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Donn's Ancient History charming site intended for K - 12 level classes. no sources given, and when e mailed the Donns were insulted at being asked for sources. Now they actually say in their FAQ that "what we publish to the web is pulled from our personal bank of knowledge. Thus, WE are the source.
" 1998 last accessed November 6, 2001
THE HISTORY OF COSTUME By Braun & Schneider - c.1861-1880 Plate #6b - Ancient Rome 1998 last accessed November 6, 2001
The Elementistory of Iron early history of steel from Hittites 1999 last accessed November 6, 2001
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- Etymology
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Etymology Online E. L. Easton's excellent materials and links for teaching English, etymology. 1998 last accessed November 6, 2001
Focusing on Words Etymology list serv, Latin-Greek story, some links. 1998 last accessed November 6, 2001
Take Our Word For It Weekly web zine on word origins 1998 last accessed November 6, 2001
Wilton's Word & Phrase Originsins History of many slang words 1999 last accessed November 6, 2001
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- General Classics
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Karl Squitier
American Classical League was founded in 1919 for the purpose of fostering the study of classical languages 1999 last accessed November 6, 2001
Advertisement for an Atlas of the Greek and Roman World: must be purchased. Some links to mapping sites.1997 last accessed November 7, 2001
Ancient World Web extensive site for ancient world information. I suggested most of the math. 1999 last accessed November 6, 2001
Chris Rorres collection of translations of authors mentioning Archimedes 2000 last accessed November 6, 2001
CETH Rutgers University Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities 1997 last accessed November 3, 1999
Electronic Resources for Classicists The Second Generation - from UC Irvine January 25, 2000 last accessed November 7, 2001
Medea the Musical has a great many links to classics sites November 7, 2001
MIT Internet Classics Archive 441 works of classical authors. search function is down.1997 last accessed November 7, 2001
John Opsopaus, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Classical Salutations and Closings in Greek and Roman Letters, Adapted to Electronic Mail 1997 last accessed November 7, 2001
George Pesely, professor of ancient history, has many good classics and language links 1999 last accessed November 7, 2001
Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennesee has a good listing of classics links 1997 last accessed November 3, 1999
St Mary's College well organized useful stuff, classical search engines 1997 last accessed November 7, 2001
Skidmore University Study skills for the Classics including how to write research papers 2000 last accessed November 6, 2001
USC Department of Classics Launch page 1997 last accessed November 7, 2001
University of Tennessee, Knoxville Greek and Latin language resources 1997 last accessed November 7, 2001
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- Manuscripts
- Combined Papyrus and Text
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- Combined Papyrus and Text
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The Aberdeen Bestiary Project written and illuminated in England around 1200, is of added interest since it contains notes, sketches and other evidence of the way it was designed and executed. The digitised version, offering the display of full-page images and of detailed views of illustrations and other significant features, is complemented by a series of commentaries, and a transcription and translation of the original Latin. 1998 last accessed November 7, 2001
The Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia some on-line texts last accessed November 7, 2001
IBM Digital Library is scanning the Vatican Library and many other archives of ancient manuscripts 1998 last accessed November 7, 2001
Vatican Exhibit of the Library of Congress 1998 last accessed November 7, 2001
Vatican Mathematics Page of the Library of Congress 2000 last accessed November 7, 2001
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- Papyrology
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Center for the Study of Ancient Documents 1999 November 7, 2001
Papyrology Home Page John D. Muccigrosso, University of Michigan. Comprehensive links to papyrus sites1997 last accessed November 7, 2001
Papyrus Books book dealer in papyrus books 1999 November 7, 2001
Yale University searchable index of the Beinecke Library collection This is a gopher site and difficult to access 1997 last accessed November 7, 2001
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- On Line Text
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BIBLIOTHECA AUGUSTANA hundreds of Ancient Greek and Latin texts. 1998 last accessed November 7, 2001
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- Translations
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- Specific Cultures
- Egypt
- Etruscan
- Greek
- Latin
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- Egypt
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The Museum at Alexandra student paper discusses organization, resources 1999 last accessed November 7, 2001
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- Etruscan
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The Alphabets of Ancient Italy 2000 last accessed November 7, 2001
ARS HARUSPICINA an essay by John Opsopaus. Haruspicy is a method of divination that was practiced by the ancient Etruscans 2000 last accessed November 8, 2001
Gabor Z. Bodroghy the Etruscan Linen Book and Etruscan Palaeography designed for absolute beginners and experts alike last accessed November 10, 2001
Bodroghy updated version of the Etruscan Linen Book and Etruscan Palaeography last accessed November 10, 2001
Classification of Etruscan Languages 2000 last accessed November 8, 2001
John Stojko claims Etruscans were Ukranians 2000 last accessed November 8, 2001
Etruscans A brief history of the Etruscan people. This page includes a bibliography of and a number of links to other Latin/Rome-related resources. October 31, 2000 unable to access November 10, 2001
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- Greek
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Greek Alphabetic Numerals Greek Epigraphy Project: Coding: numerical 1997 last accessed November 10, 2001
Anna Mavromatis History of Ancient Greek Dance1997 last accessed November 10, 2001
Mavromatis Greek Costumes Through the Centuries1997 last accessed November 10, 2001
The Stoa Links to Ancient Greek subjects 1997 last accessed November 10, 2001
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- Rome
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Armarium Labyrinthi: Labyrinth Latin Bookcase many religious but also many secular 1997 last accessed November 10, 2001
Brooklyn College many good links for Roman daily life, lots of links 1998 last accessed November 6, 2001
N. S. Gill Home Schooling Latin Page links to helpful Latin study sites 1997 last accessed November 10, 2001
Grammar Questions and Answers 1999 unable to access Baylor University November 11, 2001
Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid Kevin Cawley at the University of Notre Dame Archives has many Latin language searchable word list links 1997 last accessed November 10, 2001
The Latin Library The Latin Library: Latin texts 1997 last accessed November 11, 2001
The National Latin Exam 1997 last accessed November 11, 2001
Return to Latin
- Universities
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Dr. Puckett's page at Occidental College Latin Page 1997 last accessed November 11, 2001
University of Texas at Austin Classics page 1997 last accessed November 11, 2001
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Last Upload November 11, 2001