In Defense of Belief

Apologetics and Basic Catholic Teaching
Prayer and Meditation
Sacred ScriptureFathers of the ChurchMagisterium
Christian PhilosophySacred TheologyCanon Law
Study Outlines
Catholic Encyclopedia & DictionariesComprehensive Catholic Pages and LinksNews

Apologetics and Basic Catholic Teaching
Does God Exist? (Peter Kreeft) in YouTube
[UPLOADED 21-May-2008]
Scripture Catholic (Why the Bible Supports the Catholic Church)
Catholics United for the Faith
Catholic Answers
Lumen Verum Apologetics
Nazareth Resource Library
Apologetics Toolkit (Augustine Club, Columbia U)
Philip J. Porvaznik Apologetics Website
Catholic Adult Education Program (Scott Hahn)
[UPLOADED 7-May-2007]
"Same Root" Apologetics Site (in Chinese)
Commonly Asked Questions (in Chinese)
[UPLOADED 11-Mar-2007]
Light and Life (Ed. Fr Reginald Martin, OP)
[UPLOADED 21-May-2008]
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CIN)
Catechism of the Catholic Church (Christus Rex)
Catechism of the Catholic Church (with 1997 Amendments)
Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
in major languages

Vatican Site: Chinese Catechism
Taiwan Site: Catechism of the Catholic Church (Chinese)
Downloadable Catechism of the Catholic Church (Chinese)
Question and Answer Catechism ((Chinese and English)
[UPLOADED 4-Mar-2007]
Eternal Word Television Network Page
Catholic Faith and Reason
On the Holy Mass
Chinese Catholic
Second Exodus (Hebrew Catholics)
Modern Catholic Dictionary (Fr John Hardon, SJ)
[UPLOADED 1-Jul-2007]
Resources for Religion Teachers (Powerpoint)
[UPLOADED 24-Jan-2009]

Prayer and Meditation
Missale Romanum, editio typica tertia. 2002
[UPLOADED 25-Aug-2007]
Daily Mass Readings (CIN, with Navarre Bible Commentary)
Daily Mass Readings (EWTN)
Daily Mass Readings (USCCB)
Daily Mass Readings (Easterbrooks Catholic Calendar Page)
Daily Mass Readings (Universalis)
Downloadable Order of the Mass and Sunday Readings (in different languages)
[UPLOADED 21-May-2007]
Daily Mass Readings (with downloadable files)
Order of the Mass (in Chinese)
[UPLOADED 19-Apr-2007]
Understanding the Mass (Charles Belmonte)
Mass Schedules Worldwide (
Mass Schedules Worldwide (
Archivum Liturgicum Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae
Corpus Omnium Librorum Liturgicorum Iuxta Ritum Romanum

Daily Scripture Readings and Meditations (RC Net)
Tutorial on the Latin Mass According to the 1962 Missale Romanum
[UPLOADED 11-Aug-2007]
Liturgia Horarum para PDA (Spanish page)
Liturgia Horarum for PDA (English page)

[UPLOADED 12-May-2007]
The Liturgy of the Hours (English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian)
The Liturgy of the Hours (English, with bookmarks)
Catholic Prayers
Ignition Point (Points for Personal Meditation and Prayer)
Meditaciones diarias (in Spanish)
[UPLOADED 12-May-2007]
Thesaurus Precum Latinarum (includes Hymns and English Translation for the Liturgy of the Hours)
A Treasure of Over 1,924 Catholic Prayers including Mass Prefaces
Meditation Bank (Collection of Meditations)
John Paul II Prayer For Vocations (1991 to present)
Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments
Treasury of Latin Prayers
Tracts for Our Times
Cantica Nova Publications
Gregorian Chant (Kyriale) with MP3 and music sheet
Gregorian Chant Masses
St Josemaria Escriva Works Online
Archbishop Fulton J Sheen Recorded Talks (at American Catholic Truth Society)
Archbishop Fulton J Sheen Recorded Talks
[UPLOADED 3-Mar-2008]

Sacred Scripture
Nova Vulgata Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio -- Vetus Testamentum
Nova Vulgata Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio -- Novum Testamentum
Latin Vulgate (Perseus Project: with Latin parsing guide!)
Hebrew Old Testament (With Parallel Verses in Latin Vulgate, Douay Rheims and Others)
[UPLOADED 3-Mar-2007]
Greek New Testament (With Parallel Verses in Latin Vulgate, Douay Rheims and Others)
[UPLOADED 3-Mar-2007]
New Translation of Latin Vulgate, Challoner Douay Rheims, Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis Sixti V et Clementis VIII (1861, 1914, 2005, 2009 editions), Latin-English Study Bible
[UPLOADED 11-Mar-2007]
Multilingual Searchable Bible, Atlas, Concordance, Visuals
[UPLOADED 1-Apr-2009]
The Latin Vulgate
Downloadable Bibles (RSVCE, Novo-vulgata, Chinese )
English Douay-Rheims and Latin Vulgate (line by line)
English Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition
English Douay-Rheims
New American Bible (with Concordance)
Greek Bible (Orthodox)
Greek New Testament (Perseus Project: with Greek parsing guide! Eds Brooke Foss Westcott, Fenton John Anthony Hort)
The Holy Bible: New Testament (in Chinese--Hong Kong site)
The Holy Bible: Old Testament (in Chinese--Hong Kong site)
The Holy Bible (in Chinese--Vatican Radio Site)
The Holy Bible (in Chinese--Malaysia site)
Downloadable Bible (in Chinese)
The Holy Bible (in Chinese--Taiwan site)
Chinese Catholic Bibles
[UPLOADED 1-Jul-2007]
Vietnamese Catholic Bibles (Kinh Thánh Tiếng Việt)
[UPLOADED 1-Jul-2007]
Vietnamese Searchable New Testament (Tan Uoc On Line)
[UPLOADED 20-Oct-2007]
Biblical Text with Commentary (Cong. for the Clergy)
[UPLOADED 12-Dec-2007]
Commentaries of John Paul II and Benedict XVI on the Psalms and Canticles
[UPLOADED 13-Dec-2007]
Bible Map (using Google Maps)
Bible Places
[UPLOADED 9-May-2007]
Holy Land Photos
[UPLOADED 9-May-2007]
The Jerome Bible Commentary
[UPLOADED 3-Mar-2007]
Bible Study Guide (arranged according to the Liturgical Year)
Bible History Resources
[UPLOADED 11-May-2007]
Catholic Bible Study
[UPLOADED 11-May-2007]
Salvation History (Scott Hahn)
Authorship, Inerrancy, Historicity of Scripture, Church Teaching, and Modern Scripture Scholars (William Most Collection)
Catholic Resources for Bible, Liturgy, and More (Felix Just, SJ)
Neopatristic Approach to Interpretation of Sacred Scripture
(Roman Theological Forum)

John Duns Scotus Bible Reading Promotion Centre
[UPLOADED 29-Jun-2007]
A Concordance of Sacred Scripture (by Topic)

Fathers of the Church
Church Fathers and Councils (New Advent)
Church Fathers (Lumen Verum)
Church Fathers (Christian Classics Ethereal Library)
Early Church Documents (The Ecole initiative)
Fathers of the Church (CIN)
Church Fathers (Early Christian Writings Web Page)
Cor Unum Catholic Apologetics Web Page

Official Vatican Site
The Pope in YouTube
[UPLOADED 24-Jan-2009]
Comprehensive Documents in Chinese (Simplified Characters)
Papal and Magisterial Documents in Chinese (Hong Kong Site)
Principal Texts of the Magisterium with Papal Commentaries (Cong. for the Clergy)
[UPLOADED 12-Dec-2007]
Catholic Culture Document Library
Documents from Church Councils
EWTN Document Search
The Catholic Pages Documents
Church Documents in HTML and FTP
Papal Encyclicals and Church Documents
Vatican Documents
Catholic Church Documents related to Biblical Studies
Liturgy and Sacraments (Fr. Tom Richstatter, O.F.M)
Enchiridion Symbolorum, Denzinger (In lingua latina)

Christian Philosophy
Corpus Thomisticum (Aquinas in Original Latin!)
The Aquinas Translation Project (Niagara University)
Aquinas Online (with exhaustive bibliography)
Center for Thomistic Studies (Australia)
Thomistic Philosophy Page from the University of St. Thomas (Houston)
The Summa Theologiae of St Thomas Aquinas (by Advent)
The American Catholic Philosophical Association
Ralph McInerny Home Page
Patrick and John's Aquinas Cafe
Coolit's Thomas Aquinas Page
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Jacques Maritain Center
International Catholic University: Online Courses
Radical Academy
Peter Kreeft Home Page
Philip J. Porvaznik (Articles on Philosophy and Science)

Sacred Theology
Theology Library at Spring Hill College
Theology Website
International Catholic University: Online Courses
Fr Cormac Burke's Archives (Moral Theology and Canon Law)
Fr John Hardon's Archives
Internet Theology Resources: Church History and Historical Theology
History of the Church: Countdown to 2000
Eight Modules of Church History
The Church in Crisis: A History of the General Councils: 325-1870
One-Page Chart of the History of the Church
Primeros Cristianos (History of the Church)
[UPLOADED 13-Mar-2007]
[UPLOADED 26-Feb-2008]
An Introduction to Salvation History
[UPLOADED 26-Feb-2008]
The Catholic Calendar Page
Links on Moral Issues for Catholic Educators
Mariology. The Mary Page (Dayton)

Canon Law
The 1983 Code of Canon Law
Code of Canon Law in Chinese Simplified Characters
[UPLOADED 5-Apr-2009]
Fr Cormac Burke's Archives (Moral Theology and Canon Law)
Canon Law and Commentaries (Cong. for the Clergy)
[UPLOADED 12-Dec-2007]

Study Outlines
A Course on the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Traditional Chinese Characters Version)
A Course on the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Simplified Chinese Characters Version)
Basic Course in Catholic Teaching (includes downloadable MP3, AAC for iPod or iTunes and Powerpoint Presentations)
[UPLOADED 2-Nov-2007]
Bullet-Point Catechism of the Catholic Church (Forty Lectures)
Outlines for a Course on Catholic Doctrine
Communionis Notio
Dominus Iesus
Encyclical Fides et Ratio
Pastores Gregis
On Divine Grace and Merit
On the One God
On the Triune God
The Sacraments in General. Baptism. Confirmation.
Introduction to Philosophy: Guide Questions
Logic and Philosophy of Language: Outline linked to notes
[UPLOADED 11-Jul-2007]
Philosophy of Science: summarised notes
[UPLOADED 29-Jul-2007]
Metaphysics: Guide Questions
Philosophy of Knowledge (Gnoseology/Epistemology): Guide Questions
Social and Political Philosophy: Outline
Metaphysics of Beauty (Aesthetics): Course Outline with Links
Natural Theology (Theodicy): Guide Questions

Catholic Encyclopedia & Dictionaries
Catholic Encyclopedia
Gran Enciclopedia Rialp
[Added 13-Mar-2007]
Catholic Dictionary--Beta Edition (Catholic Culture)
[Added 23-Mar-2007]
Chinese Catholic Dictionary--Simplified Characters
English-Chinese Catholic Dictionary--Traditional Characters
[Added 05-Sep-2007]

Comprehensive Catholic Pages and Links
Vatican Radio
Catholic World Info (in Chinese)
[UPLOADED 18-Apr-2007]
The Catholic Information Network
Catholic Culture (formerly Peter's Net)
The Catholic Pages
Our Lady's Warriors
Holy Spirit Interactive
Catholic Goldmine
Comprehensive Catholic Site in Chinese (Simplified Characters)--CNCatholic
Comprehensive Catholic Site in Chinese (Simplified Characters)--Tianzhujiao
Comprehensive Catholic Site in Chinese (Simplified Characters)--CCCCN
Comprehensive Catholic Site in Chinese (Simplified Characters)--Montecorvino Seminary (Shan Xi Xiu Yuan)
[UPLOADED 11-Jun-2007]
Tianjin Diocese
Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan Archives
The 1997 Catholic Internet Directory
The Gehenna Page
Catholic Art and Others
Theology Library
Apologetics Links
Dr Dominguez Websites
Tiber River (Review of Catholic Books)
Catholic Links (Chinese)

Catholic News
The Pope in YouTube
[UPLOADED 24-Jan-2009]
The Vatican
Vatican Radio (including Chinese)
H2O News (Video and Audio from Rome, in 8 Languages, including )
[UPLOADED 8-Mar-2008]
Rome Reports TV News Agency
RomeReports in YouTube
[UPLOADED 9-Apr-2009]
SQPN: Catholic New Media
[UPLOADED 6-Jun-2008]
Catholic World News
Catholic Information Center on the Internet (CICI)
Church Media and Press Resources
Hierarchy, Liturgical Calendar, Documents
[UPLOADED 25-Jan-2008]
Catholic Hierarchy
[UPLOADED 25-Jan-2008]

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Opus Dei Prelature

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