Its jacked up due to a front flat tire.
The paint is several shades because we were testing colors.
Without a great camera, the image may not be real clear.
I have a tube (visible in both pics above) that is plugged. It comes
out of the lower driver's side of the carb.It used to swivel around loosely
but would not come out. I do not know which way it should point or what
it should connect to. You can see the correct tube at the top of the carb
that goes to the fuel pump. On the passenger side is a tube that goes to
the distrib. So what should the blocked tube go to? Email
is the rear door from the inside. Note that there is no trim or panels
installed. I have the panels for each side that extend up to the headliner
but nothing for the rear curved corners. The headliner is mostly pulled
out at this time.
two show the sides of the firewall. Later, it will be cleaned and all nonused
holes will be filled and smoothed.
Here is a pic of
the radiator support and the front end from above for reference.
This is the front end once
we rolled it in to start work on the motor. The radiator got recored. The
generator was pulled for a replacement. The water pump will be replaced.
Other than that, some sanding and painting is the only plan.
My brothers and I are standing
with my son. He wears the cap and will be the first driver for a couple
years. This family gathering was a chance happening on Christmas and rarely
are we all together.
This page will continue at a later date.
If you have photos of your Chevy Sedan Delivery, please share them
with me.