School Calendar

1999 - 2000 School Year

August 5First Day for Students
September 6Labor Day (Student Holiday)
September 16End of the First Six Weeks
September 17Teacher Workday (Student Holiday)
September 28Parent-Teacher Conference(11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.)
Student Holiday
October 11End of the First Nine Weeks
November 1End of the Second Six Weeks
November 11Teacher Workday (Student Holiday)
November 24Teacher Workday (Student Holiday)
November 25, 26Thanksgiving Holiday
December 17End of Third Six Weeks
End of Second Nine Weeks
December 20 - December 31Christmas Holiday
January 3Teacher Workday (Student Holiday)
January 17Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday
February 15End of the Fourth Six Weeks
February 18Teacher Workday (Student Holiday)
February 21Teacher Workday (Student Holiday)
March 1Parent - Teacher Conference (11:00a.m. - 6:00p.m.)
Student Holiday
March 10End of the Third Nine Weeks
March 31End of the Fifth Six Weeks
April 2Teacher Workday (Student Holiday)
April 3Teacher Workday (Student Holiday)
April 21 - April 28Easter Holiday
May 23End of the Sixth Six Weeks
End of the Fourth Nine Weeks
May 24 - May 30Teacher Workdays

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