Plattdeutsch Plattdüütsch,

dat is un blifft mien Mudderspraak


Soon Swienkraam.

vun Johnny Meyer


Just at ik de Keed woller up maakt harr an mien Rad, dar keem Bernhard um de Eck suusen, "wor wull't hen?" - „Jo, na Harm" segg ik „to'n speelen," - „ik kaam mit" meende Bernhard, „Klor, dat do man", un wi fohrden nah de Buuree wor Harm wohnen de. Dar geev dat meiß wat to maaken, wat ut to freeten, kiene twee Daag weern gliek, vor allen in'n Sommerdaag wenn se all an't heu'n weern, dar kunnen wi in'ne Schüür in't Heu speelen, mit up'n Wogen in't Feld föhrn, de öllern Hölper targen un all sowat. Wi keemen just to rechten Tiet, Harm un ik harrn us güstern ja een Flott boot, ut ole Benzinkanister dar inn'e Löschkuhl. Harm seet nu mitten in de Kuhl up't Flott un harr kien Paddel, kien Stock, kien gornix, wor he mit an Land kunn. Wi harrn dar över de Kuhl een Band spannt, so dat wi us röver trekken kunnen un dat Band weer em affreeten un in't Water fulln. Nu seet he dar un wuss sik kien Rat. „Maakt nix," seggt Bernhard, „noch een Band vun dissen Wiedenboom röver nahn Tunpol un een vun dit Heck dar nah de Schüür to, so mitten över de Kuhl weg un denn könt wi överall hen schippern wor wi willt". Dat duurde uk nich lang un do seeg dat ut, at wenn dar een utwussen Spinn anne Gang wesen weer un sik dar een Spinnwupp över de Kuhl boot harr. Nu kunnen wi in alle Richtungen schippern, bruukten kien Motor, kien Wind, kien Paddel un kien Stock, bruukten blots an een Band to trekken un hier kemen wi, - fulle Foahrt vörut-.

Dat de Bindfoden, to de Tiet man blots up'n swatten Markt

to kriegen weer dar maakten wi us kiene Gedanken över, de groote Rull de dar inne Klütterkommer leg, de weer just recht för us.

At Harm sien Mudder em ropen de, dar mossen wi jo Landfall maaken un he moss inn'e Kök um to seen wor dat nu all woller brennen de. Jo, he schull de Swien ut Koven Nummer veer, fiev un seven up de Wisch drieven un de annern in Utloop loopen laten. "Soon Schiet, ümmer moss he mit hölpen, dar bleev gar kien Tiet ton Speelen," meende he. Wi, Bernhard un ik wi wulln em over woll eben mit hölpen, denn gung dat jo gauer. De lüttjen Fargen de sussden dar in'n Utloop rum un denn man rin in Mudd, de ole Mutt de smeet sik dar uk furns mit to. Nu noch de annern, de, de up de Wisch schulln, een poor vun de Swien de leepen glieks up't Heck to, annere wulln garnich hen wo se hen schulln un wi mossen dar achteran jogen, bit us de Tung ut'n Hals hung. At dat eene Swien mi twüschen de Been dör wull, bleev ik dar up sitten un dat Swien fegte mit mi anne Schüür vorbi, bit an't Heck, dar full ik runner. Weer jo uk nix wor di an fast holen kunns, de Ohren de weern so wiet nah vorn, un de Steert so wiet nah achtern. Wat heppt wi lacht, dat weer rein to spaaßig. Un so keem dat, dat wi een Swien nahn annern rieden wulln. Mal gung't, mal nich, wat heppt wi een Spaaß harrt de Swien to rieden. Bit Harm sien Vadder dar up to keem. All wat wi hörden was „H A R M" Harm he wuss furns wat de Klock sloan harr, -„up de Dahl antreen, all dree," weer de Befehl vun Harm sien Vadder. Dar mossen wi nu töben. „Un wat passert nu?" wull Bernhard weten. Harm, harr denn Seißenstrick all ut Schapp kreegen un wuß wat em bevor stund, seggen de he over nix. So gau at Harm sien Vadder ut de Kök rutkeem, just so gau full Harm sien Büx nah unnen, „fiev Slagg up'n blooten Mors un wenn ji blarrt gift noch een, dat is vor de Tierquäleree de ji maakt heppt un denn noch dree Slagg vör dat Spinnwupp över de Kuhl", dat weer dat Urdeel.

So een Laag Hau hepp ik mien Leevdaag nich woller kreegen, up'n blooten Mors all garnich. De Tronen stunn us inne Oagen at wi inn'e Kök kemen, to'n Middageten. Dat kellde so dull, dat wi in Stahn Eten mossen, all dree, sitten kunn wi nich. Dat weer man half so slimm wesen, wenn de öllern Lüüd nich so dumm lacht harrn. Dat hulp uk nich dat de unnerste Slagg bi Bernhard unner sien korte Büx unnen to seen weer, an sien bloten Been, ganz rot anloopen weert uk noch.

Bernhard un ik wi sünd furns naht Eten woller nah us eegen Huus foart, uk in Stahn, un heppt dar wieter speelt. Harm de kunn vun nu an sien eegen Swien drieven, dar wulln wi nix mehr mit to doon heppen. Over de Moral vun de Geschicht is: dat to dissen Daag ik keen Deert wat to leed doon kann, sogar miene Flitsche, wo ik doch so goot de Lüntjen mit scheeten kunn, de hepp ik uk up hungen.

Tunpol = Zaunpfahl

Fargen = Schweinchen

Heck = Tor

Steert = Schwanz

Spinnwupp = Spinnengewebe

Seißenstrick = Sensenstrick

Koven = Stall

Lüntjen = Spatzen

Tronen = Tränen

Schapp = Schrank

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Bad luck

By Johnny Meyer

Just as I putt the chain back on my bike, here comes my friend Bernhard at full speed around the corner „what are you going to do?"

he ask, „I am going to play over at Harms place" I replied „well I'm coming along „ - „sure" I said „ why not," and so we drove over to Harms place, the large farmhouse where he lived.

More often than not was this the place that provided the kind of excitement that boys our age where looking for. No two days where alike we could always find something to do, especially in the summer, when it was hay making time, we could play in the barn, jump into the hay, ride on the wagons, tease some of the helpers, anything that was fun.

Bernhard and I came just at the right time. Harm and I had build a raft the day before, out of old WWII gas cans, over on the nearby pond. This was where we found Harm, he was smack in the middle of the pond on the raft, with out a stick, or paddle, nothing to assist him to make landfall. Since the string that we had spun across the pond had broken and fallen into the Water. Here he sat now and didn't know what to do with him self.

„No problem," said Bernhard „we just take another string from this willow tree over here, to this fence post over there. And than another one from this gate here, to the barn. An other and an other and so on and than we can go where ever we want to go." It didn't take to awfully long and it looked as if a giant spider had done his thing over the pond. Now we no longer needed a stick, paddle, wind, sail, or motor, we could go wherever we wanted, - so-, full speed ahead. That the string that we used was a treasured commodity, and could only be gotten on the black market at that time, that thought never came to mind, it was in the shed and we had a need for it.

Just about that time Harm's Mom called him, we had to make landfall so that he could run in to the kitchen to see where the fire was this time. Sure enough he had to help out. R A T S there just never was enough time to play, always some thing would come in between.

He had to let the pigs out of bin number four, five, and seven into the barn yard and the rest had to be driven onto the pasture. Today he was in luck; Bernhard and I would help him, so that it would go faster.

The little piglets ran around the barnyard and soon discovered the mud holes, immediately went into it and the big sow headed straight for it.

As far as the other pigs were concerned, the ones that had to be driven to the pasture, it was a different matter, some would run straight for the gate, others had to be chased all over the yard until our tong hung right out of our mouths. As one of the pigs tried to run between my legs I immediately sat down. That pig took off with me on top of it, at the gate I fell down, there was nothing to hold onto. The ears where to far to the front and the tail was too far back to do any good. But never the less this was fun, and that's how it started, we all wanted to ride one of the pigs. With some it worked with others it didn't, but whoa did we have some fun we laughed and joked and screamed as loud as we could. It was fun, as we never had before, until Harm's Father surprised us. "H A R M" that's all we heard. Harm, he instantly knew what the bell had rung, „ALL three of you wait in the house," that was his order.

„And what happen now?" wanted Bernhard to know, right after Harm had gotten the scythe sharpener out of the cabinet. As fast as Harms Father came into the room that's how fast Harms pants dropped to the floor, „fife hits for riding the pigs and three for the spider web, if you cry you get one more, all on your bare behind" that was the verdict.

Whoa, I never have gotten a whopping like that in my live again, especially not on my bare butt.

The Tears where in our eyes, when we came into the kitchen to eat lunch, it hurt, it hurt so much. We had to eat standing up, all three of us. It hurt so much; we just couldn't sit down. But it would have been only half as bad if it hadn't been for the laughs from the helpers. But mainly because below Bernhards shorts there was this red stripe, and swollen to boot and it was a dead give away of what we just had been trough.

Bernhard and I, we went home right AFTER lunch to play at our house. We had to ride our bikes standing up. Harm he could drive his own pigs from now on. We didn't want to have any thing to do with that. But the moral of the story is that to this day: I still cant hurt an animal, even my slingshot, and I was sooo good in getting those sparrows, I hung it up to.

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