Accepting New Members
In order to run the coven smoothly and have a mutual
understanding, we, the members, of the coven known as
The Lunar Wolf Coven, established on the 11th
day of the month of October in the year of 1998,
agree by the following guidelines of accepting people into our family.
- Anyone who inquires about joining the coven must be at least 18 years old unless their parent is a member or student of the coven.
- The inquiree must meet each individual member if possible. After we have met the person, the coven shall call a special meeting to determine if we will accept the person as a student.
- Our Sabbat rituals are open to any sincere person. Our Full Moon rituals are closed. Any student or person must attend 3 Sabbats before attending a moon rituals.
- A teaching program will be established to train students. Coven members will be assigned a student when the other members feel s/he is ready for a student.
- We do not discriminate against race, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.
Application for Consideration