wot!

abby - 03/02/00 18:31:40
My Email:none
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Mariel of Redwall
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: all that are out
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol, but it would be close

Alex - 02/28/00 00:48:53
My Email:happydude125@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The long patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Gonff
Should these books be made into movies?: No
Did you like the page?: ok
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
Redwall is the best series and i cant wait till the next one!!

Ryan Peaslee - 02/21/00 02:24:36
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no

- 02/21/00 02:23:14

Zedd - 02/20/00 19:16:53
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: NO!!!
Did you like the page?: YES
Have you read the whole series?: So many times that I could not put words to it!!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
This series is very good for all ages!!!

Red Rage - 02/20/00 16:30:27
My Email:RedRage2124
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Marlfox
Favorite Redwall Character: Gingivere
Should these books be made into movies?: Yeah!
Did you like the page?: Uh-huh.
Have you read the whole series?: Yup.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Dunno. Go shrews!
I want Marlfox stuff!

Rachel McEowen - 02/17/00 17:42:20
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Ledgend of Luke
Favorite Redwall Character: Dumble
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Nuetral
Redwall is some of the best books ever! I;m glad there are other people who like to read as much as I do. I hope you keep on updateing the page and that he comes up with more books.

Jordan - 02/13/00 02:30:04
My Email:TigerStripe7@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: SunStripe
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I like it! Keep building!

lewis holland - 02/12/00 19:47:14
My Email:ned9000@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: foremole
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes all of them
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: the long patrol
i LOVE redwall and i can't wait for the next book and i hope that they bring out a tv series etc...

kate - 02/05/00 20:24:46
My Email:katevdave@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: mossflower & Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin and Rose
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: ya it's really cool
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol, because long patrol has better warriors, but they shouldn't be fighting in the first place!
This is really cool site, brian jacques is such a cool author i've read all his books and can't wait for his new ones to come out!!

charlotte - 02/04/00 19:55:30
My Email:charlotte@steers4.freeserve.co.uk
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: No Way
Did you like the page?: Yes but I wish the character sketches would be updated more often.
Have you read the whole series?: No but I'm planning to
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: It's hard to say. probably Long Patrol
In Brian Jacques's books I like the way he makes moles, hares, shrews and mice all speak differently. Very good website.

charlotte - 02/04/00 19:48:00

Andrea Blaser - 02/02/00 22:15:20
My Email:blaserandrea@hotmail
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin of course
Should these books be made into movies?: Definately not! Brian Jacques' words are better than any movie
Did you like the page?: Yes!
Have you read the whole series?: twice...Martin the Warrior 4 times
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol because of their size,weaponry,and experience...sorry Logalog!
These are the best books I have read and will ever read!

Timothy Harbour - 01/28/00 12:44:21
My Email:tjh@yebo.co.za
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Salamanderstron
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: The Long Patrol
I think Redwall is the best book sieres ever made and I wish that Brain could make tons more and I really enjoy the page because I can really feel the redwall vibes

Richard Stephenson - 01/27/00 12:43:32
My Email:Mushy1701_RS@Yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall (original)
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: Cartoons
Did you like the page?: it's smart
Have you read the whole series?: Many Times
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long patrol (no competition)
Nice page read these books since was kid,wish they would stop changing the covers as some of them are pants. keep up the good work! P.S. Write a Adrian Mole web page. Richard Stephenson

Tym P - 01/25/00 21:19:44
My Email:yaderehay@juno.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunstripe the Mace
Should these books be made into movies?: nooooo
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews, if they held the long patrol under seige they would starve
I love these book and hope they never end. GO REDWALL

Tom - 01/23/00 21:49:50
My Email:Heckto63@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin because he is like the Head man and the most courageous
Should these books be made into movies?: Oh Yes
Did you like the page?: It's great
Have you read the whole series?: You bet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Well the Guosim probally have them out numbered but the Long Patrol are fierce and brave and stronger
i just love the whole series and I think these books are great

Storm Darnell - 01/18/00 22:11:09
My Email:munchie_88@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: so far Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Baby Dumble and Sunflash the Mace
Should these books be made into movies?: deffinently
Did you like the page?: yeah
Have you read the whole series?: all but mossflower,mattimao, and marlfox
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
hi,you have a great page!One thing i think you should add is a page that teaches you to talk like hares, moles, and infints. bye Storm

- 01/14/00 03:00:27
Favorite Redwall Character: MARTIAN THE WARRIOR
Should these books be made into movies?: NO
Did you like the page?: YES
Have you read the whole series?: ALL 11
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: LONG PATROL

Jessica - 01/09/00 21:54:41
My Email:Jessica_Axelrad@ee.org
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Grath Longfetch
Should these books be made into movies?: Most Definetly!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: All the books that have come to America.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long patrol, most definetly
Should put information on all the characters it says you would.

Elizabeth Miller - 01/08/00 16:50:31
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Rollo and other dibbuns
Should these books be made into movies?: No; Half of the greatness of these books is Brian Jacques' words
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: All but the Legend of Luke
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Partol
It would be nice if this page had more info. about each character.

Bennett - 01/06/00 17:29:49
My Email:pmcm@marin.k12.ca.us
Favorite Redwall Character: Orlando the Axe
Should these books be made into movies?: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: Yes!!!!!!!!!
Have you read the whole series?: No!!!!!!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I Think That the color of the wrighting on the sord is hard to read.

Deirdre Bargeman - 01/01/00 20:34:16
My Email:Bargies@hwcn.org
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Song
Should these books be made into movies?: No
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: It ddepends
You should'nt have a white backround against white words

Marcell Courtright - 12/25/99 23:48:00
My Email:Hubbadrew@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: don't have one love them all
Favorite Redwall Character: I think it's the baby moles in Redwall
Should these books be made into movies?: Most defenitaly
Did you like the page?: Yes!
Have you read the whole series?: No, Not yet.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Oh, that's tough
My favorite teacher of all times is a woman from Helena Montana. She taught at Kessler school and helped me with a reading problem by introducing me to these books. Since then I have won awards from reading so much and I can't get enough of these books nd many others.

sarah - 12/15/99 19:10:20
My Email:Sheer_Khan_007@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: I have three, Long Patrol, Redwall, Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Skipper!!!!!!!!!(and other otter, they rule!!!)
Should these books be made into movies?: No, because of the battle scenes. If a producer could skip that part WITHOUT leaving out the main points in the battle, than yes
Did you like the page?: Yup!
Have you read the whole series?: You better believe it baby!!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol, but I'm not dissin the shrews at all! Its a hard choice
I like your Page! I can't wait for The Legend of Luke (or whatever) to come out in America!!! Later! ~Sarah~

RHO-35 - 12/15/99 00:20:10
My Email:banksonr@juno.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Cluny the Scourge
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol

tom - 12/14/99 12:54:37
My Email:stack99t@stmarks.hounslow.sch.uk
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: salamanstron
Favorite Redwall Character: sunstripe
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: nearly
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
i like the page and i think redwall is great

ryro - 12/10/99 00:52:15
My Email:ryro2000_1999@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: "Redwall"
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes it is great
Have you read the whole series?: no I Only have read one but I have four of the books
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: I don't know never heard of iether one
You need to put alot of stuff about Matthias, Silent Sam, Basil stag hare and Jess squirell on your site the are the best. P.S don't forget about Chickenhound and Warbeak

Greg - 12/03/99 03:15:18
My URL:Working on it.
My Email:scosa_22@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Marlfox
Favorite Redwall Character: I dunno...
Should these books be made into movies?: It would be pretty cool...
Did you like the page?: I guess...
Have you read the whole series?: All that have come out!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: The Long Patrol would kick their little rooty poo butts!
I like to sign guestbooks.

Henderson - 12/02/99 02:19:26
My Email:seanolson_1118@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: Ferahgo the Assassin
Should these books be made into movies?: No, it would spoil the imagination factor
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
"Death to the enemies of Ferahgo!"

Jacob - 11/13/99 23:56:59
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Log-a-Log from Mattimeo
Should these books be made into movies?: No because everybody has differint ideas about how the characters look and sound.
Did you like the page?: It is very good
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim all the way!!!
This is a great page about a great series of books.

Many Coats - 11/13/99 22:12:53
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Tie between Pearls of Lutra and The Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Tamello DeFormello Tussock
Should these books be made into movies?: Only if the plot is kept allmost the same and it's done by really good animators
Did you like the page?: It's a pretty good site and the background is one of the best I've seen
Have you read the whole series?: All of them except for two books
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Most definitely the Long Patrol
This web page is one of the best!

Chad - 11/06/99 02:23:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh3/BJFansClub/index.html
My Email:ChadCom398@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: Nah......I mean, everybody knows that
Did you like the page?: It was pretty good!
Have you read the whole series?: Yea! Every single book! I just ordered the Legend of Luke from Canada, too
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Oh geez, good question.......I dunno!

milne - 11/05/99 00:29:51
My Email:milne77@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: martin the warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: martin
Should these books be made into movies?: some
Did you like the page?: very much
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: why would they fight?
great sight keep up the great work love the back ground.

ruth44 - 11/04/99 23:02:34
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: mariel of redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: dandin
Should these books be made into movies?: ???
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
I like the books a lot. Byebye

- 11/03/99 11:51:17

Tyler Hare - 11/01/99 23:01:04
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Arven the squrril
Should these books be made into movies?: yep
Did you like the page?: nope
Have you read the whole series?: yep
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol

Froggey - 10/29/99 01:35:27
My Email:Froggey13@dmi.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: I loved them all!!
Favorite Redwall Character: Probaly Mariel. Girl power!!
Should these books be made into movies?: No. In movies they always ruin the story. The book is always better then the movie.
Did you like the page?: Way cool!!
Have you read the whole series?: All exept Marlfox whick I can't find anywhere.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: ????????
I love the redwall books. My sister got me into them and know I love them more than she does. They are the best!!!!

Ebboni-solstise - 10/28/99 14:13:55
My Email:Mithril4@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: outcast of redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Methusela
Should these books be made into movies?: of course!!!
Did you like the page?: yeah!
Have you read the whole series?: not yet.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: guosim shrews all the way!!!
this series rules! i love all of the books iv'e read so far and my friend has started a redwall craze with all of my friends! THank's for the info. MEthuselah for ever!

Ross Gutzmer - 10/21/99 20:03:12
My Email:gutzmer23@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: Cartoon or real life?
Did you like the page?: yes!
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Haven't read long patrol but I am going to say the shrews
I love the redwall series. It is so intense. Brian ends the chapters so well. You don't want to put down the book. I WILL read every book in the series.

hayley warren - 10/21/99 12:07:37
My Email:a63852@tcat.ac.uk
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: basil stag hare
Should these books be made into movies?: YES
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
i think the books are brilliant, everyone should read them. i have been reading them since i was eight. i am now eighteen. keep them up is all i can say and i wait with baited breath for the next instalement.

Swedish Fish - 10/19/99 00:33:31
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Mariel
Should these books be made into movies?: No!!!
Did you like the page?: Yes!
Have you read the whole series?: YEEESSS!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guoism,
Cool site, shrews rule! Hare's would probably out eat Shrews in an eating contest but in a fight, shrews would be tough to beat, no matter how perilous hares are. I still love Hares though! Tammo's cool, but Tarquin and all the other rock!

Seaquest - 10/05/99 17:04:42
My Email:Polgara_203@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash or Sunstripe
Should these books be made into movies?: no; the magic would be lost
Did you like the page?: yes.
Have you read the whole series?: yes.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol. Duh.
The Redwall series transports readers to a world where bravery and heroic quests still exist. People need stories like this.

Ben "bellmaker" Leonard - 10/02/99 20:01:24
My Email:deb1leonard@earthlink.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Joseph the Bellmaker
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes i did (i loved the background)
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol- No problem

Sunstipe the Mase - 09/26/99 12:34:33
My Email:asdft24@aol.com[soontochange]
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Salamandostron
Favorite Redwall Character: The skipper in Marlfox
Should these books be made into movies?: ehhh.probably not.
Did you like the page?: sure
Have you read the whole series?: many times over
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim due to numbers
great job on the site!! just try to get the new things in ASAP!!

Aldar - 09/20/99 23:22:59
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: martin the warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: mad eyes
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
redwall is the best if you read this go on: www.angelfire.com/va/kehgv/ thats the adress now i'm expecting you 2 be there

Mark Magnus - 09/19/99 17:24:14
My Email:tooshort130@hotmail.com
Favorite Redwall Character: martin
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
I jus tust love the redwall series and i am reading the series for the therd time and still get new things every time I read them over.and the book never get boring. Mark magnus

mandy - 09/18/99 20:06:57
My Email:Roxy395992@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: ?... lik um all
Favorite Redwall Character: um maby cheek
Should these books be made into movies?: maby but not all. it depindes on how they would make the movie and what book they made into a movie
Did you like the page?: I gess but you need to fiks the backround
Have you read the whole series?: no

Sarah of Redwall - 09/14/99 03:11:35
My Email:peachgirl@mediaone.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Mattias
Should these books be made into movies?: Only if they will do it justice.
Did you like the page?: It's cute.
Have you read the whole series?: More than once
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
The first book I read by him was Redwall. I fell in love right away. I have used that book in over three book reports for school, each time pretending I had never read it, just so that I would have an excuse to read it again. Anyone who wants to talk Redw ll, should send me an e-mail.

Melissa Stastny - 09/14/99 01:39:38
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Marlfox
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: Yes- and loved it!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I've loved Brian Jaques since I first read Martin the Warrior. I'm possitively obbsessed with Redwall. My favorite Abbot is Saxtus and my favorite Abbess is Tansy. I'm hoping that he will write some new books soon. I own the whole series except for Ma lfox- it hasn't come out in paperback yet. But as soon as it does I can garuntee you I'll own it!!

Maureen Lonergan,11 - 09/06/99 20:30:49
My Email:mtuner@carolina.rr.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Oooooohhhhhh,tough one.I actually have three.Redwall,The Outcast of Redwall,and The Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: I have LOTS!!!!!Well,here goes the list:Martin,Matthias,Matimeo,Methuslah,all the badgers,all the hares,and all the moles
Should these books be made into movies?: No way!!!!!!!Reason:it would ruin the books because they couldn't capture Redwall right.The only way to see Redwall is in your head.
Did you like the page?: Yes,it was cool!!!
Have you read the whole series?: Yes,except for Salamandastron,which I'm reading
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: That is a very silly question.All the Guosim would be slautered!!!!!!!
This was a cool page but it needs more pictures and links.But it was still cool.In that case,I'll give it my seal of aproval.Redwaaaaaaaaalllllllll! Eeeeeeeeuuuuuulaliiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! Mosssssssssssssssfloooooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeer!!!! Logalogalogalogalogalogalogalogalogalogalog!!!!!!

Maureen Lonergan - 09/06/99 16:40:29
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthiasand all the moles
Should these books be made into movies?: NO NO NO NO NO
Did you like the page?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you read the whole series?: yes,except for Salamandastron
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I WORSHIP Redwall !!!!!!!!!!!!

Samuel the warrior - 08/25/99 23:32:32
My Email:rfwiede@qni.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mosflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Log-olog
Should these books be made into movies?: YES
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no, but a lot of it
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: guosim shrews
This is the best redwall site ever! I would give it grand prize over all web site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . ( .

Lay Warstripe the Fearless - 08/25/99 00:26:51
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash the Mace
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: My Long Patrol hares. Duhh
This is such a cool site. So I'll give it my seal of approvel. Cool site Eeulaiaaaaaaaa!

Gwenhwyfear - 08/23/99 10:24:09
My URL:http://pdq.to/thegoddesscloud
My Email:gwenhwyfear@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower, but then I haven't read all the books yet.
Favorite Redwall Character: Gonff, he's too adorable for words!
Should these books be made into movies?: Only if they are cartoon like. I couldn't stand it if it was all done with puppets.
Did you like the page?: Yeah. i liked the background. Neato.
Have you read the whole series?: Sadly, no. Infact, I just finished Mossflower today. I plan too though! I'm SO addicted. =)
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: I have absolutely no clue.
Nice page. I plan on coming back. =)

daniel gurton - 08/17/99 05:53:40
My Email:gurto@dfd2
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: the marmarlade cat
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: it would be a drore
the best books in the world

Em - 08/14/99 18:58:32
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior, and Mossflower.
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin
Should these books be made into movies?: only if they make them right.
Did you like the page?: yes, it's great!
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: hmmm, I think they'd bring it to a standstill.
This is a great page. I'm a big fan of Redwall and have been for years. I eagerly await the next book. See ya!

KYLE PHILLIPS - 07/29/99 20:02:00
My Email:-----------------------------------
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: MOSSFLOWER
Favorite Redwall Character: SUNFLASH THE MACE
Should these books be made into movies?: IF ONLY THEY WOULD......
Did you like the page?: LOVED IT
Have you read the whole series?: EVERY ONE SO FAR
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: EEEWWW TOUGH ..I WOULD SAY LONG PATROL

Arven - 07/28/99 23:53:24
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mariel of Redwall. It was the first one I read.
Favorite Redwall Character: ??Either Clecky, Mariel or Martin(from the book Martin the Warrior).
Should these books be made into movies?: No
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Yes. I am in the prosess of re-reading.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol, though I don't want to find out.
You should add more about each carachter.

Garry - 07/28/99 10:26:49
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Finbar Galedeep, Grubb the dibbun
Should these books be made into movies?: no, it would ruin it
Did you like the page?: yes!
Have you read the whole series?: all but Salamandastron
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol!!!
This is a great page, well done!! Maybe put in a review of all the books?

Garry - 07/28/99 10:23:24

Mariel Gullwhacker - 07/27/99 21:57:10
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: ALL of them
Favorite Redwall Character: Mariel & Dandin
Should these books be made into movies?: Definately!
Did you like the page?: it needs more pics
Have you read the whole series?: nope, only have 'the pearls of Lustra' left
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol definately. The Guosim are fierce fighters, but they can be very narrow-minded & ignorant
Cool website, but it needs more pics & new updates.( you can get more pics from new edition books, and other websites you know.)

Mariel Gullwhacker - 07/27/99 21:53:06
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: ALL of them
Favorite Redwall Character: Mariel & Dandin
Should these books be made into movies?: Definately!
Did you like the page?: it needs more pics
Have you read the whole series?: nope, only have 'the pearls of Lustra' left
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol definately. The Guosim are fierce fighters, but they can be very narrow-minded & ignorant
Cool website, but it needs more pics & new updates.( you can get more pics from new edition books, and other websites you know.)

Joe - 07/27/99 17:37:51
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Asmodeus
Should these books be made into movies?: You bet ya'
Did you like the page?: It's Ok
Have you read the whole series?: In the Process. Ready Salamadastron right now.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: This is the stupidus question. Shrews would get slaughtered
You might want to add some other stuff besides favorite characters and books.

Paddy - 07/26/99 22:31:45
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: tie between Gingivere and Rufe Brush.
Should these books be made into movies?: They already are. Redwall is in the works of becoming a movie.
Did you like the page?: The page is kewl.
Have you read the whole series?: All but LOL which hasn't come out in the USA yet.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: I don't think they'd fight but the LP would win.
Hey, be sure to add Urgan Nagru and Damug Warfang to the badguy list later on. Oh yeah, Ferhago, too. Ferhago is kewl.

Daniel - 07/22/99 17:50:28
My Email:computer_bob@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin The Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: Absolutely
Did you like the page?: Sort of
Have you read the whole series?: Absolutely
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: depends when
You should add a chronological order of almost everything.

Justin Winn - 07/21/99 21:50:34
My Email:piggy_toe@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: pearls of lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the warrior of old
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
this page is so sweet i love it

Doug Bjelland - 07/02/99 16:56:28
My Email:bjelland84@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Methuselah
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: not quite yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol

matthew - 06/25/99 11:14:43
My URL:http://hobart high school
My Email:n/a
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: luke
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
redwall is skill

David Booth - 06/23/99 15:32:58
My Email:NONE
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: No
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
The Redwall series is so fasinating. I have enjoyed them ever since I was drug into the world last year. These books are so captivating.

David Booth - 06/23/99 15:29:51
My Email:NONE
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: No
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
The Redwall series is so fasinating. I have enjoyed them ever since I was drug into the world last year. These books are so captivating.

Peter - 06/22/99 21:07:49
My Email:firstdegree@excite.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: I like them all
Favorite Redwall Character: dont have one
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol

Brann - 06/20/99 05:02:27
My Email:Nallab88@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Marlfox
Favorite Redwall Character: Mokkan
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: Why it was a bally well good trip
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Why would they fight?
Why this is the best jolly old site I know!

Sarah Adams - 06/18/99 14:49:48
My Email:adams_sarah55@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Basil Stag Hare
Should these books be made into movies?: Only if I'm in them!
Did you like the page?: YES!
Have you read the whole series?: Almost.Give me time...
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
It's a really nice site. You should try writing your own Redwall story. You'd be very good at it. When I get Internet, I'm immediatly making a Redwall site and joining your Ring! It's my destiny...

Lady Starfire Sunsplash - 06/16/99 19:10:33
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/redwallabbey/
My Email:vettek2be@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: A tie between the Honorable Rosemary and Mariel.
Should these books be made into movies?: I'm kinda iffy on that. The element of imagination might be destroyed. One of the things I like about the books is that though they are descriptive, you can still make up how you want things to look.
Did you like the page?: It's got potential. I've got a few suggestions.
Have you read the whole series?: Of course! How could I call myself a true Redwaller if I hadn't! :)
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: That would be an extreme. Good vs. Good??? But the Long Patrol would definately win.
Here's my suggestions: 1) Your page's loading time is slow, due to the fact that you have a background and two pictures at the top, plus the webring graphic near the bottom. It might help if you reduce the size of the graphics on top and move your webring to a different page. I had a bunch of webrings at the bottom of my page, and I moved them to their own page and now my page goes much faster. 2) People keep telling me I need to get a background that isn't solid because it will make my page look better. The truth is, some backgrounds make loading time go slower, and they make the text harder to read. I would either change the text color on the age or get rid of the background altogether. Other than that, you have a nice page. Keep up the good work. ~Lady Starfire~

Joel Ribbens - 06/16/99 03:51:52
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo or Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Queen Warbeek
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: No only 2 so far
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews
I'm 10 and just started reading Redwall books. One Suggestion is a time line.

Joel Ribbens - 06/16/99 03:49:12
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo or Redwall

Jasmyn - 06/13/99 21:54:23
My URL:http://gateway.yahoo.net
My Email:jasmyn86@netaddress.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: it's ok
Have you read the whole series?: almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Shrews

Michael Pfonner - 06/09/99 23:03:37
My URL:http://gauntlet.com/
My Email:frog@buffnet.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Marlfox
Favorite Redwall Character: Mokkan
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: so-so
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Definitely Long Patrol

Jared - 05/31/99 16:45:03
My Email:mark.smith171@gte.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Log a log
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews

Jon Van Natta - 05/25/99 04:37:38
My URL:http://members.tripod.co.uk/Felldoh/index.html
My Email:furandfreedom@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Felldoh
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol by far
please tell me how to get a background like yours on a quick page or a html page because I am having troubles

colin - 05/21/99 20:09:14
My Email:fdfdsfds
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: yeah that would rock
Did you like the page?: it is cool
Have you read the whole series?: now i'm on my 3rd book mattimeo
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol duh
redwall is so cool!my friend at schools nickname is mattimeo.I want to read Marlfox next.

JJ - 05/15/99 00:23:08
My Email:jinkies_sd@yahoo.com
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias and Cornflower
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!! (already been made into a cartoon series)
Did you like the page?: yep
Have you read the whole series?: nope
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: ???
Hi! I'm a newcomer to the Redwall series and even though I'm older that the average reader, I still love ther series. Cool page!!

Fiona Laird - 05/07/99 19:25:57
My Email:alaird@cwcom.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Pasque
Should these books be made into movies?: yes---yes---yes
Did you like the page?: ok
Have you read the whole series?: no
My dad bought me the long patrol and now I'm going to read the rest starting at the begining. PS: I've passed the book to my dad and he is going to read the long patrol once he has finished Bernard Cromwell's Excalibur which he says is great. Bye

Nathan CLark - 05/04/99 17:01:47
My Email:broadpaw@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: Farran the Poisoner
Should these books be made into movies?: oh hell yeah
Did you like the page?: sorta
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: they wouldn't fight.
Long Patrol would never fight the Guosim. The page is alright, but ya need ta get on the ball and create all that new stuff

Tim Beckett - 05/03/99 10:09:20
My Email:Slim_Shady@farts.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunstripe the badger
Should these books be made into movies?: Definately (stop motion animation)
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: I've got + read them all
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim shrews

- 04/30/99 22:31:58

PETER KOVACS - 04/30/99 17:26:21
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: OUTCAST OF REDWALL
Favorite Redwall Character: VEIL
Should these books be made into movies?: YES
Did you like the page?: YES
Have you read the whole series?: 3 TO GO
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: LONG PATROL

PETER - 04/30/99 17:17:04
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: SALAMANDASTRON
Favorite Redwall Character: MARTIN
Should these books be made into movies?: YES
Did you like the page?: YES
Have you read the whole series?: NO
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: LONG PATROL

Daniel Piva - 04/14/99 23:52:11
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Arven
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I enjoy your page, but I think you could improve it by adding a map setting with mossflower, southsward, the northlands,ect...

Johnny Rotten - 04/13/99 22:13:26
My Email:lee.mclennan@virgin.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: hmmmm.... i'd say Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Storn Gullwacker (Mariel)
Should these books be made into movies?: yes, if they are made with the respect it deserves and its not a cartoon.
Did you like the page?: its not bad
Have you read the whole series?: not quite a couple or so to go
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: well, i'd say the Long Patrol for their organisation, but there's no way they would fight eachother.
I'm sure when i say this that there's a really homely feeling in the adventures of Redwall that i've never experienced in any other book or authur. Fantastic.

Zac Glidden - 04/09/99 17:56:39
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Dandin
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: so-so
Have you read the whole series?: All but Marlfox
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol

Paul - 04/09/99 03:08:41
My Email:adidasguy_99@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: Basil Stag Hare
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
you need some recipes for the foods they eat

Janell - 04/02/99 05:08:48
My Email:snickers1110@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: Rollo
Should these books be made into movies?: sure, just not cartoons.....
Did you like the page?: O yeah!
Have you read the whole series?: 3 to go
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim wouldn't stand a chance!
I love Rollo who doesn't wanna gorra bed! EULALIAAAAAAAA!

Elizabeth - 03/31/99 18:46:42
My Email:Starlife1@juno.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: almost through
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: not sure, haven't meat LP yet

Greg Finley - 03/19/99 04:23:28
My Email:ryoken1@earthlink.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower, because it was the book that started my adventure of a lifetime.
Favorite Redwall Character: Rufe
Should these books be made into movies?: Definitely (as long as they don't differ from the books!)
Did you like the page?: Yup!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I started reading the Redwall series about 3-4 years ago (6-7th grade). I read all 8 books (well, I only knew of 8) which were out at the time, and quickly picked up the Peals of Lutra when I heard of it. Since then, I see I there are another 4 books I ave not read! I stopped reading when I went into highschool, but when I was at the book store the other day I saw a new one on the front desk. I declined to get it when my mom asked me. Not out of maturity so much as the fact that I collect the books in hardback. I ran into someone in Myth II (my personal fav RTS game) the other day named Lord Brocktree. I probably wouldn't have remembered if he wasn't being partnered by someone named Matthias. I just pulled my browser up and decided I check out some R dwall pages and get info the any new books. I can't believe there are so many I have missed... Looks like I'll be doing some more overnighters (I read several of the books in a night or two, often staying up until my eyes would refuse to stay open). I mu t say that if I had to choose for there to be only one series of books in the entire world, it would be Redwall. Oh, and as far as the Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews... It was proven on one of the books that a hare can eat more pudding (it was pudding was 't in?) than a shrew. My mind is rusty, and methinks I need to read the series two more times over. I will start tonight. :)

Chris Peditto - 03/10/99 01:35:11
My URL:don't think you guys would care hehe...
My Email:kidphantom_10@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: wouldn't know just started Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: So far.... Constance
Should these books be made into movies?: I wouldn't know...
Did you like the page?: YES!
Have you read the whole series?: No
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Um... from what I hear... Long Patrol
Well your site is great. I started Redwall yesterday and I'm about half-way into the book. I love this book I haven't put it down all day. I hope you update this page more!

Drew Schmidtke - 03/09/99 23:09:05
My Email:schmidtke@niia.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: all of them
Favorite Redwall Character: Grath Longfletch or any hare
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: yes, but you need to update more often
Have you read the whole series?: 1 more, Mossflower
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
email me PLEASE!!!!!!!!

Dashel X - 03/06/99 21:17:04
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Gonff the Mousethief
Should these books be made into movies?: Definitely
Did you like the page?: Ditto
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: The Long Patrol.
The Long Patrol would especially win against the Guosim Shrews if it was an eating contest.

Glenn Harvey - 03/02/99 20:52:49
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Veil Sixclaw
Should these books be made into movies?: Duh!!!!
Did you like the page?: Very good.
Have you read the whole series?: Almost....
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim shrews

Rosetree - 03/02/99 05:09:40
My Email:none
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall,Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: Maybe.
Did you like the page?: It's pretty good.
Have you read the whole series?: Not yet. Three more books to go.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol. But why would they fight with each other?
I think that the Redwall series is the best thing I have ever read. Brian Jaques is the best writer of all time. I hope he writes more good books. Oh yeah, you're site is good! Keep on adding more information to it!

Ben - 03/02/99 01:33:14
My Email:ferahgotheassasin@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Outcast
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash the Mace
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
The Redwall series are great books. I like Ferahgo the Assassin. You should put him on your page

Aaron - 02/28/99 01:57:48
My Email:airbare8
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Basil Stag Hare
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
hey,keep up the good work.

kyle alves - 02/27/99 13:59:02
My Email:dalves@lucent.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Jangular Swifteye
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!!
Did you like the page?: YES!!!!
Have you read the whole series?: NO, I want too!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: LongPatrol
Brian Jacques is real cool and talented! I think if redwall books became a show or movie kids would love it,I'm atrue fan of Brian Jacques and so is my brother and my two friends!!!

Scott Maxwell - 02/16/99 06:13:14
My URL:http://my.zipworld.com.au
My Email:swoz@zipworld.com.au
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower or Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the 2
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: Yes!
Have you read the whole series?: Of course
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Great Page!!!!!!!!

Amy - 02/13/99 19:17:01
My Email:Them all

Zachary Berger - 02/11/99 07:18:11
My Email:Redyoshi64@Hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower,Mattemeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Definetly Martin the Warrior 1
Should these books be made into movies?: No, It always messes up the books 'cause you can imagen the characters if you don't see the movie
Did you like the page?: Kinda'..... You need more stuff in it ( I understane it's coming! )
Have you read the whole series?: No, only about half!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: They would all fall down dead from eachother!
Martin The Warrior I RULZ! Sunflash I think sucks, he's too strong and not strategic enough, he acts before he thinks! I personally think that book of the series was very ill written! My favorite Villan is either Cluny the Scoure 'cause he is very good of a trained warlord or Slager the Cruel but he didn't die very interestingly.

Methuselah - 02/11/99 01:39:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/redwall/index.html
My Email:james3@nauticom.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Methuselah
Should these books be made into movies?: Totaly
Did you like the page?: I LOVE it!
Have you read the whole series?: All except the Long Patrol and Marlfox
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Not a ton more I can say. Totaly cool page. If ya have a club and like club vs. club fights, check out the Redwall Triatholon(Our page hosts it, and created it).

Poggit Silverspike - 02/09/99 03:18:57
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Durry Quill
Should these books be made into movies?: yup
Did you like the page?: yeah
Have you read the whole series?: No,but I will.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Why would they fight anyway?
Moooooooooossssssssssssflowweeeeeeeeeeeer!cool site,mate.

Sarah Watton - 02/05/99 11:29:33
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the 1st
Should these books be made into movies?: Absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt!!
Did you like the page?: It was brilliant!!
Have you read the whole series?: Nearly.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol. Hares have larger feet!!
I just want to say that Brian Jacques is the most amazing author in the whole world, and the characters he creates out of his wonderful imagination are just fantastic. Martin, Cluny, Matthias, Queen Tsarmina are just brilliant and Brian Jacques is the BES !!!!

Terrin Galedeep - 02/04/99 03:25:14
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash(Sunstripe)
Should these books be made into movies?: Uh-hu!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yeah
Have you read the whole series?: no,but I'm going to.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: they both have = chances,the Long Patrol with the badger lord,Guosim with the Guosssom.
Redwall movies would be sweet!!!!!

kelly callen - 01/29/99 17:33:43
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: martin the warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: dandin
Should these books be made into movies?: no never that messes the books up
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: almost i need to read Marlfox
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
I want to know what adventures dandin went on

Matt - 01/08/99 22:30:10
My Email:mrman_10@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: Urthstripe
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: YES!
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Tie. Why would they fight anyway?
I like the page. It would be great if the books were movies!!!!

GRUB - 01/06/99 23:44:18
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: MOSSFLOWER
Favorite Redwall Character: ???
Should these books be made into movies?: ??
Did you like the page?: GOOD
Have you read the whole series?: YES!!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: LONG PATROL
I LOVE REDWALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

red-c - 01/04/99 20:04:14
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim shrews
I like the backround on your page!!!!!

Daphne - 01/04/99 01:54:14
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All of them
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: yes, if I made them!
Did you like the page?: yup
Have you read the whole series?: no, but I'm going to
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: I have no idea!
I feel that there should be more adventures with Matthias, Martin, Gonff, and Constance!

ms_nestea - 12/31/98 19:52:33
My Email:ms_nestea@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Basil Stag Hare
Should these books be made into movies?: Duh, of course!
Did you like the page?: what do you think?
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Definately the shrews

david - 12/29/98 05:17:01
My Email:ahofferber@cwsredlands.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: long patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: martin
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: the shrews

Kevin Stanton - 12/26/98 17:24:36
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Tarquin L. Woodsorel
Should these books be made into movies?: Definetly
Did you like the page?: It s O.K.
Have you read the whole series?: No, just ten of them
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Definetly The Long Patrol
Brian Jacques is a brilliant author and should definetly keep writing.I just read some of the other comments and Id like to know what happened to Ashleg aswell. And I cant find Marlfox in paperback anywhere here in Cork or Dublin.(Ireland)

Kevin Stanton - 12/26/98 17:08:45
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Tarquin L. Woodsorel
Should these books be made into movies?: Definetly
Did you like the page?: It s O.K.
Have you read the whole series?: No, just ten of them
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Definetly The Long Patrol
Brian Jacques is a brilliant author and should definetly keep writing.

Kevin Stanton - 12/26/98 17:00:48

Mariel - 12/26/98 16:14:44
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes i did
Have you read the whole series?: no I have two more to go
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I think Redwall books are the best books I have ever set eyes on. But I can not what for them to come out on vidio one more thing I did not mench REDWALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Mariel - 12/26/98 16:02:19
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes i did
Have you read the whole series?: no I have two more to go
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I think Redwall books are the best books I have ever set eyes on. But I can not what for them to come out on vidio

Mariel - 12/26/98 15:53:05

Brittany Knapp - 12/20/98 17:03:25
My Email:brost1@execpc.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Mattias
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!
Did you like the page?: It's pretty good:)
Have you read the whole series?: Not yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Beats Me.

Zachary Duncan - 12/19/98 21:54:42
My Email:JDuncan@Chesco.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower+Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Gonff Prince of Mouse Thieves
Should these books be made into movies?: Are you sick? Of course they should be.
Did you like the page?: It's very awesome
Have you read the whole series?: Yep, I even have the map
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Hey, I also broke the the binding of Mossflower. I also broke the bindings of Martin and my dad had to take out my light bulbs so I wouldn't read at night.

Zachary Duncan - 12/19/98 21:53:07
My Email:JDuncan@Chesco.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower+Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Gonff Prince of Mouse Thieves
Should these books be made into movies?: Are you sick? Of course they should be.
Did you like the page?: It's very awesome
Have you read the whole series?: Yep, I even have the map
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol

Anders Nelson - 12/19/98 17:04:19
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Asmodeus
Should these books be made into movies?: yes!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I think the redwall series should be made into a animated movie series. I would sertenly buy them!! Long Live Redwall!!!

morgan bates - 12/10/98 23:37:45
My Email:batsfam@ix.netcom
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: salamadastron
Favorite Redwall Character: dumble
Should these books be made into movies?: definatly
Did you like the page?: yea
Have you read the whole series?: yup
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
this is a pretty cool site but you might want to get some pictures or have book review areas

allyson - 12/03/98 23:33:09
My Email:allyng@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of Lutra or Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Mattimeo or Orlando the Axe
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews
Does anyone know what happened to Ashleg in 'Mossflower'? Because all of the sudden, Ashleg is like gone! My friend said he disappeared. Is it true?!

SUNFLASH - 12/01/98 05:30:07
My Email:biohazard_star@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast of redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash The Mace
Should these books be made into movies?: YAH
Did you like the page?: its ok
Have you read the whole series?: not yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: well in the book the always have the shrews helping them and there the frist ones to die so id have to say long patrol
when you have villains for Swarrt Sixclaw the badger that messed up his hand was SUNFLASH not sunstripe ok...OK

cORNFLOWER - 11/29/98 17:20:57
My Email:NONE
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: NONE
Favorite Redwall Character: ME OF CORSE SILLY
Should these books be made into movies?: IF IIIIM IN IT YES
Did you like the page?: WHAT PAGE? ICANNOT SEE A PAGE
Have you read the whole series?: NO
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: ME

NORMAN PERCY FREDRICKSON - 11/29/98 17:02:44
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: MOSSFLOWER
Favorite Redwall Character: TSARMINA
Should these books be made into movies?: WADYAFINK DUMED?
Did you like the page?: UUUUUUUUH DUNNO FIKO
Have you read the whole series?: DEPENDS IF I CAN READ OR NOT DONT IT
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: ROSE n GRUMM n PALLUM

Martin T Warrior - 11/29/98 16:43:26
My Email:ayres.bob.ir@bhp.com.au
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Mattimeo
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes but make sure you read the book first or else it spoils the classy book.
Did you like the page?: Yes it was good.
Have you read the whole series?: No, I have read the first 6 books
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long patrol definetly.
I think Jacques is very good and like other people I cannot wait till he brings another book out.

Anna - 11/29/98 06:14:26
My URL:http://none
My Email:tomfrit@inforum.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearles of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Constance
Should these books be made into movies?: yes(I hope they don't mess them up!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no(only Mossflower,Pearls,Salamandastron,outcast,and bellmaker
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Definitly long patrol
Top Hole!What, What?

james lamb - 11/21/98 21:37:28
My Email:james.lamb@lineone.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: long patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: rockjaw grang
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol

james lamb - 11/21/98 21:34:57

Sheena Teague - 11/21/98 20:11:46
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo(I was so happy when Matthias found his son, I cried! Really!!)
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias ( I mean *AM THAT IS!!*
Should these books be made into movies?: Hey Of course! Why not, huh?
Did you like the page?: I love any page that includes Redwall!
Have you read the whole series?: almost, I have read every one except Luke the Warrior( I'd die to get it!) and the brand spanking new one, Marlfox
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Depends upon their weapons. Long Patrol because of their flexibility, and the Guosim Shrews because of their determination. Like I said, it depends. And anyways, both of them are good guys? Why wou d they fight?
Well, I love this page. I hope you add Luke the Warrior to your heroes. I think when they make these books movies, they'll have to make them cartoons. But really good cartoons, no doubt. Well, I love Brian Jacques, and I hope he makes 20,000 new book by the year 2000. Well gotta run! words are running L O W ! From: Sheena N. Teague

Brian Robinson - 11/18/98 01:00:20
My Email:bpbejoy@gateway.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunstripe the Mace
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Are the books being made into movies?

bob - 11/17/98 00:29:14
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: urthstripe
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
i am reading salamandastron

Patti (or Mirial!!) - 11/09/98 14:00:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Square/1722
My Email:Mirial@microsoft.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mariel of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Mariel
Should these books be made into movies?: aren't they already? i suppose so
Did you like the page?: YES!
Have you read the whole series?: no, haven't got the newest ones....
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: hmm....i guess the Long Patrol
Hi! I think your page is so cool, in fact, I'm making a Redwall one now, but it's in Frontpage, so I haven't put it on the web yet...so anyways, email me please! Or u can ICQ me at UIN 22618880! Do U have ICQ? Hope to hear from u soon, cya!!

Wolfie McGreggor - 11/06/98 20:17:34
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Martan
Should these books be made into movies?: Of Course!
Did you like the page?: A Bit Grainy, but good
Have you read the whole series?: No
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Shrews
Great page Matt! See you at Seattle Preparatory School!

ALEX - 11/06/98 05:24:34
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: MATTIMEO
Favorite Redwall Character: SUNFLASH THE MACE
Should these books be made into movies?: OF COURSE
Did you like the page?: YES
Have you read the whole series?: ALMOST
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: THE LONG PATROL

Jeff Anderson - 11/05/98 19:47:11
My Email:rcahome@dundee.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bell Maker
Favorite Redwall Character: Rosie
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes, beyond a doubt.
Did you like the page?: Definetly
Have you read the whole series?: unfortunetly no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: The Long Patrol easily
This is one of the better sights for the wonderful redwall series. Hope that fans can keep sites like these as good in quality.

Shadow - 11/04/98 22:01:11
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va/shadowspage/index.html
My Email:shadows65@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: basil stag hare
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!!
Did you like the page?: Yep
Have you read the whole series?: Almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: tie
Visit my web-page and join my club. it doesnt compare to this. but it'll do.

Kenny McCormick - 11/04/98 20:01:45
My URL:http://kenny@aol.com
My Email:none
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: kind of
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews
I've only read 4 books in the series (Mossflower, Martin the Warrior, Redwall, and Mattimeo) but I like the series so far

John Albano - 11/04/98 00:48:50
My URL:http://none
My Email:Tony-Maurine@juno.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Cluny the Scrouge and Darklaw

Daniel Stiffler - 11/03/98 18:57:55
My Email:Stiffler30@Hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: Some of them
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: Not Yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Do you have any info on the book Lord Brocktree. Also why arre some parts of the books taken out??

10/25/98 22:27:32
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Kirby - 10/22/98 02:00:14
My URL:http://www.sd38.bc.ca/schools/gilmore
My Email:meow@wave.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the first
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: a tie
My web page is under div9 in the box in the corner Click on it then in a colour Redwall should be the first box,you can take any thing you want! could you email me back and could you tell me how to make a web page, the stuff I need how to use it. thanks Kirby

Kirby Burchill - 10/22/98 01:44:32
My Email:meow@home.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the first
Should these books be made into movies?: Like duh! Yes
Did you like the page?: yep
Have you read the whole series?: just finishing Marlfox last book
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: the would all die (tie)
I love your page! I was trying to find some one to tell me how to make a web page on Redwall If you could email how you did it i'll put a link from my page to yours if you want. Kirby.

Ben Fidler - 10/16/98 15:51:50
My URL:http://beta.homestead.com/Bensgamefrebiesandothers/Myfrontdoor.html
My Email:Surgery789@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Rollo (baby)
Should these books be made into movies?: yes, but they had better not be cheesy!
Did you like the page?: of course!
Have you read the whole series?: Well, I'm about halfway through.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Why would they even want to fight in the first place? If they did, then definently the Guosim!!!
I love Redwall!!!!!

Clay Benedict - 10/13/98 00:26:27
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Other characters you could add would be Sunflash the Mace and Dandin.Ireally like your page keep up the work.

Alex - 10/11/98 00:57:54
My Email:alexskinner13@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattemeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthais
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: the page was great, in dire need of updating though
Have you read the whole series?: Not yet, only Redwall, Mattemeo, and im starting Mossflower
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews all the way!
Hey man, you got a pretty cool page here, the only probs in my opinion are that you need to update more, and you need more than just character profiles. cool page though keep up the good work

Mercy - 10/06/98 12:37:45
My URL:I don't have a Homepage
My Email:neither an Email
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Foremole / Basil Stag Hare
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes , definetely
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: Almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol . Who else ?

Paul Cross - 09/29/98 19:01:08
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Neither
Redwall is my LIFE!!Whoever made this site is a nacional hero!Well Done!

Paul Cross - 09/29/98 19:01:07
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Neither
Redwall is my LIFE!!Whoever made this site is a nacional hero!Well Done!

Paul Cross - 09/29/98 18:54:16

Kathryn Castle - 09/28/98 19:20:46
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: YES!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: draw

Igor Davydov - 09/27/98 20:17:51
My Email:Marina@bwis.com
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash
Should these books be made into movies?: YYYYY

brento - 09/27/98 14:41:17
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: GREAT REDWALL FEAST
Favorite Redwall Character: HAVE A CRUSH ON CONFLOWER
Should these books be made into movies?: IF CORNFLOWER IS IN THEM
Did you like the page?: DIDN'T HAVE CORNFLOWER
Have you read the whole series?: NO
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: CORNFLOWER
CORNFLOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Orlando the ax - 09/27/98 14:19:08
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Bellmaker/Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Me/FINNBARR
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: NO
Have you read the whole series?: Hell yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: They wouldn't be fighting

Breez - 09/26/98 17:53:25
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Constance
Should these books be made into movies?: What's this? thinggamovie?
Did you like the page?: And if I say no, what then? I'm on to you, to all of you! They're all out to get me! Aaaagh!(Now you've met my paraniod side.)
Have you read the whole series?: All the books that've made it into the U.S.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Why are they fighting? Someone cheat on an eating contest?
Clinton's a jerk, I hate homework, professional sports players get paid too much, and thank you for letting me waste your time!

Drake - 09/24/98 22:05:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/gryphonhome
My Email:vixenandsorceress@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Verbane the fox in Long patrol
Should these books be made into movies?: sure
Did you like the page?: yeah, just get more stuff up, links or something
Have you read the whole series?: of course
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: shrews all the way
hi, like the page, nice background, visit my page and sign my guestbook!

James Macarthur - 09/22/98 14:53:46
My URL:http://?
My Email:jmacarthur@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Mathis
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: It's okay
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews

Jamie - 09/21/98 23:00:21
My Email:blacklabj@hotmail.com
Good point "Mariel" why would they be fighting anyway?

Jamie - 09/21/98 22:58:30
My URL:http://none.com
My Email:blacklabj@hotmail.com
I forgot to say: that is the wrong spelling of the badger war cry. This is how you spell it: EULALIA! sO THERE. I aM a great fan and I can spell well.

Jamie - 09/21/98 22:56:02
My URL:http://none.com
My Email:blacklabj@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Bella of Brockhall or Grumm the mole
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes, and if they have, could you tell me how to get them?
Did you like the page?: Yes. Great pictues
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long patrol in a minute
I would really like to see the movies if there are any. Could you tell me how to get them? Thanks. =) B) =* =P =X

CHIROPTERA - 09/18/98 12:46:53

CHIROPTERA - 09/18/98 12:37:21
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: ALL OF THEM!!!
Should these books be made into movies?: AS LONG AS THE STORY DOESN'T CHANGE.
Did you like the page?: IT'S ALRIGHT
Have you read the whole series?: INDEED I HAVE
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: STUPID QUESTION

Mariel - 09/07/98 15:10:57
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mariel of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Mariel of course!
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yeah, I thought that the pictures were great
Have you read the whole series?: YESSSSS!!!!!!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Why would they fight?

METDiller - 09/06/98 16:41:00
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: baby Rollo
Should these books be made into movies?: nah
Did you like the page?: pretty much
Have you read the whole series?: Yes-20 times each
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: The Long Patrol

Leia Organa - 09/06/98 01:57:55
My Email:latenite2@juno.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Russa Nodrey
Should these books be made into movies?: YYYEEESSS
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol

kristin - 09/05/98 02:45:30
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: ferrett
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long pat

joseph - 09/04/98 03:29:25
My Email:chili_powder@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: urthstrip
Should these books be made into movies?: YES
Did you like the page?: YES
Have you read the whole series?: still working on it.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Im sorry but i would think that the long patrol would be more skilled.
Brian, the creatore should get a reward or something.He makes the world of redwall so reall.It would be hard for you to understand.After i read one of the redwall books, I just sit there thinking how brilliant it was written!!!

Ben Simonds - 09/02/98 00:35:07
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Finbar
Should these books be made into movies?: Yep!!
Did you like the page?: Needs work
Have you read the whole series?: All but Mattimeo
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long patrol would but they would never fight
This page was good but needs better questions

Frank fartferter - 08/31/98 21:13:34
My URL:http://I have no idea
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: little wimen
Favorite Redwall Character: The BFG
Did you like the page?: NO
Have you read the whole series?: Havent read one
web love you.Also you smell like a duck andyou suck .you loo like a dew fooffoo

borakkle - 08/31/98 21:07:21
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: marlfox
Favorite Redwall Character: me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Should these books be made into movies?: g-guess so
Did you like the page?: no1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: you would
dau!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ssssssssssssucksssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mara - 08/31/98 20:57:40
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Finbar
Should these books be made into movies?: Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim shrews
This page stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RICH - 08/27/98 21:27:14
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Grumm
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: L. patrol
I loved your web cite. I really liked the picture of Martin the Warriors swaord

Birrdie - 08/27/98 20:18:34
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Formole
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: YES!!!!
Have you read the whole series?: I'm going to!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews
I LOVE BRIAN JACQUE'S BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Otter Known As Mask - 08/26/98 21:50:37
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~maskotter/
My Email:maskotter@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Tammo
Should these books be made into movies?: Yeah!
Did you like the page?: Yes yes yes
Have you read the whole series?: Not quite, and there are more to come, so nobody really has
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Great page! Email me, maybe we can exchange linx

Patrick - 08/25/98 01:49:05
My Email:orme@methow.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Badrang
Should these books be made into movies?: YES
Did you like the page?: 110-111
Have you read the whole series?: No
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim

Romsca - 08/23/98 23:24:11
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The long patol
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long patrol with out a doubt
Change the red background but otherwise the site is pretty good

Queen of the Cats - 08/21/98 18:51:43
My URL:Who knows????
My Email:You'll never know
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Tsarmina and Lady Sandingomm
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: No, the red hurts my eyes
Have you read the whole series?: yes, of course
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Why the heck are they fighting in the first place????!!!!
Do something about the red and blue, PLEASE!!!!!!! Notice, everybody else is commenting about it too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Selena - 08/21/98 18:41:36
My URL:Who knows????
My Email:You'll never know
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the warrior and Boar the Fighter
Should these books be made into movies?: No, because the movies would animate them and make them look as stupid as Brogg acts
Did you like the page?: sort of
Have you read the whole series?: yes, of course
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Why the heck are they fighting????!!!!
Do something about the red and blue, PLEASE!!!!!!!!

RageBlade - 08/17/98 22:22:45
My Email:RageBlade@Aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All
Favorite Redwall Character: SunFlash the mace
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long patrol

Erik Peterson - 08/10/98 20:43:37
My Email:docmagik@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: not read
Favorite Redwall Character: not read
Should these books be made into movies?: ???
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: me
starting the series now, looking for info. Thanks!

Martin - 08/10/98 19:04:44
My URL:http://dont have one
My Email:you'll never know
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower all the way!!!!!!
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes, but NO ANIMATION
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: I OWN most to the seiries and have read all but Long Patrol
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: They wouldn't fight so the question is academic
Do something about the red backround. And your question about the Long Patrol vs. Guosim is silly.

King MacPhearsome - 08/10/98 03:10:07
My URL:don't have one
My Email:Velinxs@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall, Long Patrol, The Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Finbarr Galedeep and Basil Stag Hare
Should these books be made into movies?: I don't think that they should because you can tell a hell of alot more in a book than you can in a movie
Did you like the page?: I think tis really good to have pages like this because I could never find pages about redwalla while ago, so I think its really good
Have you read the whole series?: I have read the whole series about 5 times
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Save the fighting for the vermin not your friends
You need to get alot more of the Heros and Villians and I think you need to classify them by books, Such as under Redwall you would make Constance the Badger, Matthias, and so on, I think this is a great page.

Isaac Colman - 08/07/98 00:23:58
My Email:icolman@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Sorry, I just can't choose.
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash The Mace !!!
Should these books be made into movies?: NO WAY !!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: Marvellous !!!!!
Have you read the whole series?: 5 times
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol (why would they fight)
I am so glad to finally find a site dedicated to redwall, thanks !!!!!!!!!!

Tarquin L. Woodsorrel - 08/04/98 18:01:55
My Email:dkw@mbone3.cl.msu.edu
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All of them
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin and all of the Long Patrol hares
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Yes except for Long Patrol, and the Great Redwall feast.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol, wot?
You need Dandin, some of the dibbuns, and Mariel, and maybe some others, and Urgan Nagru, Badrang, Slipp, and more. An a picture of me

Tarquin L. Woodsorrel - 08/04/98 17:59:12
My Email:dkw@mbone3.cl.msu.edu
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All of them
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin and all of the Long Patrol hares
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Yes except for Long Patrol, and the Great Redwall feast.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol, wot?
You need Dandin, some of the dibbuns, and Mariel, and maybe some others, and Urgan Nagru, Badrang, Slipp, and more.

Hazel - 08/01/98 16:43:03
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: I like them all
Favorite Redwall Character: I don't have one
Should these books be made into movies?: it depends on how they're done
Did you like the page?: yep
Have you read the whole series?: all of the ones that are in the U.S.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Why would they be fighting in the first place???
Please do something about this red background! Other than that, I like the page!

Nik Zbikowski - 07/30/98 14:02:59
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Gonff and Finbarr Galedeep
Should these books be made into movies?: some should, like Mossflower and The Bellmaker
Did you like the page?: yeah
Have you read the whole series?: I have the whole series even the redwall riddler
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Why would they fight? Their both good guys.
I think Mossflower and The Bellmaker would make excellent movies.The movies should probably be 3-D realistic.Theme songs for mossflower should be Outdoors like. And the bellmakers should be pirate like. But basically i think those 2 would make excellent movies.

Chibb(that's my username...) - 07/26/98 19:30:44
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall(the first one)
Favorite Redwall Character: Chibb
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: No
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Get a picture of Chibb!

Sarah - 07/24/98 20:06:51
My Email:Taiga14@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: ummmm...I loved them all but..I really liked Marial of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Simeon...you know that blind healer mouse
Should these books be made into movies?: If they did a good job on 'em and keep right to the story line..that would be great!
Did you like the page?: Yup...I know it's under construction..but I think that you should put other chars. info that aren't the main villain or hero...
Have you read the whole series?: I've read every book except the newest one...Marlfox
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Who cares those 2 would never fight...
I like this page alot...if anyone out there or the creater of this page could help me get stuff on Simeon (pics,etc.) I'd really like that too! Please E-mail me if you have anything I might like...

FunnieMN - 07/24/98 00:48:38
My Email:FunnieMN@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: I haven't read them all yet, but so far, The Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash the Mace, and Skarlath
Should these books be made into movies?: I think if someone could do a good, and I mean GOOD job, then of coarse. but if it turns out like the Rats of Nhim series......well, no way
Did you like the page?: it was good, though I understand that it is under construction
Have you read the whole series?: not yet, I have read three and a half of the books
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: I don't know yet because I haven't read the long patrol, but I have a feeling that the Patrol would win
Umm, unless something happens in Outcast that I haven't read yet, I thought the Badger's name was Suneflash, not Sunstripe. thats about it though. keep up the good work! ~A fellow Redwall admirer

Max Heepke - 07/23/98 14:01:46
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Skarlath

Gonff lover - 07/21/98 01:00:32
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Gonff (see the name?)
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yep
Have you read the whole series?: getting there
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim shrews. Those guys are tough
great book sseries, but why aint gonff here?

Lara Wolfpaw - 07/17/98 07:10:08
My Email:lk_wasilewski.dominic.tas.edu.au
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martain the warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash the mace
Should these books be made into movies?: Definatly!
Did you like the page?: Its fantastic!
Have you read the whole series?: Yes, I have
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: The Long Patrol
The Redwall series is the best and it deserves to be turned into either movies or t.v series. I know a lot of people who loooove the Redwall books and I'm sure (I hope) Brian Jaques will write more!

Nichalye The Mystic - 07/15/98 08:01:04
My Email:Mystic_1_@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: Samkim
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!! !!!!!
Did you like the page?: so kay
Have you read the whole series?: Yep from cover to cover to cover to cover
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: The long patrol are skilled fighters but the guosim out number them big time. id say Guosim
Great sight but i have two questions. 1 why is arven consitered a hero and 2 WHY ISNT SAMKIM A HERO!!!!!!!

Redwaller - 07/13/98 01:22:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Meadow/1240
My Email:redwaller@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: Animated, of course. It might work
Did you like the page?: Yeah
Have you read the whole series?: All but the Long Patrol
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Get rid of this horrid, bright-red background! Oh, an' what's that big, black square in the middle of the page? Otherwise, your page was great.

David - 07/07/98 19:59:39
My Email:Dirtbike48@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Basil Stag hare
Should these books be made into movies?: maybe, just don't let Disney make a movie out of it
Did you like the page?: it's ok
Have you read the whole series?: no just 8 of the 11
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol for sure
Please change this horrible red background!!!!1

David - 07/07/98 19:49:01
My Email:dirtbike48@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Feragho
Should these books be made into movies?: Absoloutly not!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I think that Brian Jacques is a wonderful writer and has really captured the spirit of good vs. evil.

alan olson - 07/03/98 18:55:18
My Email:Rolson853
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no (9 out of 11)
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol

alan olson - 07/03/98 18:45:03
My Email:Rolson853
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no (9 out of 11)
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 00:11:56
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Brandon Boat - 07/02/98 00:23:53
My Email:Too much already
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mariel of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: The Dibbuns
Should these books be made into movies?: Some should some not
Did you like the page?: pretty good
Have you read the whole series?: Yes I have even the new ones
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long patrol Definetly They Are perlious with a badger
I have loved the books ever since my friend introduced me to them. I can stay up nights just reading them. They have action drama and comedy all in one.

constance - 06/30/98 23:18:03
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: cluny the scourge
Should these books be made into movies?: maybe, maybe not
Did you like the page?: sort of
Have you read the whole series?: no just mossflower, redwall and martin the warrior
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol all the way

Shadow - 06/28/98 03:32:22
My Email:shadowde@yahoo
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Gonff
Should these books be made into movies?: Hell yah
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: hmm long patrol
I love the redwall seires and have read the whole seires and am reading mossflower again and only 11

SALOCIN - 06/26/98 14:48:13
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: NOT SHUR
Favorite Redwall Character: CAN'T DESIDE
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: IT'S ALL RIGHT
Have you read the whole series?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: TIE

Nightflash the BOLD - 06/23/98 21:15:56
My Email:Redwall408
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no but have read 8
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim shrews
Redwall rocks Live long Redwallers .Redwallllll!!!!

Colddrake - 06/19/98 14:22:56
My Email:gryphalconer@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast
Favorite Redwall Character: Veil
Should these books be made into movies?: of course
Did you like the page?: yeah!
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Shrews, buddy,\. Hares are evil.
0====}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sword! nice page

Martha - 06/19/98 00:41:33
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Matthias
Should these books be made into movies?: No,reading is much better than watching it.
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: No,only the first book
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: I guess the Long Patrol
I love redwall.Its cool.I have only read the First book but I can't wait to read the others.

k.k. - 06/18/98 21:56:07
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Mattimeo
Should these books be made into movies?: Redwall
Did you like the page?: no coment
Have you read the whole series?: yes!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Neither they'ed kill eachother
1. bright red backgrounds hurts the eyes

Chantree Firebark - 06/16/98 19:37:50
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Chantree/index.html
My Email:Chantree@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Grath Longfletch
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: YES
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: thats cruel
The red background color of the Guestbook is a little to bright, but, other than that, everythings great!

- 06/16/98 00:50:20

Sinclaire - 06/16/98 00:49:34
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Hon Rosie
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: YES!!!!!!
Have you read the whole series?: Yes!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Depends on what their doing, the wouldn't go to war

basil stag be thy name - 06/14/98 01:05:41
My Email:sirenia2002@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Basil Stag
Should these books be made into movies?: most definitely
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: 7/10 on 8th
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: I love log-alog but the long patrol knows how to put up a fight, would probably ambush while the shrews were fighting
Funny how such books create this kinda output, love the sight...E me

Elliot - 06/07/98 16:04:46
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Like them all
Favorite Redwall Character: Tammo
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: It was really good
Have you read the whole series?: All but Great Redwall Feast
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Would never Fight
Good site.

darren c.h. - 06/06/98 19:59:19
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: sam squrrel
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: guosim

Patrick Dennis - 06/05/98 15:59:15
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattiemo
Favorite Redwall Character: Samkim
Should these books be made into movies?: of course
Did you like the page?: awsom
Have you read the whole series?: I own most of the series
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol no contest
for your villans list you may want to add Nagru the Fox/Wolf from the Bellmaker otherwise great site

ra ra boom d a - 06/03/98 21:03:26
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: long patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: rubadub
Should these books be made into movies?: dua!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: no one
thissssssssss here page sssssssssssucksssssssssss

treerose - 06/02/98 00:53:49
My Email:hdfghdfghddddddhg
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: lsfgfhghhf
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: gfdshfhfhhjkkysjghstyrghg
Have you read the whole series?: tertetettetertertergggggtr
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: me
ttttthhhhiiisss pppppaaaggggeeee ssssstttiiiinnnnnkkkksss

treerose - 06/02/98 00:56:14
My Email:hdfghdfghddddddhg
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: lsfgfhghhf
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: gfdshfhfhhjkkysjghstyrghg
Have you read the whole series?: tertetettetertertergggggtr
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: me
ttttthhhhiiisss pppppaaaggggeeee ssssstttiiiinnnnnkkkksss

Finbar - 06/02/98 00:52:03
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: FINBAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: no
Have you read the whole series?: almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: it depends
if it was the gousssom no

Sunflash the mace - 05/31/98 18:36:46
My URL:http://get a life
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: finbar
Should these books be made into movies?: ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you read the whole series?: almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long...gues
mycomets........................................................................................arethat you need a lot of work on this page

martin - 05/31/98 18:12:54
My Email:bellmaker
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: me
Should these books be made into movies?: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
this here is a very stinky page

Redwall fan - 05/31/98 16:41:41
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Gonff
Should these books be made into movies?: No
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: No
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim shrews!!
Love your page, but I want more about Gonff!!

Justine - 05/29/98 17:35:28
My Email:cooljustine@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Hello. I like your page. Don't have red type on your homepage cause it can't show.

Matt Etzel - 05/27/98 20:58:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/6740
My Email:oldstuff@compuserve.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Ublaz
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!
Did you like the page?: YES!
Have you read the whole series?: All except the Long Patrol.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I can't wait for that page on Ublaz!

DogzLover1 - 05/26/98 23:06:32
My Email:DogzLover1@AOL.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Tie- Mariel & Basil Stag Hare
Should these books be made into movies?: Redwall is a British movie
Did you like the page?: good
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Nice page, but needs more Bellmaker and you don't even mention The Great Redwall Feast.

Pikkle - 05/25/98 17:08:12
My URL:i don't have one!!!
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: that's too hard!!!
Should these books be made into movies?: no!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes!
Have you read the whole series?: yep, more than once!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: why would they be fighting in the first place?????
i loved the page! Keep up the good work! Oh, by the way... about the Sunflash/Sunstripe thing, he changes his name to Sunstripe!! REDWAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL!!!!!!!

Romsca - 05/24/98 01:23:39
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~ematei
My Email:thelioness1@juno.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: Romsca! (of course!) : )
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes, an dI think they will be, but I don't think the movies will be as good as the books!
Did you like the page?: It's really good! I mean, mine is just new, so it hardly has much.
Have you read the whole series?: Yes, or at least the books in paperback in the US that I can get my paws on!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Hmmm. If the Badger Lord was fighting with the Long Patrol, they'd definately win.
Nice page, I like your background too. Please check out my page and tell me what you think. How long have you had your page up? Seems like you had for some time. My page is just loaded with rotten links I never get to fixing!

Firetail Pinewillow the Archer - 05/23/98 16:50:00
My Email:firerehcra@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash the Mace
Should these books be made into movies?: 'Course, my friend.
Did you like the page?: Yeah, needs more stuff though.
Have you read the whole series?: No, but I've read six o' 'em, and I'm working my way up!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Tie, they both have warrior blood and they're both fierce warriors, though if a badger was fighting with the Long Patrol it may be a different story altogether.
Wonderful work, love your background. Hardly any spelling mistakes at all! You're one of a kind, lad, and that's the squirrel's truth!

Ian Maguire - 05/22/98 20:28:55
My Email:immagu@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: They are all great, but if I had to decide I would have to say I liked Redwall and Martin the Warrior are my favorites
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: No
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: It is an even war, but Long patrol has more spirit and hope in them.
Best books I have ever read! Brian Jacques is a great writer! I have all the REDWALL books in the series except for The Long Patrol which I am waiting for to come out in paperback. I hope Brian Jacques continues writing REDWALL books.

Ted - 05/21/98 00:58:36
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Not Yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: ???

- 05/18/98 20:48:47
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mariel of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: all the hares
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: It's okay.
Have you read the whole series?: Yeah, twice.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: The Long Patrol.
Redwall is the coolest series and everyone should read it!

Ravenwolf - 05/18/98 11:27:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/shire/9471/
My Email:lndanie@vm.sc.edu
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Romsca
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes, but only if they remain true to the books by virtue of having the screenplays written by BJ himself.
Did you like the page?: Yes!
Have you read the whole series?: Yes!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
A Bonnie good site, if I do say so myself. Keep up the good work.

Henry Stephens - 05/17/98 08:59:27
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All of 'em
Favorite Redwall Character: Dinny the Mole
Should these books be made into movies?: YYYYEEEEESSSSS!!!!!
Did you like the page?: Absoflippinballyloutley
Have you read the whole series?: Yep.
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: WHY THE HELL WOULD HARES AND SHREWS FIGHT THERE ON THE SAME BLOODY SIDE!!!!!!!!
I hope you know that the next 2 books in B.J.'s seiries are called Marlfox and Luke the Warrior. Check out othe Redwall pages for info!

Jimmy Carni - 05/14/98 16:13:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/sands/6369
My Email:gold1080@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: all
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior/Matthis
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Lond Patrol
Kewl page i hope u get the other charctors done soon!

Nick - 05/13/98 20:38:27
My Email:NicKKatarn@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Cluny the Scourge
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Sort of
Have you read the whole series?: No
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Gousim

Lynden Collier - 05/10/98 17:02:23
My Email:LGYS58A@Prodigy.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Arven
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Probably Long Patrol
I love the Redwall series. I can't wait for the next book to come out. I especially love the riddles that are in the books. I always try to solve them before the characters do. They usually win though.

- 05/09/98 16:41:30
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Gonf
Should these books be made into movies?: if unabridged, yes!
Did you like the page?: very much!
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I liked the sword but it was sort of hard to read with it in the way.

Allison Hummel - 05/09/98 02:33:58
My URL:http://www.webspawner.com/users/forest/
My Email:CHARMworker@juno.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: MossFlower
Favorite Redwall Character: Columbine
Should these books be made into movies?: DEFINETLY. They will, to. I saw on a redwall page, they are making a Movie and tv. show in 1999
Did you like the page?: Yah.
Have you read the whole series?: no. Just Mossflower and The Bellmaker. Im reading Pearls Of Lutra
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: They would not fight. Also, Niether would win. They are all mighty warriors.!!!!!!

Vermanfate - 05/05/98 18:54:39
My URL:http://NONE!!!
My Email:NONE!!
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Mattias
Should these books be made into movies?: Sure as Hell is hot!
Did you like the page?: Okay
Have you read the whole series?: No, only 4
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Hot Damn is Redwall good!!!!

Chris Pedeaux - 05/05/98 15:25:33
My Email:pedeauxcircus@juno.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: YES
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: Almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I am a big fan of the Redwall book series. I'm glad you made this page. Please email me back at: pedeauxcircus@juno.com

Michael Williams - 05/05/98 01:22:17
My Email:kc@starmax
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Redwall (so far)
Favorite Redwall Character: Mattais
Should these books be made into movies?: No way!
Did you like the page?: Very much
Have you read the whole series?: Not yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews

Quintin R. White - 05/04/98 12:04:26
My Email:Romario42@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: pretty much
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews
I was wondering if Brian will make a new redwall book, since I've read all 8

Tigereyes - 05/02/98 20:50:28
My Email:tigereyes@o-tay.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: Hon Rosie and all the moles
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
if you did read the whole series, then you would know that Sunflash changes his name to Sunstripe. He changed it because it was a less ferocious name. Believe you me, I have read the series six times.

Tigereyes - 05/02/98 20:37:09
My Email:tigereyes@o-tay.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: Hon Rosie
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: absoballylutely
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I am a great fan of redwall and even had B.J. sign My favorite, Salamandastron. I hope that more writers like B.J. were alive, because B.J. is a man of great talent

Blayzepaw - 05/02/98 20:22:06
My Email:piphilight46@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Out Cast Of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Still deciding
Should these books be made into movies?: hell yessssssssss!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Hell Yessssssss!!!!!!!!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Shrews

RageBlade - 05/01/98 17:55:02
My URL:Don't have one
My Email:Rageblade@aol.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash the Mace
Should these books be made into movies?: Yessss!!!!!
Did you like the page?: Yessss!!!!!
Have you read the whole series?: YES
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim
I think you are doing a very good job on the page. Should anyone who knows or has heard any rumurs about new installments mail me please.

Lindsey - 04/30/98 20:45:29
My Email:lrandlet@norfacad.pvt.k12.va.us
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin the Warrior or Salamandastron
Favorite Redwall Character: Hon Rosie, Tarquin L. Woodsorrel, Pikkle Ffolger, and Veil Sixclaw Oh yeah--Klitch too
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no--every one except the Long Patrol
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Redwall is the BEST!! The hares, ferrets, and weasels RULE!! I desperately want a ferret named Veil.

danny the badjer lord - 04/30/98 09:44:14
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: gonff
Should these books be made into movies?: definately
Did you like the page?: of course its about redwall
Have you read the whole series?: all apart from the bellmaker
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
get some info on marlfox wot

danny the badjer lord - 04/30/98 09:41:02

Blazepaw - 04/29/98 23:24:30
My URL:http://ah, none?
My Email:piphilight46@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Still deciding
Should these books be made into movies?: HELLYES!!!
Did you like the page?: UH,Okay
Have you read the whole series?: yES!!!!!!!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: SHREWS

Wade Trainer - 04/26/98 22:38:38
My Email:yoshi092385@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Pearls of Lutra
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin, Grath, and Tansy
Should these books be made into movies?: yes definently
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no I just read Pearls of Lutra and I'm starting The outcast of redwall but I really wanna read the whole series
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: guosim srews would wup on im go log a log!
I really want to read the whole series of Redwall but I don't know where to find the bokks help me and email me please! I think your cool for making this page Wade

Greg Kaiser - 04/26/98 04:42:45
My Email:greggeekai@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Their all Awesome!!
Favorite Redwall Character: Jodd Squirrelhare
Should these books be made into movies?: yes.
Did you like the page?: It's great!
Have you read the whole series?: Except for the ones that aren't out yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Guisom's got the ferocity but Long Patrol has the Bloodwrathing Badger Lords! But Why would they fight?

Tarquin - 04/25/98 14:26:19
My Email:gaffield@mis.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: ALL OF THEM!!!
Favorite Redwall Character: any of the hares or the moles
Should these books be made into movies?: NO!!!
Did you like the page?: YES!!!
Have you read the whole series?: All except The Long Patrol
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
You've done a great job on the page! P.S. REDWAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julian Yarmark - 04/25/98 14:12:48
My URL:NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Email:Kramray @ worldnet.ATT. net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Redwall Character: Boar the Fighter, Joseph the Bellmaker, Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: YES
Have you read the whole series?: I've read every book but Long Patrol
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think you should have a page about Boar and a page about Joseph the Bellmaker. P.S. REDWALL RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julian Yarmark - 04/25/98 14:03:57
My URL:NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Email:Kramray @ worldnet.ATT. net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Redwall Character: Boar the Fighter, Joseph the Bellmaker, Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: YES
Have you read the whole series?: Almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think you should have a page about Boar and a page about Joseph the Bellmaker. P.S. REDWALL RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julian Yarmark - 04/25/98 13:57:27
My URL:NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Email:Kramray @ worldnet.ATT net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Redwall Character: Boar the Fighter
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: YES
Have you read the whole series?: Almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think you should have a page about Boar and a page about Joseph the Bellmaker. P.S. REDWALL RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julian Yarmark - 04/25/98 13:14:21

kyler - 04/24/98 18:24:34
My Email:none
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: sunflash the mace
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol

Renate - 04/23/98 21:50:35
My Email:piphilight46_64@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: outcast
Favorite Redwall Character: veil
Should these books be made into movies?: sure
Did you like the page?: its my favorite
Have you read the whole series?: of course
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: shrews
i cant believe anyone would even consider the long patrol better than shrews!

Ryan Turgeon - 04/23/98 13:49:05
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: I really like them all
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin, Cregga, Tammo
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: It was awesome
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
The books are awesome. I like all the weird names the character have and all the details he puts in his books. He should write these books forever.

the cute one - 04/20/98 21:39:13
Favorite Redwall Character: veil
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: shrews!!!!

Rageblade - 04/20/98 19:25:58
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash the mace
Should these books be made into movies?: YESSSSS!
Did you like the page?: YESSSSS!
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
Keep up the good work on the page.

Stephanie - 04/18/98 04:26:43
My Email:d1tZ@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Bellmaker
Favorite Redwall Character: Hon Rosie and Tarquin
Should these books be made into movies?: yah
Did you like the page?: Yah... you should write more about the character descriptions though...
Have you read the whole series?: haven't read Long Patrol yet, but I read all the rest
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: definately Long Patrol
Cool Page...what's your favorite character and book? Keep writin' those descriptions, but try to be more thorough. Write to my e-mail if you get the time.

Samkin - 04/17/98 22:29:50
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: OUTCAST OF REDWALL
Favorite Redwall Character: BABY DUMBLE
Should these books be made into movies?: YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you read the whole series?: NOT YET
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: TIE

Rose - 04/17/98 22:22:17
My URL:Hon Rosie
My Email:mistaspot@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Long Patrol but i love all of them
Favorite Redwall Character: Hon Rosie
Should these books be made into movies?: not for a while because you should read them because some kids do not read lots of books and it is good for them to read
Did you like the page?: one of my favorites
Have you read the whole series?: yes!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: well that would not happen but i would go with the long Patrol
this page is cool keep up the work

william the worrior - 04/17/98 18:27:48
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: matimao
Favorite Redwall Character: martin the worrior
Should these books be made into movies?: yes, with every part
Did you like the page?: so far
Have you read the whole series?: no,but close
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: definetly long patrol
if the redwall series is made in to a movie it should have every word from the book in it.

Joel the mole - 04/16/98 17:01:53
My Email:tazjk@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Marthen ee Wurrier
Favorite Redwall Character: Marthen ee Wurrier
Should these books be made into movies?: Yes
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Not yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews

Sunflash - 04/16/98 14:51:54
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: ALL
Favorite Redwall Character: Cregga Rose eyes
Should these books be made into movies?: YESSSSS!
Did you like the page?: YESSSSS!
Have you read the whole series?: NOT Salamandastron
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews
I realy like Site. Keep up the good work.

Daneil Swordmaker - 04/14/98 18:17:17
My Email:dpw@nb.simpatico.ca
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: All
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: YESSSSSSSSSSSSS
Did you like the page?: kinda
Have you read the whole series?: Not Pearls of Lutra
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: It twould never happen
What? Huh? Yes I like this site. But don't let it go to yer head. Ive sean better

don davey - 04/13/98 20:01:03
My Email:dkdav@solomons mines.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: the long patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: sunflash
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
you have a good page.i'm glad to see more people geting into brian jacques books

Jack A. Teel - 04/12/98 21:19:43
My Email:dteel1@gte.net
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunflash the Mace
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I have been unable to locate the last book to finish reading the entire series. I need to find "Long Patrol". Please, e-mail if you have any information on this novel

Brionna - 04/12/98 07:50:59
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: all except redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: all the dibbuns
Should these books be made into movies?: yes!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: no i only haven't read the long patrol
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol

Vaine - 04/11/98 19:06:57
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior/Silent Sam
Should these books be made into movies?: I don't think so
Did you like the page?: Oh Yeah!
Have you read the whole series?: almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
This page is awesome !

Jenny M. - 04/11/98 19:00:36
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: Martin the Warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: Never!!!!!
Did you like the page?: YES!
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I love your page. Keep up the good work.

Colddrake - 04/11/98 17:29:14
My Email:pelandralite33@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Veil
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes, about a hundred times
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: I'm a shrew backer

Dawnrose - 04/10/98 20:47:58
My Email:aubretia@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: The Long Patrol
Favorite Redwall Character: Laterose
Should these books be made into movies?: NO!
Did you like the page?: yes!
Have you read the whole series?: yes
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: the Long Patrol, of course
Good Page! I couldn't read all of the writing at the beginning becase the background was too light in colour. I suggest changing the colour of the writing rather than the background. I'll visit again soon!

Eric - 04/09/98 14:20:39
My Email:no email
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: martin the warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: martin the warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: no dont ruin the series
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: not yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
love redwall and brian love your page its cool

Eric - 04/09/98 14:17:39
My Email:no email
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: martin the warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: martin the warrior
Should these books be made into movies?: no
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: not yet
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: long patrol
love redwall and brian love your page its cool

BETH TEALE - 04/09/98 11:43:38
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: OUTCAST OF REDWALL
Favorite Redwall Character: VEIL
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEFINATLY!
Did you like the page?: OF COURSE
Have you read the whole series?: SO FAR
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: LONG PATROL

BETH TEALE - 04/09/98 11:41:37

Pela - 04/09/98 02:00:29
My Email:gryphalconer@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Veil
Should these books be made into movies?: yes
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: ONLY about a million times!
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Shrews all the way
The long Patrol is evil.(pinky bite)

Colddrake - 04/09/98 01:54:06
My Email:pelandralite33@yahoo.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Outcast of Redwall
Favorite Redwall Character: Veil
Should these books be made into movies?: yes!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: yes again
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Go shrews!
I think you have a really neat background!

Julie the Mole - 04/09/98 00:13:45
My Email:bill_workman@msn.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Marthen 'ee Wurriur! (Martin The Warrior)
Favorite Redwall Character: Grumm
Should these books be made into movies?: NO!
Did you like the page?: YES!
Have you read the whole series?: Most of it, only missing the Long Patrol
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: TIE!
Oi loike 'ee poage! Vury gudd! If 'ee need anybeast talented in molespeech you've come to 'ee roight ploace! Just E-moil me if you need me!

Julie the Mole - 04/09/98 00:13:46
My Email:bill_workman@msn.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Marthen 'ee Wurriur! (Martin The Warrior)
Favorite Redwall Character: Grumm
Should these books be made into movies?: YES!
Did you like the page?: YES!
Have you read the whole series?: Most of it, only missing the Long Patrol
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: TIE!
Oi loike 'ee poage! Vury gudd! If 'ee need anybeast talented in molespeech you've come to 'ee roight ploace! Just E-moil me if you need me!

jacob shelton - 04/08/98 15:48:26
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: mattimeo
Favorite Redwall Character: log-a-log
Should these books be made into movies?: god no!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: yes
Have you read the whole series?: most of it
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: it will be a draw
this page rocks

Danny Buckleitner - 04/08/98 01:20:29
My Email:nbuckle@remc11.k12.mi.us
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Martin The Warrior
Favorite Redwall Character: Sunstripe and Basil Stag Hare
Should these books be made into movies?: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like the page?: Yes
Have you read the whole series?: Almost
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol
I have nothing to say except that I love these books.

ina - 04/08/98 00:57:50
My Email:ina
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mattimo
Favorite Redwall Character: constance
Should these books be made into movies?: very much so
Did you like the page?: yeah
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Sherws
I love redwall also,make mor of this web page

MARTIN THE WARRIOR - 04/07/98 13:35:44
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: REDWALL
Favorite Redwall Character: BABY DUMBLE
Should these books be made into movies?: NO! DON'T RUIN IT!
Did you like the page?: YES
Have you read the whole series?: YES, TWICE
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: LONG PATROL
If you made the books into movies the magic would be ruined! Part of the fun and adventure is imagining the characters faces and clothing. The food sounds great. I have only one more thing to say: REDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ian Caruso - 03/27/98 20:58:08
My Email:bigi13@hotmail.com
Favorite Brian Jacques Book: Mossflower
Favorite Redwall Character: Dinny, Fergie and Coggs
Should these books be made into movies?: Hell Yeah
Did you like the page?: Yes, i found it intellectually stimulating.
Have you read the whole series?: no
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Guosim Shrews
This page racked mass ass. I will visit it and hope to see more women next time, after all this is the internet!

- 03/16/98 19:06:40
Long Patrol vs. Guosim Shrews. Who would win?: Long Patrol

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