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- Unsorted Lists of Reference Sources
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RefDesk amazing compilation of reference sources September 14, 1999 last accessed September 27, 2000
Info Line a database of organizations that provide programs directed toward the solution of human service problems in Los Angeles County August 19, 1998 last accessed September 27, 2000
Social Security Administration Death Index can be searched by name, gives birth and death dates and social security numbers 1997 last accessed September 27, 2000
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1997 last accessed September 27, 2000
The National Institute of Standards and Technology providing measurement services and research for electronic, optical, and radiation technologies. 1997 last accessed September 27, 2000
The History of Time and units of time 1997 last accessed September 27, 2000
Los Angeles Times Research Links 1997 last accessed September 27, 2000
www virtual library Stanford University mirror site June 13, 1998 unable to access September 27, 2000
UC San Diego Reference Desk has many useful links 1997 last accessed September 27, 2000
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- Atlases
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Map Quest September 14, 1999 last accessed September 27, 2000
Mapping Utilities June 30, 1998 last accessed September 27, 2000
World Fact Book of the CIA includes GIF's of country flags and good political maps 1997 last accessed September 27, 2000
extraordinary information on every country A continuing series of books prepared by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress under the Country Studies/Area Handbook Program sponsored by the Department of the Army. 1997 last accessed September 27, 2000
Perry-Castaņeda Library Map Collection University Of Texas At Austin 1997 last accessed September 27, 2000
National Geographic Map Machine 1997 last accessed September 27, 2000
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Bartleby reference, poetry, fiction, nonfiction September 27, 2000
Christian Classics Ethereal Library November 9, 1999 last accessed September 27, 2000
Exploring Plato's Dialogs November 9, 1999 last accessed September 27, 2000
InformIt the new site for MacMillian Publishing on line books July 29, 1998 last accessed September 27, 2000
Project Gutenberg Electronic Public Library Hart's goal is to have the text of ten thousand books on the web 2/12/98 last accessed September 27, 2000
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- English Language
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Collection of Dictionaries P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russa. Elza's searchable collection of dictionaries includes Webster's, and several other dictionaries and thesauruses. August 20, 1998 last accessed September 27, 2000
Fowler 1997 last checked December 1, 2000 Webster's Dictionary and Roget's Thesaurus 1997 last checked December 1, 2000
Merriam-Webster September 14, 1999 last checked December 1, 2000
One Look 2852240 words in 569 dictionaries now indexed September 14, 1999 last checked December 1, 2000
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- Other Languages
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Enchanted Learning Picture Dictionary for Children. English only, English - Spanish, - French, -Portugese, -German 1997 last checked December 1, 2000
TravelLang phrase books for more than 75 languages with audio files. includes currancy converter, other links for each language 1999 last checked December 1, 2000
The Human Language Page center for pages on thousands of languages. online language lessons, translating dictionaries, native literature, translation services, software, language schools September 14, 1999 last checked December 1, 2000
On Line Dictionaries dictionaries for hundreds of languages October 23, 1998 unable to access December 3, 2000
One Look 2579571 words in 646 dictionaries now indexed September 14, 1999 last checked December 3, 2000
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- Misc
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Old Farmer's Almanac Weather, Gardening, Cooking, Wisdom, How to Hypnotize a Chicken September 14, 1999 last checked December 3, 2000
Information Please On line dictionaries, Almanac September 14, 1999 last checked December 3, 2000
Re-Search It! Dictionaries in many Languages, Biographical Dictionaries, Bible, Stock Quotes, Currency Converter, Zip Codes 1997 last checked December 3, 2000
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- Science
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Chemical Abstracts April 8, 1999 last checked December 3, 2000
Florida Medical Association has many online medical dictionaries April 8, 1999 last checked December 3, 2000
PC Webopaedia online dictionary and search engine for computer and Internet technology September 14, 1999 last checked December 3, 2000
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- Documenting the Web
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Kairos online forum for the exploration of writing, learning, and teaching in hypertextual environments like the World-Wide Web. 1997 last checked December 3, 2000
Kairos 1:2 Citing the Sites: MLA-Style Guidelines and Models for Documenting Internet Sources Latest Revision 1996 1997 last checked December 3, 2000
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- Libraries
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Coast California State University, Long Beach last checked December 3, 2000
Los Angeles City College library search last checked December 3, 2000
Los Angeles Public Library 1997 last checked December 3, 2000
Text Page for the Los Angeles Public Library 1997 last checked December 3, 2000
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CSU Analytic Studies Division 1997 last checked December 3, 2000
U. S. Census Datamap 1997 last checked December 3, 2000
FEDSTATS The Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy 1997 last checked December 3, 2000
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Last Updated December 3, 2000