The Solace of Flowers

On this page we present flowers in vases, a collection of original art work by Susan Diane Winters.

Flowers are a Joy. They bring us peace and serenity.



I love to paint flowers because they provide me with a feeling of freedom. I feel this way because flowers represent life, being and productivity.


In addition to drawing flowers I have found that food is a good subject. Food is a good subject to draw because we need it to survive and it also gives us a sense of control when we can get enough to eat.

Flowers are a gift from God. They help us to recognize that we are blessed. We know we are blessed every time we see a flower because we know that the beauty and serenity we feel from viewing a flower is the same peace we will have when we return to our Lord.



"Why does the mountain crumble from within,to shake the earth

Why does the rain fall powerful as the hails flash swiftly through the wind to carry them forcefully to the ground to shake as it hit the flat surface

Why does it snow in the midst of April

Why does a lightening strike a tree, where it wouldn't strike a house.

These are the Lord's Last PURPOSE"


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Clyde Winters Homepage
Heavenly Garden 

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