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The Institute of Maya Studies has moved to our own website: http://www.mayastudies.org/ You will be transported there in 10 seconds, or click the link above. All meetings are at the Miami Museum of Science at 3280 South
Miami Avenue (across from Viscaya) and begin promptly at 8PM unless otherwise noted.
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- January 15th - Special Saturday Seminar from 1PM until 5PM at the Miami Museum of Science
The Institute of Maya Studies presents archaeoastronomer John B. Carlson on Sacrifice and Pilgrimage to the Mountain of Sustenance
Explore an ancient alignment of temples and the age-old practices of mountain worship and astronomically timed pilgrimage -- a tradition of worship of Highland deities. and... Chantal Huckert on The Woman and The Goddess in Ancient Textiles and Costumes Follow the themes of water and fertility in the Prehispanic Mexican Highlands, as reflected in the colored costume designs of goddesses and echoed in today's patterns.
- January 26th - Cultural Investigations - Stone Circles: Stonehenge, Avebury, and Old Sarum
Join Evelyn Nielson as she explores european stone circles and compares their characteristics with ones in the New World.
- February 9th - Special Palenque Lecture Series
Who's the Man in the Tomb? An overview of Palenque and it's ruler Pacal with Jim Reed
- February 16th - General Meeting - Update on La Joya
Dr. Payson Sheets will
present an update on the Salvadoran site of La Joya de Ceren
- March 8th - Special Palenque Lecture Series
An Overview of Mayan Architecture: Archaeological Discovery and Site Construction with Joaquin Rodrigues
- April 12th - Special Palenque Lecture Series
An Overview of Mayan Art and Ceramics with Ellen Jacobs