Institute of Management
Institute of Management was founded in 1992.
The Institute is situated in one of the most picturesque places
of the central Ukraine - in Cherkassy city.
The Institute trains future specialists for economy, management,
law and foreign languages.
The Institute is licenced and registered in the state Register of
higher educational establishments of Ukraine.
In 1997 the Institute was accredited by the Ministry of Education
of Ukraine.
The Institute has been accredited in the European Council under
the U N E S C O.
President of the Institute is Rauf Ablyazov, doctor of technical
science, full professor, USSR State Prize winner, academician of
the Ukrainian Engeneering Academy, and International Academy of
Personnel Management. He is one of the leading experts in the
field of practical management.
Department of Accounting and
Department of Economy
and Finance
Department of Health
service Management
Department of Information
Department of Law
Department of
Department of
Department of Office
Procedures, Document Handling, Information and Communication
Faculty for Foreigners
of Management
After graduation from the department the
specialists are able to do organizational, managerial, analytic
and research work in management of any production sphere in
economy, development, and production of goods, private business.
The department provides profound training in philosophic,
psychological, aethic aspects of public relations, legal aspects
in firms' activities, basics of macro and micro economy as well
as in organization, planning and management of production, modern
know-how, improvement of quality, patent protection and others.
of Law
The department trains specialists for legal support
of business, that is, for working at firms and enterprises of
different forms of ownership as solicitors, barristers, lawyers,
advocates, jurist-consultants, and notaries, using at that their
knowledge acquired at the institute in civil law, labour and
administrative legislation as well as international law and
others. They will also be able to apply into practice rights
provided by law for protection the interests of clients in all
spheres even in court.
The graduates are provided with profound training in information
systems and computers, economy, accounting, management and
Acquired training gives the graduate possibility to work in
general supervision of procurator's office, notary, state
arbitration, and others where knowledge of law is required.
of Economy and Finance
The department trains specialists for economy and
business. Students are provided with profound training in
theoretical aspects of economy as well as practical training in
planning activities of enterprises, business analysis,
accounting, management of finances.
After graduating from the department the specialists will be able
to plan analytical, research, managerical activities in the
fields of economy and finances of firms and enterprises of the
various forms of ownership.
Department of Interpreters-Translators
The department trains interpreters-translators from and into
English and German.
The interpreter-translator is a specialist tranined for oral and
written translation of everyday life, political, economic,
technical and other texts. The interpreter-translator knows
secretarial office work, is able to work with computer and other
office facilities for qialified organization and finalizing of
translations. The specialists are trained for organization of
managerial, analytic and research activity in the sphere of
economy, management, information service, mass media and
publishing offices.
of Accounting and Auditing
The department trains the specialists able to do
objective accounting and to control the movement of money and
material values as well as to do qualified analysis and prognosis
of financial and business activities of the enterprise.
Specialists in the field of accounting and auditing possess
expert knowledge in business, financial and economic activities
of firms in accounting, auditing, investments, bank operations
and others. They can work as auditing officers, accountants of
the firms, as economists-finansists at the various enterprises
with different forms of ownership and as taxation inspectors,
finance inspectors in state and departmental institutions.
of Marketing
The department trains the specialists in theory and
practice of marketing.
Students of the department are provided with expert training in
the sphere of market economy, trade, advertisement, international
economic relations, computers etc. The graduates are qualified
for being marketologist-economist, marketing manager, manager in
advertising and international marketing. They can work at
different enterprises of various forms of ownership.
of Health service Management
The department trains the specialists for the
development and management in health service.
The students are provided with expert training in the development
and management of health service as well as in general
management, marketing, accounting, civil and business law.
Manager of health service is a specialist trained for
development, management, planning, economic and analytical
activity in health service, who can work in state hospitals and
sanatoriums, who can also set up and develop private medical
institutions and rehabilitation centres.
of Office Procedures, Document Handling, Information and
The department trains managers of information
service, official paper handling and communication. The
specialists are trained for managerial, administrative-executine,
developing, and coordinating activities in economy, management,
The graduates possess expert knowledge and skills in document
handling and information service for administrative staff as well
as in organizing business meetings, in international protocole
service, in operating modern systems of communication and
computers, in law basics and market economy.
of Information Technologies
The department trains managers of information
systems, who are able to perform managerial, analytical,
scientific-research activities in the sphere of information
The graduates possess expert knowledge in computer engineering
and technology, operation systems and programming languages,
systems of artificial intellect (mind) and management, marketing,
and law.
Faculty for Foreigners
Cherkassy Institute of business management
has a Preparatory Faculty for Foreign students. The Faculty
trains students to enter higher educational establisments in
Ukraine. The foreign students are prepared for the faculties of
economics, medicine and engineering.
Institute of Management
16, N.- Levitsky str.
Cherkassy, 257036
U k r a i n e
+38-0472- 64-21-27
Fax +38-0472- 64-73-00
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