About Our School

Mineral Springs School is located in the Sandhills region of North Carolina in the town of Ellerbe. We have an enrollment of about 475 students in grades K-5, housed within 21 classrooms. We also have on staff a media specialist, reading and math recovery teachers, physical education, music, and art teachers and a counselor. Mineral Springs School is part of the Richmond County School system.

Our school has a rich history which began in the mid-1920's when Dr. Morris R. Mitchell, principal of Ellerbe High School, met with community leaders to plan and provide better educational facilities for the Negro boys and girls of the Ellerbe District. Dr. Mitchell raised initial monies by speaking at various churches, and a drive for funds was continued by Mr. Hallie McRae. Additional funds were obtained from the county Board of Education and the Rosenwald Foundation. In 1927, a four-room brick veneer structure was built and occupied.

Mr. Julius McRae of Hamlet was the principal for the first five years of the school's existence.

Mr. S.B.T. Easterling became principal in 1932. At that time, the school had a staff of five faculty member, 120 students and a curriculum encompassing the eleventh grade. Mr. Easterling's goal was to advance this curriculum to a high school level. Through his efforts, the school's curriculum was changed to include Home Economics, Vocation Agriculture, and a wide range of extra curricular activities and sports. With cooperation from Superintendent L.J.Bell, transportation was provided for students from surrounding areas to attend the high school.

In the years that followed, the new Superintendent, F.D. McLeod, led the consolidation of other schools from surrounding communities into the Ellerbe School.

In 1946, the Institutional Farm Training Program for Negroes in Richmond County was begun with Mr. J.E. Forte as supervisor. This program was the only one of it's kind in the area.

By the 1951-52 school year, the faculty consisted of twenty-one teachers and an enrollment of 628 students, with 120 of these students in high school. Driver's Education, masonry, industrial arts, music, art, and band enriched the curriculum. Activities held at the school helped purchase playground equipment, a radio, movie projector, and an electric mimeograph.

On February 1, 1952, a new modern high school facility was put into use. The structure consisted of classrooms, an auditorium, library, gymnasium, classrooms for Home Economics and Agriculture and storage spaces.

A new classroom building and lunchroom were completed in 1955. When the new buildings were completed and dedicated, the name of the school changed from Ellerbe Colored High School to Mineral Springs School.

When integration took place in 1968, Mineral Springs School was converted to a school serving grades four through eight, and later, grades four through six.

In 1995, new classroom additions and complete renovations of the old building were finished. The school then provided for students in kindergarten through grade five. Ellerbe Primary School was closed at this time.

Five principals have dedicated their services to improving the school over the years. They are Rev. Julius McRae (1927-1931), Mr. S.B.T. Easterling (1932-1972),Mr. L.M. Broadnax (1972-1981), Mr. Donald Pratt(1981-1995), and Mr. Barry Ridley (1995-present).

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