The Coven Webring

Welcome to The Coven Webring Homepage. The purpose of this webring is to connect covens on the internet and allow people to view your pages and find covens in their areas.
To be accepted into the ring, the coven must be a Pagan coven. Online or virtual covens are welcome.
How do I join your ring?
Here is what you need to do to join:
1) Submit your site for approval.
2) Go get the HTML code that will be e-mailed to you when you submit your site and add to your page.
*Note: In the code, you will notice in CAPS the following:
- YOUR E-MAIL-- put your e-mail address here.
- YOUR NAME-- put your name here.
- YOUR ID # -- when you submit your site, you will be given an ID number. Add it where you see YOUR ID #. Also write that number and your password down for future referrence.
- 3) Copy the logo to your own files or you can reference it to my files.
- 4) Then e-mail us to let us know you have submitted your site to the ring. This will help us get to your site quicker. The HTML code MUST BE added to your page before we add you to the webring.
That's all you have to do to become part of the webring! Have fun and see you soon!!!
Are you already a part of the ring and need to edit your site info.? Click here
View the sites waiting for approval! We are the only ones who can add sites to the ring.
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