Sites for Educators

This site will be continually updated, as time allows. If you find a good site and would like it included, please let me know. I might also suggest that you visit the students' site list since many of those might be of value in your planning.
**Lesson Plans Across the Curriculum**
Kathy Schrock's Guide for EducatorsThis site is one of the most comprehensive that I have found online. Guaranteed to be one of the most useful.
ERIC is the Educational Resources Information Center from the US Dept. of Education and the National Library of Education. It is an immense site and of course extremely useful for all educators.
This site is maintained by the American Library Association and is one which has something for everyone. One portion is for educators, one portion for parents and one for students. It is well maintained and a visit here cannot be short.
This site has many things to offer the North Carolina teacher - access lesson plans built on NC Curriculum, by North Carolina teachers....add a lesson plan of your own. Must have a password to take full advantage of the site - you can obtain this through our county office.
Blue Web'n is a searchable database of about 1000 outstanding Internet learning sites catagorized by subject, audience and type.
This site provides lesson plans on all grade levels and in all subject areas. Also provides a way for you to post your own lesson plans and share with others around the world.
A place for teachers to share ideas, find colleagues, and get the most out of the internet. (Includes A+ web links, lesson plans, teacher search, message board)
This site contains lesson plans designed for the K-12 educator....very comprehensive.
Teachnet offers smart tools for busy teachers - from lesson ideas to 5 minute filler activities.
This site has comment-posting capabilities, so that you can find a lesson plan and also read about others' experiences in using the same plan.
The Los Angelos County Office of Education has put together a site which provides links to many other sites containing lessons about all subject areas.
The Scholastic site used to be a subscription site, but this year is free for the first time. Check it out. You're sure to find something useful.
Holiday Lesson PlansMrs. Donn's site has it all!! Especially impressive are her collection of holiday sites.
This site has some theme activities that might be especially helpful for kindergarten. It is geared for parents, caregivers and teachers of young students, but certainly worth the time to visit.
Now if you still haven't found the perfect lesson plan in any of these sites, then by all means just "Ask Jeeves". Jeeves can answer just about anything you ask!