Writing Links~~
The Writer's Write. Everything you need E-zine for writers.
Write The Book. Three continuing stories you can add a part to. For other continuing stories, go to The Story Fire
The Novice Writer's Rest Stop. An awesome, active, writing message board.
The Writer's Write Message Boards Great boards on various writing subjects. Lots of publishing info posted here. Only problem is that people can take a while to respond to posts here.
The Voice of the ShuttleOne of the best literary and humanities search engines I've found.
IPL Literature ReferenceWonderful Literature Resource
Online Literary Criticism Collection. Best literary research source I've found. Very easy to navigate, and anything they list you can be safe in quoting. Quality stuff.
Luminarium An excellant site on Medieval, Renaisance, and 17th century literature.
Representative Poetry Online. One of the best places I've found for finding poetry, other then Bartleby, and of course, the site I miss dearly--Red Frog, poems from the Planet Earth. If they start up again, please let me know.
My Lit-links Page The sites I've just listed are the best of the links I've found for literary reasearch. Here's some others that I've used in my own research. There's some good stuff on Irish Literature, 17th Century Literature, and Literary Periods. Some of it might not be useful to anyone but me, though.
The Dusty ShelfThe Dusty Shelf is back! Great place to learn about and discuss classic literature.
The Atlanta Review My favorite litarary magazine...publishes some poetry on-line.
Inspirational Poetry by Jim Cox Some truly beautiful poetry and images.
The Poetry of Nadia Brown Wonderful imagery and metaphores.
Jenni's Site Beautiful Christian Poetry
(also see Literature)
Stranger Things. This is HUH all over again (for those of you who mourn it's passing.) A zine with articles and revies from an "in the world, but not of it, persepctive." It's a mag outsite the bubble. Unfortunately, it may not be here much longer. See it before it's gone.
In One Spirit A board for peacefull discussion about and between different denominations.
Wisdom Works. Just an awesome site. I can't explain--you have to see for yourself.
Message Boards~~ (Also, see Writing and Christian Links)
ForumSearch.comA forum directory.
Find Your Forum. Another forum directory. Not sure if this on is being updated though.
Pondering Perspectives. Very active community: a place for general discussion, but also discussion about literature, teaching, health, the outdoors, and more...
Peculiar Christian Poets. Community of Christian poets--contains some of the best modern poetry I've read.
Starbuck Poetry Chat Rooms
. Awesome Place for discussing poetry.
The Dusty Shelf Message Boards: Great place to talk about literature and life.
Student HUB Used to be a great board for deep discussion....sort of died down after they moved. Haven't visited for a while, but keeping up the link for nastalgia's sake I suppose.
College Edge Forums
Great place to visit if you're in college, or thinking about going.
Ditto An awesome seach engine for graphics only. Incredible. Has everything!.
Backgrounds Archive: Searchable background storehouse.
Templates, Themes, and Graphics
Celtic Web Art.
The most complete celtic graphics page I've found. Much of the artwork on my pages were found here.
Blue Hare Graphics Simply beautiful graphics.
Ditto An awesome seach engine for graphics only. Incredible. Has everything!.
GifPile Huge categorized listing of graphics sites--high on content, low on ads.
The Graphics Vault Another huge categorized listing of graphics sites
Voter Resources~~
On the Issues Summarizes and details candidates positions and voting records on various major issues. Includes Presidential, Mayoral, Senate and Congressional candidates.
Congress.org Find elected officials (including state and local officials), track congressional bills and votes, find info on elections.
FactCheck.org. Checks the veracity of Political Ads.
Friend's Home Pages~~
Nibor's Web otherwise
known as Robin Robertson (formerly Robin Shields) Web Page...lots of funnies. Also see page on her little baby girl. Misty Knotts Xanga Blog and Misty Knotts Blogger: Same content, two blogs--otherwise known as lAND oF tHE sHORT pEOPLE.
Elaine Daley's Web Page Lot's of pictures and movie stuff
Page Monica's Page...just your basic "get to know you page"
Art by Mary Whitehead Artwork by Jeremy's Aunt Francis (I guess her real first name is Mary.
Random Links~~
Boggle for Fingerspelling.An ASL fingerspelling game
Feminists for
Life. Think pro-life-feminist is an oxymoron? Not a chance!
. A comic that's cross between "The Far Side" and "Family Circle."
Corsinet She calls the links are called "time-wasters, but they are really cool and many are truely useful. Very random stuff though.
A Unique Perspective Christian Graphics
Brian's Page and his new page and his blog and his other blog Growing Up Dad.
Kristen's Blog and Isaac Baby Page
Judy's Book. A local review site, where you can read and add reviews on all sorts of things in your area.
SciFi worldAn awesome search engine/directory for everything SciFi
The Garden Web. The best gardening sight I've found.
Answerway.com place to find the answer, or AN answer at least, to just about any question on earth. Real live help from real live people FREE. (It's just like Askme.com)
Renaissance Faire Page It's in plain text, and you'll have to cut and paste the links, but its still the most organized and complete list of Renaissance Fair Web Pages I've found.
ArtcylcopediaArt Search Engine
Bravenet. One of the best sites I've found for webmaster goodies.
Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design in the K-12 Science Classroom : A project a friend of mine did, with some very good information.
� 1997 windhavenglen@hotmail.com
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