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Un dar is noch een Heisternest!

vun Johnny Meyer

De Straat gung liek ut bit nah de Brügg. An beide Sieten wussen de moien dicken Eekbööm un disse Eekbööm de harrn us dat andoon. Dat keem dar vun, dat se eersten’s so goot weern um dar in rumtoklattern un tweeten’s wiel dar uk Heisternester in weern, bold jede dritte Boom, harr een vun de grooten Nester. Wi at Jungs, wi wussen ganz genau welke Bööm een’t vun de Nester harrn, so wat mark’t man sick jo at n’ Jung.

In'n Frööhjahr, wenn all de Vogels eere Nester boot un anfangen deen to brüten, denn kreegen wi dat woller in Kopp, us eene nee’e Eiersammlung to maaken. So een’e at de groote Buur in use Noverschupp se harr, de dar bi em up’n Böen leeg. Dar weer uk eene Sammlung mit Insekten, ober de, de mit all de verschiedenen Vogeleier de seeg mehr dar nah ut, at wenn dat wat vor us weer, sowat kun’n wi unner Umstännen us sülvens maaken.

De Kiebitze dat weern de Ersten, de dar an glöven mussen, de weern jo ligg to finnen dar in’t Heuland. De Drosseln un Meisen de kunnen wi woll up’n Weg nah’t Feld hen irgendwo in Haagen upstövern. De Lüüntjen un Stare de kunn wi to Hus woll ut nehmen, de Heistern, de weern meis noch an’t boon, de nehm sick Tiet, un dar um weern se de lesten de dran weern.

Dat kunn over uk angahn dat wi dar nich glieks to keemen, de Eier ut to blosen un dat se soo’n poor Daag rum leegen, de weern se ober uk to nix anners mehr good "as weg dar mit," un dat bedüde dat wi woller nee’e finnen mussen.

Too’n End keemen denn de Heistern anne Reeg. Dat weer nich so liggt dar rup to komen, up de Eekbööm, so wat dat moss eers överleggt weern. De Noogels de wi dar vorgonnen Johr rin timmert harrn, in de Bööm, de weern all affrust, or in wussen.

Use Straatenmeister harr uk noch de letzten Twiege, wo een so goot anholen kunn affschneen, over wi wulln em woll kreegen, wi kemen dar rupp, een Weg or denn annern, wenn wi man blots Draht harrn.

Denn eenen Sunndagmorgen dar weern wi uk grood woller darbi. "Is jo n’ Klacks" meen Fründ Bernhard sä, un nix at rup, up denn dicken Eekboom. Ik bleev unnen stahn un bölk’te em wat to . Dar moss doch grood um de Tiet uk noch een vun de Deern’s ut use Klasse dar up to komen. Se keem up eer Fohrrad an pedd’n, nu moss ik uk noch "Moin" seggen. Ik kreeg all rein n’ roden Kopp, se steeg uk noch aff, un wull weten wat wi dar maken deen. Denn keem noch Heinz, de Timmermann an, up’n Rad, he bleev uk noch even stahn. Bi de Tiet weer mien Fründ Bernhard uk all boben un földe dar in’t Nest. Dar weern denn jo allerhand Eier in, un nu wull he weten wi he de all mit’n annern heel runner kriegen schull. "De klemm di man achter de Kusen" meende Heinz. "Muß in't Daschendook binnen " meende de Deern. "Heff ik nich, " schree Bernhard woller runner, "muß in dien Hemd stecken" reep ik rup. Jo dat gung, Hemd open, Eier rin un denn man woller runner, up de Straat, gaaanz sinnig.

"Laht mal seen", meende de Deern jo glieks. "Ik mööt jo eers mal unnen wän" meende mien Fründ Bernhard. Heinz harr sien Fohrrad an annern Boom stellt un keem nu up us to. "Minsch" meende Heinz, "dat hess over goot maakt" un wieldess haude he Bernhard een up’n Puckel un quetschte de Eier all in dutt. De ganze Soße leep mien Fründ nu in siene Unnerbüx, de Deern de kunn sick kum hölpen vor Lachen, Heinz meende noch, "siene Hand weer em ut rutscht" seggt noch gau "Verzeihung" - un weer uk all up't Rad, un weg.

Dat weer dat leste mal, siet wi in de Bööm rumklattert sünd.







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 The Magpie nest!

By Johnny Meyer

The street went straight ahead up to the bridge, on both sides these awesome looking oak trees lined the street. These oak trees did it to us, first they were wonderfully to clime around in and second they had a lot of magpie nest in them. Almost every third tree had one of those large nests, we, as boys knew which tree had one, things like that, one remembers.

In the springtime when all the birds build they’re nest and brood their eggs, that’s when we got the bright idea to make a collection of different bird eggs, just like the large Farmer had in our neighborhood. There they were laying in his attic among other collections, one other such collection was the one of different insects, but one made of eggs was more to our liking, it was something that we could handle our selves.

The lapwings were the first to suffer, they were easy to find in the heyland, the thrush and titmouse, and we could always find them in some hedge on our way to the fields. The sparrows and starlings, we could take those eggs anytime at home. But the magpie they were slow and still building their nest, they took their time and were the last to suffer.

It could also happen that we forgot, or were to busy to blow the eggs out right away and after a few days they were only good for one thing and that was to throw them away, and that meant to find new ones.

The slow magpies came in on the tail End of our harvest, also it was not so easy to climb these big oak trees, some thought had to be given to it, a kind of planned attack. The nails that we hammered into to the trees last year were mostly rusted or grew into the tree. The nice twig’s that came in so handy last season had been removed by the street supervisor. But regardless of what, as long as we had wire we could master these trees.

This one Sunday morning just as we were in the process of attack, "no problem" as my friend said. I stayed down below and screamed up to him, just then, this one Girl out of our class had to come by on her bicycle, why just now, now I had to say "hi "to her; my head turned red already, I was bashful I guess. Not only that, but she also stopped, and wanted to know what we where up to. Just then Heinz, the carpenter, he came by on his bicycle and also stopped. By this time my friend was at the top and reached into the nest and found quite a few eggs in it. "What shall I do with all of them, and get them down in one piece?" "Put them in your mouth " yelled Heinz back up. "Tie them into your handkerchief," said the girl. "But I don’t have one" my friend called back. I mentioned to stick the eggs into his shirt. Well that seamed to work the best under the circumstances, down he came, very carefully "lets see those eggs," said the girl "first you have to let me come all the way down" answered my friend. Carpenter Heinz, had leaned his bicycle on a second tree in the meantime and also came over. "Man" he said, "you really did a fine job." He clapped my friend on the back were all the eggs where and crushed all of them in his shirt. All the slime ran now into my friends underwear, the girl could not stop laughing, Heinz said "that his hand had slipped," then said, "excuse me" and he was gone.

It was the last time, we were in those trees.


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