
David Sharp mail

Download (latest version: April 5, 2000)
Recent changes/fixes: Added polygon triangulator, mesh size reduction, 'repulsive point' mesh deformation, lathe, pipe, snap 'Pull' mesh deformations, ability to smooth, or reduce, a single connected component, screen resolution options, 'meld coincident vertices', save to 'mesh2' (MegaPov), twist about axis, detach selection from mesh. Choose shading palette. (04/05) Fixed bug in polygon drawing.

Source code. (04/05/00)
(The posted source code is usually a couple of updates or days behind.) To compile this, you need DJGPP and the Allegro game library.
Triangles screen POV-Ray 3.1 rendering of objects constructed with Triangles

Triangles is a free DOS program, distributed without warranties or guarantees. It is for making a mesh (mess?) of virtual triangles mainly using the mouse, and saving the result in a small choice of different formats (RAW , POV , PCM, and Triangles's own TRI format).

View the help file to see the types of things it does. Triangles is designed mainly for use with POV-Ray and is especially suited for manipulating smaller (fewer than a few thousand triangle) meshes. Note that even given the narrow niche Triangles is meant to fill, it is still missing features some might consider essential (for example, support for texturing) and I can't say that development will continue beyond my personal needs.

Some POV-Ray renderings of objects 'made' with Triangles.
twisted Moebius bandtwisted Klein bottle
bogopteryx pelvisAztec can-opener
Projective planesome kind of thingamabob
dangerous toyartifacts
another thing