Our Mission and beliefs

We have come together to form a teaching
coven and to establish a working coven in
the Cincinnati area to teach the public about
Pagan ways. No one in the coven will be
forced to do any public activity that they do
not feel comfortable doing.

We belive that all paths follow to
the same One Power.

We believe that the Gods should be
worshipped as equals.

We follow the Wiccan Rede : An it harm none
do as thou wilst.

We believe that no matter what your gender,
sexual preference, or past is you are
entitled to be treated as a child of the Gods.

We follow a path of positive work. We in no way
worship a being called Satan, Lucifer,
or the Christian myth of the Devil.
We believe that each student of the Pagan
Ways is bound to and punished by the Rule of
Three. What you send out, good or bane,
is returned to you times 3. This and
the Rede are the only laws of our way.

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