Clyde Winters, Ph.D.

Clyde Winters was born in Chicago, Illinois. Here he attended Public School and graduated from DuSable High School in 1969.

Winters is a graduate of the University of Illinois-Urbana. Here he earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Anthropology and History. At Chicago State University he earned a Masters degree in Special Education. He has a Ph.D., in Educational Psychology from Loyola University Chicago.

Winters has written extensively on anthropological, linguistic, special education and comparative education themes. His articles have appeared in Afrique Noire, Journal of Modern African Studies, Contemporary Review, Negro Journal of Education, Journal of Black Studies, International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, Journal of Tamil Studies, Southeast Asian Anthropologist and Central Asiatic Journal, to name a few.

Winters' special interest include Neurobiological learning and instruction, learning disabilities among inmates, Dravidian and African linguistics and ancient scripts. He has deciphered the Libyco-Berber, the Meroitic, the Olmec and the Indus Valley writings.

Clyde Has taught at the elementary, high school and college levels. During this period he has attempted to present a multicultural attitude toward education which recognizes that each student can learn through his own individual effort , and initiative.

Winters is married and the father of six children. This has allowed him to understand that each child and adult brings a unique attitude to learning, that should be nourished by teachers so they can get the most out of each student they teach. His motto is "Education is Good, but Boldness is Better".

Editorial Duties

Editor, Yombo Newsletter, Urbana, Illinois. 1971-1973

Editor, African Library Briefs, for Young Readers, Ames, Iowa,1974-1975.

Editor, Umoja Watu, Ames, Iowa, 1974-1975.

Contributing Editor, Afrikan Mwalimu, 1975-1980.

Associate Editor, Journal of African Civilization, 1979-1984

Contributing Editor,Afrique Histoire, 1982-1987.

Professional Societies

Black World Foundation 1970-1975

Tanzania Historical Association 1972-1976

African Heritage Studies Association 1974-1976

Educators to Africa Association 1970-1976

Asian Studies Association 1972-1993

Association for Supervision 1987-Present

National Council for Social Studies 1988-1992

Illinois Adult and Continuing Educators Association, 1990-1995

Central States Anthropological Society 1996-Present

Council for Learning Disabilities 1990-Present

American Anthropological Association 1996-Present

American Educational Research Association 1995-Present


Professional Duties

IACEA Section Head: Correctional Education

Biographical Note: International Who's Who in Asian Studies, Hong Kong, 1979.

Member Proposal Committee for Rajavajan Award, of the Tamil University for Creative Writing in Tamil, 1983--

Reader and Evaluator of Ph.D., thesis in Social Sciences for the University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India, 1987--





Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "The influence of the Mande scripts on ancient American Writing systems", Bulletin l'de IFAN, T39, serie b, no2, (1977), pages 941-967.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "Islam in Early North and South America", Al-Ittihad, (November 1977a) .

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "Trade between East Africa and China", Afrikan Mwalimu, (January 1979) pages 25-31.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad,"Manding Scripts in the New World", Journal of African Civilization 1, no1 (1979a), pages 61-97.

Winters, Clyde Ahmad,"The genetic unity of Dravidian and African languages and culture",Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Asian Studies (PIISAS) 1979, Hong Kong:Asian Research Service,1980a.

Winters, Clyde Ahmad, "A Note on the Unity of Black Civilizations in Africa, IndoChina, and China",PISAS 1979, Hong Kong :Asian Research Service,1980b.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "The Unity of African and Indian Agriculture", Journal of African Civilization 3, no1 (1981a),page 103.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "Are Dravidians of African Origin", P.Second ISAS,1980,( Hong Kong:Asian Research Service, 1981b) pages 789- 807.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "Further Thoughts on Japanese Dravidian Connection",Dravidian Language Association News 5, no9 (1981c) pages 1-4.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "Mexico's Black Heritage", The Black Collegian,(December 1981/January 1982) pages 76-84.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "The Harappan script Deciphered:Proto- Dravidian Writing of the Indus Valley", P Third ISAS, 1981,(Hong Kong:Asian Research Service, 1982b) pages 925- 936.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad,"The Ancient Manding Script",In Blacks in Science:Ancient and Modern, (ed) by Ivan van Sertima, (New Brunswick:Transaction Books ,1983a) pages 208-214.

Winters, Clyde Ahmad, "Les fondateurs de la Grece venaient d'Afrique en passant par la Crete", Afrique Histoire, no8 (1983b), pages 13-18.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "Blacks in Ancient China,Part 1:The Founders of Xia and Shang", Journal of Black Studies 1,no2 (1983c).

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "Possible Relationship between the Manding and Japanese", Papers in Japanese Linguistics 9, (1983d) pages 151-158.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad Winters, "Magyar and Proto-Saharan Relationship",Fighter (Hungarian language Newspaper) Cleveland ,Ohio (January 1984).

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "The Indus Valley Writing is Proto- Dravidian",Journal of Tamil Studies , no 25 (June 1984a), pp.50-64.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "A Note on Tokharian and Meroitic", Meroitic Newsletter\Bulletin d"Information Meroitiques, No23 (Juin 1984b) , pages 18-21.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "Further Notes on Japanese and Tamil" ,International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics 13, no2 (June 1984c) pages 347-353.

Winters, Clyde Ahmad, "The Inspiration of the Harappan Talismanic Seals", Tamil Civilization 2, no1 (March 1984d), pages 1-8.

Winters, Clyde Ahmad, "The Harappan Writing of the Copper Tablets", Journal of Indian History LXll, nos.1-3 (1984), pages 1-5.

Winters, Clyde Ahmad, "The Proto-Culture of the Dravidians ,Manding and Sumerians", Tamil Civilization 3, no1 (March 1985a) ,pages 1-9.

Winters, Clyde Ahmad, "The Indus Valley Writing and related Scripts of the 3rd Millennium BC", India Past and Present 2, no1 ( 1985b), pages 13-19.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "The Far Eastern Origin of the Tamils", Journal of Tamil Studies , no27 (June 1985c), pages 65-92.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "The genetic Unity between the Dravidian ,Elamite, Manding and Sumerian Languages", P Sixth ISAS ,1984, (Hong Kong:Asian Research Service,1985d) pages 1413-1425.

Winters, Clyde Ahmad, "The Migration Routes of the Proto-Mande", The Mankind Quarterly 27, no1 (1986a), pages 77-96.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "Blacks in Ancient America", Colorlines 3, no.2 (1986b), pages 26-27.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "Dravidian Settlements in ancient Polynesia", India Past and Present 3, no2 (1986c)pages 225- 241.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad Winters ,"The Dravidian Origin of the Mountain and Water Toponyms in central Asia", Journal of Central Asia 9, no2 (1986d), pages 144-148.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "Dravidian and Magyar/Hungarian", International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics 15, no2 ,(1986e).

Winters, Clyde Ahmad, "The Rise of Islam in the Western Sahara" ,Topaz 2, no1 (1986f), pages 5-15.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "The Dravidian and Manding Substratum in Tokharian",Central Asiatic Journal 32, nos1-2,(1988)pages 131-141.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad,"Tamil,Sumerian and Manding and the Genetic Model",International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics,18,(1989) nol.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad,"Cheikh Anta Diop et le dechiffrement de l'ecriture meroitique",Cabet:Revue Martinique de Sciences Humaines et de Litterature 8, (1989b) pages 149-152.

Winters,Clyde Ahmad, "Review of Dr. Asko Parpolas' "The Coming of the Aryans". International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics 18, no2 (1989) , pages 98-127.

Winters, Clyde Ahmad, "The Dravido Harappan Colonization of Central Asia", Central Asiatic Journal 34, no1-2 (1990), pages 120-144.


-----------.1991. "Linguistic Evidence for Dravidian influence on Trade and Animal Domestication in Central and East Asia",International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 20 (2): 91-102.

_______________.(1999a). ProtoDravidian terms for cattle. International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 28, 91-98.

_______________.(1999b). Proto-Dravidian terms for sheep and goats.PILC Journal of Dravidian Studies, 9 (2), 183-87.

_______________.(2000). Proto-Dravidian agricultural terms. International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 30 (1), 23-28.

_________.(1994b). The Dravidian and African laguages, International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 23 (1), 34-52.

_________.(1994c). Ancient Dravidian: And introductory grammar of Harappan with Vocabularies , Journal Tamil Studies, No.41, 1-21.

_________.(1995a). Ancient Dravidian:The Harappan signs, Journal Tamil Studies, No.42, 1-23.

__________.(1995b). Ancient Dravidian: Harappan Grammar/Dictionary, Journal Tamil Studies, No.43-44, 59-130.

_________.(1996). Linguistic Continuity and African and Dravidian languages, International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 23 (2), 34-52.

________________.1996a. Foundations of the Afrocentric Ancient History Curriculum, The Negro Educational Review, XLVII (3-4), 214-217.

_________.(1998a). Meroitic Funerary text: Temple architecture and mortuary practices, InScription: Journal of Ancient Egypt,1 (1), 29-33.

_________.(1998a). Meroitic Funerary text: Stelae and funerary tables, InScription: Journal of Ancient Egypt,1 (2), 41-55.

Winters, Clyde Ahmad. (1998c). The inscriptions of Tanyidamani. forthcoming Nubica IV und Nubica V.

Winters, Clyde Ahmad. (1998d). The meroitic chamber inscription. forthcoming Nubica IV und Nibica V.

Winters, Clyde Ahmad. (n.d.). Meroitic inscriptions from Karanog. forthcoming Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities.

_______________.(1999a). ProtoDravidian terms for cattle. International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 28, 91-98


_______________.(1999b). Proto-Dravidian terms for sheep and goats. PILC Journal of Dravidian Studies, 9 (2), 183-87.

_______________.(2000). Proto-Dravidian agricultural terms. International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 30 (1), 23-28.



Conference Presentations

"Egyptian Tour", Creative Classrooms. September 27, 1997. Chicago Foundation for Education. Chicago Illinois.

"The Philosophical Basis of Africalogical Studies", Midwest Philosophy of Education Society, November 15, 1997. Loyola University. Chicago, Illinois.

_____________.(1997). The decipherment of the Olmec writing. 74th Annual Meeting Central States Anthropological Society, Milwaukee. April.

____________.(1998). Jaguar kings: Olmec Royalty and religious leaders in the first person. 75th Annual Meeting Central States Anthropological Society, Kansas City, Missouri. April.

___________.(1998). The Olmec Religion. 75th Annual Meeting Central States Anthropological Society, Kansas City, Missouri. April.

____________.(1999). Olmec symbolism in Mayan Writing. 76th Annual Meeting Central States Anthropological Society, Chicago, Illinois. April.

____________.(1999). Harappan origins of Yogi. 74th Annual Meeting Central States Anthropological Society, Chicago, Illinois. April.

____________.(1999). Olmec voices: The syllabic signs. 98th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association . Chicago, Illinois. November.

____________.(2000). The Harappan writing and the Tamil language. 36th International Congress of Asian and North African Studies. Montreal , Canada. September.

____________.(2000). Natakamani and Amanitore in the Meroitic Sudan. 36th International Congress of Asian and North African Studies. Montreal , Canada. September.