as the ocean has only one taste -- that of salt -- this Dhamma-Vinaya has |
Introduction to Buddhism | Works of Ven. P. A. Payutto | Practising Dhamma | Anthology | Reflections |
website is now mirrored at Buddhanet,
and that site will eventually become the primary one. The viability of the
site in this current location depends on the policy adopted by Yahoo Geocities
towards its free
sites. Books, articles and talks will be added to this site, wherever it happens to be located, periodically. |
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"What is the
ripening of suffering? ... I say that suffering ripens either There are currently four books in this section. The Buddha's Teaching In His Own Words presents that teaching in dramatic and vivid form: we are told everything we need to know and nothing we don't. Getting to Know Buddhism is a fine introduction to Buddhism, containing a detailed outline of the teachings of Buddhism and of its history, with special emphasis on the position of Buddhism in Thai society. Getting Off: A Portrait is the autobiography of a Western monk, unusual in its honesty, wit and depth of insight. |
Venerable P. A. Payutto (Ven. Phra Dhammapitaka) is widely acknowledged as Thailand's foremost Buddhist scholar. He has taught extensively in Thailand and also in the West. His experience and interest in both Eastern and Western cultures provide him with a rare scope for presenting Buddhist teachings and principles to modern sensibilities. |
To apply the Buddha's advice and instructions is to be practising the Dhamma (the Teaching). This is to take the Buddha's Teaching personally. If one takes that Teaching personally enough, one is practising Dhamma (the way things are in themselves, unappropriated and unconceived). The Buddha's Teaching then has a conclusion, at which point one can finally relax: there is no longer anything new to be experienced. |
4. Anthology |
The way to see is by seeing. Those who are blind, knowing nothing of sight, cannot even know their blindness. Indeed, ignorance (ie. self-deception) is the one thing that must be understood in order to be free from ignorance (self-deception). Whatever is said that spurs one to make the effort to see is well said. No amount of erudition will substitute for a call to action. |
5. Reflections |
The purpose of Purpose. What should I do? (This is the question of Ethics.) No ethical action exists in isolation from a goal, a purpose. Our goal is to have goals, or a goal. Goals seek unification, a Purpose, purposes being way-stations. Ethical action tends to be self-limiting. Unethical action tends to be self-perpetuating. |
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An Important NoteIf you want to see the new material that is being added to this site,
please use (bookmark) This site is being
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© All the books, articles and talks presented on this site |
Some superior links:
- Theravada Buddhism is presented with great depth and sensitivity, in a huge library of fine documents, at Access to Insight.
- For those individuals eager to deal with the fundamental problem of personal existence, the Ñanavira Thera Dhamma Page may clear the path.
This site was last updated on September 25, 2551/2008
You are visitor No.
since March 19, 2541/1998
Site Contents
Introduction to Buddhism | Ven. P. A.
Payutto Page
Practising Dhamma | Anthology | Reflections