Welcome! The following is a list of pages I have set up. Please feel free to browse.

Windhaven My main page

Poetry Deep Monthly poetic themes and discussion, plus a small classical poetry collection with hyperlinked footnotes.

Hearts for Charity Lots of hearts and a new love poem every month. (Proceeds from advertising and affiliate sales go to charity).

Windhaven Web Art. A collection of graphics inspired by Pre-raphealite paintings and Art Nouveau.

The Story Fire A collaborative fiction page...read what others have written and add to it.

Texifornia Place for Texans in California and Californians in Texas.

Cal Baptist Un-official The Unofficial Pages of California Baptist College.

DBU Pages The Un-official pages of Dallas Baptist University.

Survey Rewards Reviews of paid and rewarded survey sitss I've participated in.

The Poll Place A collection of serious and silly polls and surveys. Includes past polls from Windhaven Glen.

Child Discipline and Swatting A poll relating to child discipline and swatting, and a letter from a psychologist on the subject.

Baby Coupon Trades List A place to trade coupons for baby items like diapers and formula.

Traders Links Links to all sorts of places to trade all sorts of stuff.

Message Board Central. Do you love message boards? Come, chat, add your favorite boards to the database, and get info on how to start your own board.

Events Online. A place to find and post online events, such as scheduled chats.

Writer Quiz A humorous quiz to find out how much of a writer are you...going from writing hater to die-hard writer. No, I'm not out to classify writers...this is sort of in the spirit of the nerdity test, and whether you hate or love writing, should be great for a laugh. (THE SUBMIT NOT WORKING CORRECTLY: But you're welcomed to read the questions just for fun)

Links Links to some of my favorite pages, including writing links, literature links, message boards, and Christian links.

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