First Name : Jared
URL : Could not resist
Comment : Suicide bombers need practice, they hardly kill that many people. I recommend they practice in their home first.
First Name : trav
Comment : jacko this page is beautiful, just as you are a beautiful man
First Name : Becky
Comment : I'm sleeping outdoors tonight! (That deserves points!)
First Name : k
Comment : i finished war and peace! (well, i kinda skipped parts of the final-heavy-handed essay part, but i think i should get points for that too) . . . i'll miss the company of my sexy russian tolstoy . . .
First Name : Jared
Comment : MIT rules! Jon Velazco may just be the next great American Webmaster in the likes of Mike with a hatred of all that is living worse than Evan. I recommend his page. It is the URL for this message. He provides a better example of cadet life. I am too stupi
First Name : Jared
Comment : I am too stupid, and ignorance is bliss. I can't even tell when I write too much, and I have yet to learn.
First Name : jon
Comment : badass page dude. if you want to feel better about yourself, check mine out. i am a 900 pound whale of a black woman with emotional problems and an x boyfriend who i just cant get to go away.
First Name : Jared
Comment : This guestbook has lost all the speed it once had. What's wrong?
First Name : Mike
URL : Electricpointlandiaburgtown
Comment : Obviously my failure to award the perpetually-obsolete but still sought-after points is at fault. Everybody gets a one-time point bonus of 250, becky gets an extra 100 for sleeping outside, and Jon gets six gazillion for being more jaded than I can ever i
First Name : Mike
Comment : ...concieve of. Retarded guestbook.
First Name : Joe
Comment : I for one and shocked am appalled by all that occurred while I was gone from this guestbook. Historical allusions in point totals? Little above my head(wow what a well crafted pun)
First Name : Evan
Comment : Whatever is the cause of this lack of guestbooking, I'm sure it's Joe's fault.
First Name : Evan
Comment : Look at the facts, it is Joe's fault. But who would believe me? I am a giant flamer who wears the title proudly with my flamer shirt.
First Name : Jared
Comment : Joe is certainly at fault. Evan is certainly a giant flamer. I am certainly awaiting June 1.
First Name : Jared
Comment : By the way, good job with the sudden mass of signings. Go Guestbook Power!
First Name : Kim
Comment : MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I finally noticed you left a WEBSITE link on my Elfwood site (as opposed to the usual email address)and decided to check it! FUNNY STORIES! I remember when you sent me the Walmart/juice bottle one the fall after essex! S
First Name : Jared
Comment : Congratulations! You once again showed yur college application skill this year. Who is this Kim gal? The awesome artist of Elfwood and Shadowscape??
First Name : Evan
Comment : God, I still can't get over how much of a flamer I am. This is ridiculous
First Name : Jared
Comment : You all suck! At least Evan is admitting it, the lousy flamer.
First Name : The Tooth Fairy
Comment : Nice page Mike. I read through your guestbooks chapters. Fucked up. What's with this JAred-Joe-Evan trio? Are they the only ones who read this page now?
First Name : Dan
URL : Fuck Dyin'
Comment : There's a feeling I get when I look to the west.............
First Name : Jared
Comment : Forgetting the little people of the guestbook I see. Good update Mike, at least my link is first. And it has been updated a lot recently.
First Name : Mike
Comment : All points are set to zero, effective immediately. Loyal posters will be rewarded, forcing others to jump on the bandwagon like the herd animals they are.
Kim starts with 1 point for enthusiasm, Jared with 2 for loyalty, and...
First Name : Mike
Comment : ...Chris Malow gets 1 point for returning six separate google responses on his accomplishments, and Jon V. from West Point gets 1 point for continually providing interesting pictures on his website, .
First Name : Jared
Comment : Finally, I have the lead and Becky is unheard of for plans are working out greatly. And when I die, I am just come back as an American. So says the patriot of the week.
First Name : Becky
URL : Yeah, well, I'm back, so there
Comment : I may be unheard from...but that doesn't mean I'm gone. One day, I will take over the world, but Mike's webpage, and thus Mike himself, will assuredly be saved. In the meantime, I have to go sniff...I mean count...pills for the sick of Plain City, Ohio. B
First Name : Becky
Comment : ut watch out, Jared. I've got my eye on you.
First Name : Joe
Comment : Mike, although an excellent website in general, I would like to request you edit a part. You said be people in olmsted falls or institutions of higher learning, they were supporting you. I am both but it would seem as though those two are mutually exclusi
First Name : Joe
Comment : mutually exclusive(though higher learning at bw is up for debate)
First Name : Jared
Comment : Joe, nice moot point. Becky, if you got your eye then what am I doing right now!? Thought so...miss smarty pants. See this is what happens when you study chinese for 12 hours and still are not done.
First Name : Becky
Comment : Jared, you are still studying Chinese, of course. Next question?
First Name : Jared
Comment : What is my favorite color?
First Name : kristi
Comment : jared . . . don't know you, but i do know a gorgeous girl from my area who's going to west point next year. . . i'll give you her phone number if you cede your points to becky.
First Name : Becky, the psychic
Comment : Blue...obviously.
First Name : Jared
Comment : Kristi, I am not too interested in calling this girl, but if you give me her name, email at, I can check up on her next fall after Beast. Becky, you're wrong, hate to break it to you.
First Name : Mike
Comment : Hey, wow, ten entries in like two days. Becky, you get a 5 dollar grant for founding the year-round Essex. and points to everyone else for giving me something to read while OU winds down
First Name : Jared
Comment : The question now is: how many points, Mike, how many?
First Name : Joe
Comment : You guys sicken me. Your greed for point is clouding what is really important: making fun of Evan. I have not seen one comment about how much of a flamer Evan is like 10 posts.
First Name : Joe
Comment : I hope we can settle our pety differences and focus on uniting against a common enemy. Death to the unnaturally tall!!!
First Name : Jared
Comment : I think I need to reference the wise lyrics of the wise Randy Newman. "Short people got no reason to live. Short people got nobody to love. Don't want no Short people round here."
First Name : Jared
Comment : But Joe is still right, Evan is indeed a flamer who has yet to do ten push-ups.
First Name : Joe
Comment : Ten? You need to get past 3 before you can get to 10.
First Name : Becky
Comment : Yeah, well, Jared, I meant red. Duh. Mike, I am glad that I got the much sought-after $5 grant. Now I can buy 4 2-liters of Mountain Dew to aid the little Essexers in the mandatory sleeplessness for, oh, one night. Great.
First Name : Jared
Comment : And Becky is wrong AGAIN, but what can you expect from a cool chick.
First Name : Becky
Comment : *sheepishly*
First Name : Jared
Comment : WRONG! I think I should get a cookie for every wrong answer. Even better I think Becky should have to write me a letter this summer while I am in the woods for every wrong answer. How does that sound?
First Name : Becky
Comment : Yellow. And writing you a letter would involve having your address...having your address would involve knowing where you live, which could potentially lead to tracking you down and...
First Name : Becky
Comment : Thanks for the acknowledgement today, Mike! Oh, and my pet fish, Amelie, died today. Can I have some pity points?
First Name : Jared
Comment : Wrong again, Miss Becky. Sorry to hear about your fish. My duty day starting before Mike even went to bed today. So far today has been a heaping helping of shit.
First Name : Jared
Comment : As for the address, I'll give it you as long as you promise to write to me in July and August since I will be away from civilization and mail becomes my lifeblood. Deal?