Clyde Winters,Ph.D.

Clyde Winters was born in Chicago, Illinois. Here he attended Public School and graduated from DuSable High School in 1969.


Winters is a graduate of the University of Illinois-Urbana. Here he earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Anthropology and History. At Chicago State University he earned a Masters degree in Special Education. He has a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Loyola University Chicago.

Winters has written extensively on anthropological, linguistic, special education and comparative education themes. His articles have appeared in Afrique Noire, Journal of Modern African Studies, Contemporary Review, Negro Journal of Education, Journal of Black Studies, International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, Journal of Tamil Studies, Southeast Asian Anthropologist and Central Asiatic Journal, to name a few.

Winters' special interest include Neurobiological learning and instruction, learning disabilities among inmates, Dravidian and African linguistics and ancient scripts. He has deciphered the Libyco-Berber, the Meroitic, the Olmec and the Indus Valley writings.

Clyde Has taught at the elementary, high school and college levels. During this period he has attempted to present a multicultural attitude toward education which recognizes that each student can learn through his own individual effort , and initiative.

Winters is married and the father of six children. This has allowed him to understand that each child and adult brings a unique attitude to learning, that should be nourished by teachers so they can get the most out of each student they teach. His motto is "Education is Good, but Boldness is Better".


Editorial Duties

Editor, Yombo Newsletter, Urbana, Illinois. 1971-1973

Editor, African Library Briefs, for Young Readers, Ames, Iowa,1974-1975.

Editor, Umoja Watu, Ames, Iowa, 1974-1975.

Contributing Editor, Afrikan Mwalimu, 1975-1980.

Associate Editor, Journal of African Civilization, 1979-1984

Contributing Editor,Afrique Histoire, 1982-1987.


Professional Societies

Black World Foundation 1970-1975

Tanzania Historical Association 1972-1976

African Heritage Studies Association 1974-1976

Educators to Africa Association 1970-1976

Asian Studies Association 1972-1993

Association for Supervision 1987-Present

National Council for Social Studies 1988-1992

Illinois Adult and Continuing Educators Association, 1990-1995

Central States Anthropological Society 1996-Present

Council for Learning Disabilities 1990-Present

American Anthropological Association 1996-Present

American Educational Research Association 1995-Present



Professional Duties

IACEA Section Head: Correctional Education

Biographical Note: International Who's Who in Asian Studies, Hong

Kong, 1979.

Member Proposal Committee for Rajavajan Award, of the Tamil University for Creative Writing in Tamil, 1983--

Reader and Evaluator of Ph.D., thesis in Social Sciences for the University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India, 1987--



Clyde Winters, Career Development Activies for Language Arts and Social Studies (6th Grade Social Studies Lessons). Chicago: Chicago Public Schools, 1998.

_____________, Structured Curriculum Handbook A Resource Guide for Grade Six Social Science First Semester. Chicago: Chicago Public Schools, 1999.

______________, (Program of Study Committee).Expecting More: Program of Study Grades 9& 10 Social Science. Chicago: Chicago Board of Education, 1997.

______________, (Program of Study Committee).Expecting More: Program of Study Grades 6, 7& 8 Social Science. Chicago: Chicago Board of Education, 1998.


Clyde A. Winters,"Contemporary Trends in Traditional Chinese Islamic Education". INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF EDUCATION, 30(4):475-479.

___________________. 1987. "Koranic Education and Militant Islam in Nigeria". INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF EDUCATION, 33(2):171-185.

___________________. 1987b. "Traditional and contemporary Trends in Chinese Muslim Education",MUSLIM EDUCATION QUARTERLY ,4(4):52-65.

___________________. 1988. "Contemporary Trends in Chinese Muslim Education". MUSLIM EDUCATION QUARTERLY,4(4):52-65.


___________________. 1988c. "Psychology Test and Black Police Recruits",LABOR LAW JOURNAL, 39(9):634-636.

___________________. 1988d. "Police Quotas", CHICAGO TRIBUNE,9 December,Sec.1, p.26.

___________________. 1989. "Psychology Test, Suits and Minority Applicants", THE POLICE JOURNAL,LXll (l):22-30.

__________________. 1989b. "Chicago Female Police", THE POLICE JOURNAL,LXll (2):136-142.

__________________. 1990. "Problems of Variance in the Utility of the MMPI in the Selection of Metropolitan Police",THE POLICE JOURNAL,LXlll (2):121-128.

___________________. 1991. "Informal Assessment of Special Needs Adults and K-W-L-Plus in Correctional Education". ADULT EDUCATION Connection 4(3):5.

___________________. 1991b. "Hispanics and Policing in Chicago and Cook County, Illinois". THE POLICE JOURNAL, LXlV (l):71-75.

Mathews,M &________. 1992. Bibliotherapy and the Life centered curriculum for Offender populations in prison, Yearbook of Correctional Education, pp. 61-68.

___________________. 1993. "A Theoretical Model for Correctional Education in the U.S.". THE POLICE JOURNAL,LXVI (2):211-219.

-----------------, et al. 1993. "The Role of a Computer-Managed Instructional System's Prescriptive Curriculum in the Basic

Skills Areas of Math and Reading Scores for Correctional

Pre-Trial Detainees". THE JOURNAL OF CORRECTIONAL EDUCATION, 44(1):10-19.

----------------.1993. "The Therapeutic use of the Essay in Corrections", JOURNAL OF CORRECTIONAL EDUCATION,44(2):58-61.

----------,et al..1993. "An Education Policy for Large Jail Programs:A Case Study". THE JOURNAL OF CORRECTIONAL EDUCATION, 44, (3): 124-133.

-------------------.1993. "Making Math Easy for the Unique Learner".ADULT & CONTINUING EDUCATION TODAY,XXIII (10):5.

------------------.1994. "Non-Standard English and Reading". ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading, English and Communication. ED 358 438. 13 pp.

__________________.1994. "The Application of Neurobiological Research in Special Education Instruction". Special Issue: Knowledge Production and Educational Change for Democratic Renewal, PART II: Implications for Educational Policy: Transforming Educational Practice. Thresholds in Education, 20 (2 & 3), 36-42.

_________________.1995a. "Inmate Opinions Towards Education and Participation in Prison Education Programmes". The Police Journal, LXVII, 39-50.

_________________.1995b. IACEA Survey of correctional educators. Keeping Pace, (Newsletter Illinois Adult and Continuing Educators Association,Inc.) 13 (1), Spring, p.15.


________________.1995c. Neurobiological Learning and Adult Literacy, ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading & Communication Skills. ED 385 740.

________________.1995d. Gang's, Drugs and Violence. Teacher's Guide. Chicago: Gangs, Drugs and Violence Prevention Consultants.

________________.1996a. "Adult Math Learning Difficulty Among Offender Students". The Criminologist 20, (2), 75-80.

_________________.1996c. "The Effects of Never-married Parenthood on Offender Non-marital Fatherhood". Police Journal LXIX (3), 262-265.

________________.1996d. "Adult Learning and Multisensory Teaching. ERIC Clearinghouse . ED 393 966. 16p.

________________.1996e. Concentrations of Poverty and Urban Gangs. The Criminologist, 20 (4), 217-228.

________________.1996f. Foundations of the Afrocentric Ancient History Curriculum, The Negro Educational Review, XLVII (3-4), 214-217.

________________.1997. Learning Disabilities, Crime, Delinquency, and Special Education Placement. Adolescence , 32 (126), 451-62.

_______________. 1998. Urban American youth and correctional education.The Criminologist, 22(1), 15-20.

_____________. 1998a.Ebonics and special education placement. The Negro Educational Review, 19 (1-2), 83-86.

____________. 1998b.Communication theory and its implication for teaching and offender rehabilitation. The Criminologist, 22 (3),131-136.

___________.2000."Making math easy for the learning disabled adolescents: Neurobiology and the use of math manipulatives. Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, 25 (1&2), 58-68.

___________.2000. Neurological Basis Cognition, Emotion and Classroom Instruction. Research Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences , 25 (1&2), 39-44.

____________.2000.Motivations behind inmate participation in correctional education programs.Research Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, 25 (Special Issue), 28-58.

____________.2001.Brain based learning and special education.Research Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, 26 (1&2),143-181.






"Learning Disabilities and Correctional Education",13th Annual Illinois Adult and Continuing Education Association (IACEA), March 27,1992. Oak Brook, Illinois.


"Making Math Easy for the Learning Disabled",Partnerships for Literacy X Conference, February 3,1993. Chicago, Illinois.


"One + One= Success: Hands On Math for Adult Learners", 14th Annual IACEA Conference, March 23, 1993. Springfield, Ill.


"Creating High Interest Reading Materials for the Older ABE Student",2nd Annual Adult Learning Skills Program Conference, April 17, 1993. Chicago.


"Communication Theory and Its Implications for Teaching and Offender Rehabilitation", International Correctional Education Association 48th Annual Conference, July 13,1993

. Chicago.


"The Applications of Neurobiological Research to Special Education Instruction", 3rd Annual Research Symposium, Thresholds in Education Foundation, October 8,1993. Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois.

"Enriching the Multicultural World and U.S. History Curriculum" , Multicultural Forum, The Chicago Teachers Union, February, 22, 1995. Chicago, Illinois.

"The Potential of the Neurobiological Knowledge Base on the Education of Individuals with Learning Disabilities, 17th International Conference on Learning Disabilities, October 27, 1995. Chicago.


"Resources on Islam in Central Asia", Resources for Central Asian Studies workshop on Contemporary Methodologies, May 19, 1996. Ohio State University: Middle East Studies Center. Columbus Ohio.


"Egyptian Tour", Creative Classrooms. September 27, 1997. Chicago Foundation for Education. Chicago Illinois.

"Biblioconscientization and Multicultural Literacy", 19th International Conference on Learning Disabilities, October 25, 1997. Arlington, Virginia.


"A Multicultural/ Global View of Good Teaching", Education and Social Transition in a Global Society, November 1, 1997. Midwest Comparative and International Education Society Conference. University of Illinois. Urbana, Illinois.


"Vygotsky, Biblioconscientioustization and the role of training Pre-Service teachers in the Social Transition of Contemporary Students in a Global Society", November 2,1997. Midwest Comparative and International Education Society Conference . University of Illinois. Urbana, Illinois.


"The Philosophical Basis of Africalogical Studies", Midwest Philosophy of Education Society, November 15, 1997. Loyola University. Chicago, Illinois.

Member of Panel: A Coversation with Elliot Eisner, Department of Curriculum, Instruction, & Educational Psychology, May 7, 1998. Mallinckrodt Campus, Loyola University Chicago.


"Dewey, Correctional Education, and Ofender Habilitation", Midwest Philosophy of Education Society Annual Conference: November 6, 1998. Loyola University Chicago.


"Cognition, Dewey, and the Organization of Teacher Education and Small Schools", Midwest Philosophy of Education Society Annual Conference: November 7, 1998. Loyola University Chicago.

"Brain-based methods for teaching math", CPS 5th Annual Miniconference Under the Umbrella, 22 January 1999, Malcolm X College, Chicago.

"Olmec Symbolism in Mayan Writing", Panel: Mexico and Guatemala: Invented Traditions and Abiding Symbols. Central States Anthropological Society, 16 April 1999, Chicago.

"Harappan Origins of Yoga", Panel Religion and the Sacred Self. The Anthropology of Religion Section of the AAA, 17 April 1999, Chicago.

"Young People Accessing Future Careers", Connections'99, 20 April 1999, Pheasant Run Resort, St. Charles, Illinois.

"The potential impact of the neurobiological knowledge base in the Education of the Learning Disabled", Roundtable: Brain and Education, American Educational Research Association, 23 April 1999, Montreal, Canada.

"Wings to the World of Social Studies", Area VII Hub Technology Leadership & Mentors Conference,24 September, Chicago,Illinois.

"Corey H Inclusion and School Change", 21st International Conference on Learning Disabilities, 16 October 1999, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

"Wings to the Afrocentric Internet World", Chicago Public Schools Rising to the Challenge Annual Professional Development Conference, Navy Pier, 29 October 1999, Chicago, Illinois.

"Rocket to Success", ICE Educational Technology Conference '99, 12 November 1999, Naperville, Illinois.

"Music Across the Ages", Creative Classroom 2000 Workshop: September 9, 2000.

"Internet to Teach Community History", Illinois Education and Technology Conference: October 16, 2000. Springfield , Illinois.

"The Sky's No Limit:Students making their Own Business", Illinois Education and Technology Conference: October 16, 2000. Springfield , Illinois.

"Motivations behind Inmate Participation in Correctional Education Programs", Mid-Western Educational Research Association Conference: October 26, 2000, Chicago, Illinois.